Our next stop will be the planet, Mustafar. Mustafar, much like Eos, is volcanic. It is one of the most mineral-rich planets in the Galaxy. It is a must for this campaign.
— Bage Nylos
The Battle of Mustafar was a small-scale battle in terms of size but a major battle in taking the Outer Rim. Mustafar was a needed planet with many resources the Mandalorians needed to keep the war effort going. The planet was controlled mostly by a smuggling group called the Nail Gonun. They used the minerals gathered to aid in their operations and trade. The battle was a complete success by the Mandalorians, causing the Republic to look at the Mandalorian conquest of the Outer Rim and do something about it.
The covert mission[]
Mandalorian intel had received reports of six large AA guns that could take out one of their capital ships on the planet. They circled a large compound where the Nail Gonun loading their ships. Bage Nylos decided to send two small transports full of special ops soldiers to take out the AA guns. One squad to three guns was the plan; it was a spectacular plan.
Bage put Rikenn Tarbann in charge of the second squad, which included such famous men as Private Scion, whom Rikenn was good friends with. Bage knew Rikenn was a capable leader from his honorable command in the Battle of Eos shorlty before.
The two shuttles shot through the atmosphere in stealth mode. They were Shrike Assault Transports used by the Mandalorians often. They were small enough with stealth on them that they were able to slip through the defenses. They landed on the planet of Mustafar on each side of the base/mine facility, each soldier ready to do his duty.
Alpha Squad[]
Bage Nylos landed his cloaked craft just outside the complex. He rounded up his team after a weapons and armor check and headed out. They sited the first warehouse and silencly sniped the lead security man in the facility. They charged the warehouse that was in disarray from the death of their head security officer. Alpha squad executed everyone on the spot. They disabled the AA gun shortly later.
Alpha Squad subsequently took out the next warehouse. It was guarded by all battle droids. They simply malfunctioned the lead droid, which ordered the rest to jump into the lava. It worked and they disabled the second AA gun. Bage thought it was too easy.
The last one was hard. It was guarded by ten battle droids and twenty-one Rodian and Zabrak mercenaries. Bage ordered for his squad to stand guard by the door, hoping some fool would wander outside. The plan went as he wanted and the ambushed a Zabrak. They beat him and the information for a warehouse shutdown. They entered the code into a nearby computer terminal and the last warehouse went into an emergency shutdown. Finally, they poisoned the people trapped inside. They destroyed the AA gun, completed the first part of the mission.
Bravo Squad[]
I am the leader of Bravo Squad and Staff Sergeant. Two rules: you are no good to me dead. And: desserters are shot on site.
— Rikenn Tarbann
Rikenn lead his squad, dubbed Bravo Squad, to the three anti-aircraft guns. They were surrounded by mercenaries of all species—Rodians, Trandoshans, and more—and stored in large warehouses. The squad had to be careful not to alert the whole base the Mandalorian presence. They did a good job at that, too.
The first AA gun was guarded by eighteen Rodian mercenaries, ten Trandoshan mercenaries, and fifteen Twi'lek mercenaries. The Mandalorians decided to put on their stealth on and sneak in the warehouse. They moved quickly, taking out the closet guards and fire no shots. They hurried and killed everyone in the warehouse. Subsequently, they deactivated the AA gun. The next was easy; it was surrouned by five total guards, all Rodians. The Mandalorians stormed the warehouse and ordered everyone to the ground. They took the Rodians prisoner and threw them in the lava as execution. The last AA gun was the hardest for Bravo Squad. It was the most heavily defended being in the front of the compound. It had a large defense team of over fifty different mercenaries and battle droids. The Mandalorians set up two snipers, including Scion whom was an expert sniper, on a ridge not too far; it was perfect. Rikenn pondered on how to take the situation. They decided that since Bage was probably done or almost done that a small skirmash was possible. They went to the roof of the warehouse where they secretly opened a hatch. They threw in dozens of grenades as the rest of Bravo Squad charged into the small building. They had destroyed most of the guards and the AA gun.
The battle[]
The battle began when Bravo Squad fired ten sniper rounds into the tall, command tower in the center of the complex. It killed several guards and triggered the defense protocol. That enabled all battle droids in a five kilometer radius and putting them on battle alert. Mandalorian transports began to subsequently pour out of the sky. The Nail Gonun ordered their AA guns to fire but no one was there. The Mandalorians had a clear way to land and soon 5,000 soldiers were on the ground fighting.
The Mandalorians stormed the complex, killing and destroying everything in its way. They plundered residential apartments rented out to the several hundred citizens that the Nail Gonun harbored. It was just a cover for their real operation. The Mandalorians were locked out of the center-most part of the base. That is where their leader, Grivo Forisk was, commanded his forces against the invading army. Charges and heavy turrets couldn't get the door open, neither would rock and metal.
The door finally was opened from the inside. Several groups of soldiers felt the Mandalorians would show mercy if they surrendered. They were wrong and when they arrived to greet the advancing Mandalorian army, they were all trampled. The Mandalorians stormed the center tower and killed the leader in a gunfight. Mustafar belonged to the Mandalorians.