Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

What the...
—Tak Sakaros, upon arriving at Khar Delba and being ambushed

The Battle of Khar Delba was a space engagement at the former Sith world of Khar Delba in which the Dark Lord Khrado Ragnos and his apprentice Tak Sakaros were defeated by a confederacy of planetary defenses forces which had banded together against the Sith and dubbed themselves the "Outsectors Alliance". Though the Alliance victory was Pyrrhic, Ragnos was forced to withdraw from the sector in defeat and Sakaros was sent careening aimlessly through space when his hyperdrive was accidentally activated by a blow to his Hadrago fighter.


Having fought together for ten years, Ragnos and Sakaros had become an efficient and terrifying force to be reckoned with, sweeping the Outer Rim and Wild Space ruthlessly. Their reputation preceded them, and so the leaders of thirty-six worlds likely to be in their path called a council to create a counterattack. Dubbing themselves the Outsectors Alliance, the delegates pledged to unite their defense forces and all nearby merchant craft against the Sith Lords. A trap was planned at the icy world of Khar Delba, rich in Sith history and undoubtedly a target for Ragnos.


When Ragnos and Sakaros predictably arrived at Khar Delba, expecting it to be deserted, they were stunned to encounter over two hundred enemy ships lying in wait for them. The Sith launched an all-out counterattack, with Ragnos directing the capital ships and Sakaros commanding the fighter wings. Though the Outsectors Alliance sustained incredible damage to their forces and suffered nearly 100% fighter losses, weight of numbers outweighed tactics and Khrado Ragnos was forced to call a retreat with what remained of his fleet.

During the battle, Tak Sakaros's fighter was hit by a stray turbolaser from one of the Alliance craft. Though he survived, the blast destroyed the fighter's shields, knocked Sakaros unconscious, and activated the craft's hyperdrive. When he awakened, Sakaros pulled the ship out of hyperspace just before crashing into Borgo Prime, where he was to remain the next six years.


Following its defeat of the Sith fleet, the Outsectors Alliance disbanded the remains of its makeshift navy. Though Khrado Ragnos survived, Sith incursions out of the Horuset system were crippled for decades, and would never reach as far as they had.
