Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era
This article is about Battle of Endor, led by Anakin and Obi-Wan. You may be looking for the Battle of Endor led by Dustin Fayne.
460px-Aat negvv

The ATT participated in many battles, but none were said to have been more famous around the Holonet than the Battle Of Endor, where it routed several troopers and the droids took them prisoner.

The Battle of Endor was a large-scale battle that took place during the Clone Wars on the Forest Moon of Endor.


The battle started by accident when a group of Munificent-class frigates met a Venator cruiser. Both groups pulled out of the area to gather reinforcements. About a day after the initial encounter, more Separatist ships appeared in-system, and droids,AATs,MTTs, STAPs, and vulture droids started to spew out of their hangars toward the surface of the hbitable moon below. A massive encampment was set up.

Soon the Republic arrived. Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and a fleet of Republic ships attacked the Munificent, Recusant, and Luchrehulk ships, while the capital ships spawned ARC-170 starfighters, V-wing bombers, vulture droids, droid tri-fighters, and Separatist bombers. On the surface, many LAAt/i gunships tried to land on the surface and on major Spearatist landing platforms, but were pushed back by hailfire droids, ani-aircraft batteries, and ATTs. Later, bombers strafed the surface of the moon, destrying many of the anti-air batteries. AT-RT walkers then came onto the planet via walker transports and quickly escorted landing infantry to major Separatist bases.


AT-RT walkers commonly took on jungle environments.

In orbit, two of the Venator cruisers were destroyed. With many of the fighters lost and more of the Republic capital ships taking serious damage, the fleet limped back to Courscant. The clones were routed on the surface and the A Separatist victory emerged from this wild encounter with their enemies. The clones on the surface were captured or killed, and the Separatists used the planet as a vibroblade thrust into other parts of the Outer Rim. The base was later used as a gathering point for raids on Republic space. A massive factory was founded on the planet, and many of the droids that participated in important battles of the Outer Rim, such as on Utapau, were from the planet.
