Star Wars Fanon

The Battle of Kamino was the first battle of War of Secession.


After the destruction of the Death Star, the Galactic Confederate Systems was created and joined the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Empire. Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker and his former Padawan Cole Kroger had decided that Dooku had to be taken out. Using a captured Imperial shuttle, they infiltrated Dooku's flagship, the Executor just before the Confederation Navy attacked the Imperial military.


New recruit and former Emperor's Hand Nicole Triton led the Naval attack while Skywalker and Kroger went to confront Dooku.

Duel with the Dark Lord[]

Dooku was directing the battle from the bridge when Skywalker and Kroger confronted him. After some witty banter, they engaged in combat.

They attacked with typical Jedi moves in a rush to get Dooku to think it was going to be easy for him. But then, the pair caught him off guard when they switched to more advanced and preferred forms of Soresu and Djem So. Dooku began to tire as Skywalker and Kroger furiously drove him up the stairs to the balcony. Eventually they came back down the stairs. The Jedi pair used the Force and three chairs at Dooku, which he cut down. The Jedi resumed their attack. Dooku was barely able to lift his arms to defend against the pairs' powerful strikes, let alone fight back. With their strength and aggressive lightsaber techniques, Kroger and Skywalker finally cut down Dooku. However, Skywalker received wounds that forced him to retire until the end of the Galactic Civil War.

Battles of the War of Secession
KaminoCato NeimoidiaBespinTatooineNar ShaddaaKorribanYavinBastion Flight 107ShowdownUtapauCongressKroger RaidCoruscantOperation Detachment