DTM punks think they're gonna kick our asses, do they? I pity the fools! Let's wisen 'em up!
—Bakas to his troops
The Battle of Ord Vaxal was a battle of the Cruentusian War, and occurred when the Death's Tongue Militia attacked the Necasian world of Ord Vaxal. Overwhelmed and taken by surprised, the Necasians were further weakened by DTM suicide and hit-and-run attacks which caused their defence to crumble. Nonetheless, Necasian officers in charge Bakas Mofo and Snaipes Horgan both personally held the line as the Necasian evacuated, determined to cause the DTM as much damage as possible before they fled.
Having just 'liberated' Iyuta, the DTM immediately selected the Necasian-held world of Ord Vaxal for attack. The Necasians retained an orbital presence over the planet, so the DTM had a Necasian mole planted aboard the defence platform above the planet. Meanwhile, Req Makad and Death's Knock Assassins leader Fayyad Ghazi were selected to lead the attack. The DTM decided to use one of the Strat-class cruisers it had lately acquired.
The battle[]
Falling star[]
Minutes before the DTM attack was scheduled to begin, the DTM mole on the defence platform detonated a suicide bomb, critically damaging it and the frigates docked with it. The explosion was seen down on the planet surface, and Necasian SpecOps officer Bakas Mofo immediately ordered a state of alert, dispatching Necasian officers and NPEC troops to predetermined counter-invasion positions, believing it to be a Srav attack.
However, a Strat cruiser then appeared out of hyperspace, and began attacking the floundering platform with shells and missiles, before disgorging several orbital pods. Said pods impacted around the main city and released DTM troops, who immediately began swarming on the outskirts. Necasian tanks moved to respond, but were weakened by DTM explosive laden Stinger buggies, before being finished off by Seraphim battle tanks.
In orbit, the platform finally collapsed under the fire it was taken, but not before the docked Necasian frigates managed to detact and fight back. The platform then began to enter the planetary atmosphere and break up; however, large chunks of it impacted into the city, spreading chaos and panic among the Necasians.
Harsh education[]

Bakas fires on the DTM
Taking advantage of this, DTM troops moved into the town, firing eborax-laden RPGs from DR12 rocket launchers that cleared out hiding clusters of Necasian soldiers, and Ghazi himself took out several defence installations around it. Bakas ordered troops to head towards the spaceport in the centre of the town, activating the anti-missile laser defence system to protect the town from bombardment, and with that he and Snaipes, backed by SpecOps and elite troops, began to fight back on several streets, temporarily repelling the comparatively poorly trained DTM militants.
Nonetheless, the town outskirts were fully breached. Panicking civilians who got in the way of the DTM were gunned down, and Necasian vehicle depots had been taken out by suicide bombings, giving the DTM armor superiority. In response, Snaipes himself demolished several buildings, blocking off certain streets. Meanwhile, two SkyBull-class transports carrying the evacuating Necasians managed to take off. One of them was fitted with a bomb bay and managed to carpet bomb one DTM-infested area before fleeing. In orbit, the damaged frigates were managing to hold the DTM cruiser, albeit with difficulty. Bakas resolved to carry on fighting, destroying another DTM squad as he did so.
Nonetheless, the number of DTM militants was proving overwhelming, and Bakas and his men were gradually pushed back to the spaceport, where the last transports were preparing to lift off. In orbit, the frigates could take no more and were pulling back. The Strat cruiser then attempted a limited bombardment, but its attacks were deflected by the Necasian laser system. In response, the DTM, led by Ghazi, began to take out the laser sites.
Bakas knew that he was running out of time, so he had SpecOps troops set up firebombs around the spaceport. As the DTM closed in, he detonated the bombs, creating a permiter of fire and taking out several overzealous DTM troops. Bakas, Snaipes and remaining Necasians then fled in the last transport, destroying the spaceport in their escape. In orbit, the Strat began to bombard as the lasers were taken out, but then it had to switch its weapons to the escaping transports. The last SkyBull took moderate damage from flak, but successfully escaped.
In the aftermath, Askar Invado was alarmed by the apparent DTM surge in strength, but was relieved to hear that the Sravs were also being attacked. Meanwhile, the DTM began to plan their next assault.