Star Wars Fanon
Legacy era

The Battle of Kinoss was, with the simultaneous Battle of Cormit, the opening salvo of the conquest of the Chiss Ascendancy by the Golden Empire.

The Umdal Centurion Sorrik, installed as Legate over roughly sixty percent of the total invasion force, hit the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force base suddenly and without mercy. His fleet outnumbered the Chiss nearly four to one, and he took relatively few prisoners, though he captured a few frigates and at least one Chiss Star Destroyer. The Empire made no attempt to invade Kinoss itself, and the Royal Army was only deployed to board and commandeer Chiss craft. Sorrik devoted particular attention to capturing several Nssis-class Clawcraft so that his master, Tariun Sakaros, could study them.

Te`net Organi led a party of Royal Army soldiers and other Centurions to board one of Kinoss's space stations, which served as a relay and communications center for the CEDF. The strike team wiped out the Chiss regiment manning the station and sabotaged its main reactor, causing it to explode shortly after Organi and his party escaped.

After Kinoss's defenses were shattered and its offworld communications arrays disabled, the Royal fleet escaped into hyperspace before any substantial retaliatory force could arrive, bound for Csilla.
