Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

So, Earth has joined the barbarians! They will pay dearly for their crime of treason!
Darth Caedus on Earth joining the Confederation

The Battle of Earth was a battle between the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances (and the Union of Earth States, which remained loyal to it) and the Confederation-allied Confederate States of Earth. The battle was the result of President Jane Zarkan II, daughter of famed Separatist Jane Zarkan, withdrawing her nation from the GFFA and allying with the Confederation due to the GFFA becoming more oppressive.

President Williams: “We won't support your rebellion against the Galactic Alliance, traitors, we are loyal to the Alliance, and we will take up arms for it if we must.
President Zarkan II: “Then you are fools! You are fools for bending the knee to oppression and tyranny! Once again we will spill our blood to remain free!
―Union President Adam Williams and President of the Confederacy Jane Zarkan II, debating Union involvement in the rebellion of the C.S.E against the Galactic Alliance


We agree with Corellia, the Galactic Alliance is becoming too oppressive, I believe that it's the peoples' right to rise up against an oppressive, tyrannical system, that was, after all, how my nation was born. Henceforth, I hereby declare Earth's withdrawal from the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, and allegiance with the Confederation.
—Jane Zarkan II announcing Earth's withdrawal from the GFFA and alliance with the Confederation

In the years after the Swarm War leading up to the Second Galactic Civil War, people began to feel that the GFFA was becoming too oppressive, and was turning into a "reborn Empire". Corellia and the Five Worlds, refusing to put up with the oppressive GFFA, declared independence from the GFFA and founded the Corellian Confederation.

Following the alliance of planets such as Fondor, Commenor and Bespin to Corellia, the Corellian Confederation was renamed simply the "Confederation". Confederate Earth was largely sympathetic to the Confederation's cause, they agreed with the Corellian view that the GFFA was becoming too oppressive, especially after the founding of the Galactic Alliance Guard, the GFFA's secret police, the Confederate people finally decided to join Corellia's revolution, so she withdrew the Confederate States of Earth from the GFFA, and joined Corellia's Separatist government.

Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo) Was furious at Earth for joining his enemies, and decided to launch and invasion of Earth to conquer it and force it to rejoin the GFFA. He ordered Admiral Wilhuff Agareth to command the invasion fleet, and worked with the commander of the loyalist forces of the Union Army, General Sanderson.


Good Confederate people, once more we must take up arms in the defence of our freedom! I am reminded of the good old days, when my mother led the secession of 95 states from the old oppressive Union and we joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as well as our War of Independence, in which we fought to defend of our liberty from the Union and its Republic backers. Corellia is right, the Galactic Alliance has become the "reborn Empire", it is but a shadow of its New Republic predecessor! We and our allies must liberate ourselves from this evil, draconian, oppressive empire!
—Part of Jane Zarkan II's broadcast to her people, upon hearing the GFFA's declaration of war on Earth

Following Earth's secession, the GFFA declared war on Earth, as the GFFA invasion force prepared, Earth's forces mobilized, Earth was guaranteed support from her allies in the case of a GFFA invasion.
