Star Wars Fanon
Legacy era

With our growing support, the New Republic will be powerless to stop us!

The Battle of Geonosis was the first major battle between the New Confederacy of Independent Systems and the New Republic during the New Confederacy of Independent Systems and Galactic Droid Empire Wars. The battle lead to several additional major conflicts. It was the first major combat of the Grand Army of the New Republic, as well as the first major battle the Jedi of the new Jedi Order would fight. It sparked many bloody conflicts in the war that would devastate most of the galaxy.


We must fortify our strongholds before the Republic takes action!
—Darth Tyler to Troyb

The battle occurred after Separatist Warlords decided to leave the New Republic because of its corrupt bureaucracy. The Warlords soon pledged their forces to the New Confederacy on Geonosis and charged the New Republic for acts of political corruption. Luke Skywalker and Senator Han Solo attempted to reason with the organizations that were about to join these “New Separatists,” but were too late to change the Warlords' minds. In response to the meeting Luke held about the Separatists' conspiracy, the New Galactic Senate, after a suggestion made by Senator Nan Grish of Man Calamari, decided to create an army such as the one during the Clone Wars to battle the threat. Luke brought a newly created army, which had been in the works for afew years, into use and sent them to Geonosis right behind a Jedi negotiation force.

Penetrating the defences[]

Do you call this a diplomatic solution?
—Luke Skywalker to Troyb[src]

A group of Jedi, led by Jedi Masters Luke Skywalker, Tella Meno and Pon Ti, were sent to Geonosis by the Jedi Council to reason with the New Separatists and investigate rumours that they were constructing a new type of droid army on Geonosis.

Upon entering the system, the fleet of 50 Jedi starfighters were fired upon by Anti-orbital cannons, taking many casualties. While the other Jedi created a destraction, Luke Skywalker and Pon Ti slipped past the firing range of the cannons and commandeered TX-130S fighter tanks, and attempted a communications jamming to stop any CIS forces from calling for reinforcements, but were unable to because of security forces. The droid defenses, consisting of GATs, Hailfire droids, and STAPs, attempted to hold them off, but were destroyed by the Jedi. The power nodes were destroyed, causing the defense cannons to explode.

The last cannon, however, was housed in a crashed in a Republic cruiser. Luke set out on foot with a squad to disable the cannon. He penetrated the defenses and destroyed the last power nodes with his lightsaber. With the orbital defenses disabled, a landing zone had to be made. The Jedi strike team landed in a captured Confederate outpost and moved toward the Main spire where the New Separatists were meeting. The perimeter of the Spire was defended by several Hailfrie droids and three AAT tanks. The Jedi were unable to get inside the New CIS outpost, so they seated up a command post a few miles away.

The battle[]

Planet battle[]

After the Republic set up a base, the droid and clone armies engaged one another in a series of engagements on a number of different fronts around the planet. The Republic's army landed in twelve assault ships, offloading infantry, armored vehicles, artillery and air support. The Newly united Separatists army consisted of droid infantry of varying strength and size, larger droid-controlled Vehicles. The New Republic forces attempted an aerial bombardment of the Separatists' fighter craft, allowing the Republic's gunships to have air superiority throughout much of the battle, giving the clone forces a crucial advantage, but instead the New CIS navy hailed Republic assault ships with blaster fire, allowing Confederate crafts to board and take control and open a gap for more Confederate navy forces.

Geonosis Battle02

Droid forces advancing on the clone army.

Although the clone troopers were vastly outnumbered by droids, the droids were heavily exposed to attacks from the air by Republic gunships. The New Republic's armored walkers were strong against the lightly armored spider droids employed by the New Separatists, but were vulnerable to the rockets on the Hailfire droids. The Republic gunships were tried in clearing away the Hailfire droids and allowing the Walkers to establish superiority on the battlefield, but the Hailfires were able to shoot down the Gunships before any such action.

Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker, who was fighting on the ground, made his way to a Gunship and used it to destroy several Hailfire droids, allowing Republic forces to push through. After landing and defending their base guns, the Federation core ships sent out waves of Droids and managed to take out four guns while. In this way, only three core ships were destroyed by the guns.

If Troyb and Darth Tyler escape, many more systems will join his cause
—Luke Skywalker during the battle
Battle of Geonosis03

The Remainer of the Clone forces qucikly surrender.

Having beaten the clone army into retreat, luke took note of the fact that much of the Separatist starfleet was still grounded receiving shipments of droids when the remaining Republic forces attacked. Lightly armored and vulnerable Techno Union starships attempted to ship droids to other worlds immediately, two were destroyed in the first wave of attacks from the remaining Republic gunships. The Jedi Master now ordered the army's artillery to attempt to break through the New CIS defences as a last resort but failed and while in space the Republic fleet were destroyed by the New Separatist ships. The New Separatists were successful in taking control of the surface of the planet, but were unable to capture the Jedi leaders and have and advantage in the war before it got any longer. The Remaining Republic forces attempted to destroy and capture Separatist out posts, but were unable do to the fact that they were greatly out numbered. Luke Skywalker and the other commanders managed to escape in one of the last Assault ships an return to Coruscant.


I have good news, all Republic forces have left the system!
—Darth Tyler to TroyB

After the battle Darth Tyler informed to all the other Separatist aligned governments via Holonet that the New Confederacy of Independent Systems was victorious and was one step closer to winning. All the Separatists cheered with approval and pledged their forces to the New CIS.
