Star Wars Fanon


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A battle was fought on Moscrov during the Alliance War.

Reconnaissance on Moscrov[]


Your powers are weak, old man.

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Alliance Galactic Republic forces just landed sent a unit formed by BARC speeder riders to make a reconnaissance nearby, to find the presence of Coalition Separatist establishments. Sixteen 501st Legion's men went for the mission, and the stopped on a slight elevated forest to look around.

They found a column of CIS's vehicles, formed by twelve STAPs, three OG-9 homing spider droids, one Hailfire droid, three AATs and two MTTs. In that moment some STAPs came from the woods and started hitting the unit, that quickly organized in a circle, with troopers protecting themselves behind the speeders.

The fight wasn't that easy, and five clones died, while four BARCs were destroyed. When all enemies fell, the column started targeting the position, and so the recon unit moved away, returning to the landing point. There they referred everything, and an appropriate mechanized force was organized.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Battle of Moscrov appears in Scenario LXXVI of the Alliance universe.

Notes and references[]

  1. Scenario LXXIV
  2. Scenario LXXVI

Alliance War

Invasion of Umbara I · Battle of Takodana II · Mission to Agrais III
Battle of Agrais IV · Battle of Bentros V · Battle of Kadavo VI
Battle over Canedar VII · Attack on IGOZ-090 supply convoy VIII
Mission to Tatooine IX · Attack on Tatooine IX · Battle over Dracmos X
Invasion of Umbara XI · Battle of Etramus XII · Attack on the Lupus XIII
Battle over Etramus XIV · Invasion of Fallinas XV, XVI, XVII
Mission to Grelignac XVIII · Mission to Hotsen XIX
Battle over Jetsu XX · Battle of Ryloth XXI · Battle of Krupta XXII
Laeced uprising XXIII, XXIV · Attack near Mezinum XXV
Raid on IGOZ-184 XXVI · Laeced uprising XXVII, XXIX
Mission against IIQ-027 XXX · Skirmish on Osklar XXX
First Attack near Peithean XXXI · Battle of Quidsum Station XXXII
Mission to Krupta XXXIII · Battle of Tatooine XXXIV
Skirmish on Stalagmi Station XXXV · Mission to Jakku XXXVI, XXXVII
Ambush on OLAN-010 XXXVIII · Mission to Jakku XXXVIII, XXXIX
Invasion of Coruscant XL · Mission to Tachmani XLI
Mission to IIMP-066 XLII · Second Attack near Peithean XLIII
Rescue over Tachmani XLIV · Invasion of Coruscant XLV
Mission to Uscur XLVI · Battle of Vitera Station XLVII, XLVIII
Mission to Waliong XLIX · Battle of Kamino L
Battle of Xa'kurp LI, LII, LIII · Invasion of Fallinas LIV
Battle of Ysaar LV, LVI, LVII · Skirmish on Zatner LVIII
Battle of Zatner LIX, LX · Mission to Artimalia LXI
Invasion of Umbara LXII, LXIII · Mission to the Mariner LXIV
Battle of Citrosis LXV · Invasion of Dimor LXVI, LXVII
Battle of Ryloth LXVIII · Mission to Fessern LXIX
Battle of Ereidu LXX · First Battle over Hiplon LXXI
Battle of Kludis LXXII · Invasion of Coruscant LXXIII
Attack over Lopset LXXIV · Battle of Ispann LXXV
Battle of Moscrov LXXVI · Battle of Ressin LXXVII
Battle of Nupse LXXVIII · Raid on Optori LXXIX
Raid on Posk Station LXXX · Mission to Quevir LXXXI
Battle of Quevir LXXXII, LXXXIII
Attack on Rasino asteroid field LXXXIV · Battle of Quevir LXXXV
Mission to Spodir LXXXVI · Mission to Tombscot LXXXVII
Battle of Fessern LXXXVIII · Mission to Valdemar LXXXIX
Mission to Wooksa LXXXIX · Battle of Wooksa XC
Battle of Valdemar XCI · Laeced uprising XCII
Raid on IGOZ-125 XCIII · Mission to Harenz XCIV
Mission to Jokel XCV · Battle of Keval XCVI
Battle of Laderook XCVII · Mission to Monsad XCVIII
Battle over Nadder XCIX · Battle of Peldor C · Battle of Quorm CI
Mission to Redevi CII · Battle of Saccun CIII
Mission to Ubanish CIV · Raid over Virgs CV
Mission to Voldrad CVI

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Light Alliance · Dark Coalition · Alliance universe
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