These fools think that their wretched machines will give them victory. Let them taste the power of nature's power harnessed!
—Storm Ironwings
The Battle of Palanhi was a battle of the Cruentusian War. It occurred when the Zayre, after a period of consolidation, decided to re-enter the war proper by testing out their new crystal-based weaponry on a Death's Tongue Militia base, which Carsal Redharn, former Necasian leader, had learned of. To minimise casualties, they hired a division of Savi Alliance mercenaries for backup. At the end of the battle, the Zayre proceeded to massacre the Savis to prevent them from informing on them, but a few of the mercenaries escaped, which would later prove to have dire consequences for the Zayre.
Despite earlier incursions into their newly adopted homeworld of Ankarr, the Zayre had consolidated and rested and were confident that they were ready to re-enter the war. Carsal Redharn, deposed leader of the Necasian Military, had strongly suggested to Zayre war leader Storm Ironwings that the Zayre conconct new heavy weapons to compensate for their technological disadvantages. The Zayre drew upon their knowledge of crystallography to create crystal bombs, specially designed crystals that could devastate entire areas upon impact by expanding.
Ironwings wished to test out said weapons; Redharn used offworld contacts to find a suitable subject, and learned of a DTM recruitment center and base on the planet of Palanhi, which he guessed was lightly defended. Nonetheless, Ironwings wanted backup to minimize Zayre casualties, so Redharn contacted Savi Alliance leaders in the guise of an anonymous warlord, unwittingly mimicking Janos Snake's actions not long before, and arranged for them to attack the DTM base preselected day. Taking as much of the new crystal bombs as they could, Ironwings and a Zayre force moved out in their personalized SkyBull-class transport, which they had acquired some time before.
The battle[]
Striking first[]
Arriving over Palanhi, the transport trasmitted a signal to the planet. In the main planetary city, planted Savi mercenaries geared up and headed in position around the DTM base and recruitment center. Meanwhile, Zayre carrying the spore crystal bombs exited the transport in the higher atmopshere and then released them over the DTM base. Impacting into the recruitment building, the crystals rapidly expanded, tearing apart the base and panicking the DTM militants. Taking this as their cue, the Savis moved in and began gunning down survivors.
In orbit, Ironwings noted from high-altitude scans that the DTM had multiple outposts and training camps scattered around the main continent. Taking some of them out with more crystal bombs, Ironwings and some of her Zayre warriors dived into the main city, engaging DTM militants. However, the DTM had quickly grasped what was happening, and were deploying Rapier combat bikes and Stinger-class assault buggys, using hit-and-run attacks on the Savis. Ironwings, however, was already moving to counter this.
Using smaller-scale crystal bombs, the Zayre effectively sealed off the city, using the bombs to create large crystal formations that blocked off city entrances. Meanwhile, the inexperienced DTM militants, some of whom were still in training, were cut down by the Savis. Stinger buggies caused minor casaulties to the Zayre and Savis, but Ironwings used lightning and brute strength to eliminate them.
By now, many of the remaining militants were surrendering, and the Savis either forcibly took them into their own ranks or simply gunned them down. However, Redharn had advised to Ironwings to kill the Savis to stop them from reporting the Zayre presence to Askar Invado. Ironwings was reluctant to do so, thinking it without honour, but nonetheless had the Zayre swoop into the Savi ranks, cutting them down. Surprised and taken aback, most of the Savis were eliminated in minutes. Ironwings was satisfied that not one of them had survived, and left with her Zayre comrades. However, a few mercenaries had survived by being in the city subway system, and began to follow the Zayre ship as it left.
Following the battle, Ironwings had decided that the new Zayre weapons were more than adequate, and felt more confident in combat. However, unbeknownst to her, the surviving Savis had tracked the Zayre to Ankarr. Neither Ironwings nor Redharn were aware of the fact that their presence was now compromised.