Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

Comrades! These Necasian dogs stand in our way. Let us show them who is the superior power here. BURY THEM!
—Ivran Gresev
These fools dare to stand against our might! We shall uphold the Rakatan legacy, destroy these enemies, and enslave them for our own uses! Crush those who oppose!
—Haveer Jarn to his troops

The Battle of Dagobah (Cruentusian War) was a battle of the Cruentusian War, between the Necasian Military and the Srav Federation for control over Dagobah. Initially, the Necasians managed to largely beat back the Sravs, who then returned with reinforcements and forced the Necasians into the swamp. Eventually, the difficulty of the terrain forced both sides to retreat. Radiation from Srav weapons would trigger mutations in Dagobah wildlife, transforming it from a, in places, relatively hospitable planet to the dangerous bog world it would eventually become.


Cold War[]

After the Cruentusian War first started, the Necasian Military and Srav Federation fought off heavy attack from the smaller roving war bands, establishing themselves as major powers in the war. The Necasian Military and Srav Federation were then involved in a face off, cum cold war, for months, neither daring to attack the other, whilst they both tried to add more planets to their control. The war didn't start until both attempted to take Dagobah, the middle ground between their two empires.

The battle occurred when the Sravs and Necasians both set their eyes on Dagobah, an obscure planet more on less on the boundary between their respective territories, giving it good strategic value; also, scans revealed that the planet contained untapped resources and large quantities of fair fauna which could be used as medicine, a commodity that both sides were in serious need of. Also, it was quite a paradise-like world, with beautiful rainforest. Confident that it had not occurred to the Necasians to take the planet, the Sravs dispatched a small force, whereas the Necasians sent a sizeable battalion, seeking to consolidate their position.

The battle[]

Opening moves[]

Comrades! We have Necasian forces, incom--
—A Srav soldier moments before being killed

Both sides arrived on Dabogah at more ore less the same time. The Sravs took their time, setting about scouting and recon rather than fortifying, which the Necasians did. The first encounter between the two forces was when a Necasian Battle force, moved to create a new camp, discovered a Srav scouting party and, after being alerted to the Srav's presence, they destroyed the scouting party. It wasn't for another three days that the Srav's learnt of the Necasian presence, as they sent more scouting parties to investigate the strange disappearance. The Necasian's had wasted no time, and they gathered themselves a large battle force, believing the Srav's to have landed in far greater numbers. Lacking any decent military hardware, the Sravs were sitting ducks when the Necasians assaulted their camp. The Necasians stormed the camp straight away, obliterating a large part of it, but the Srav's holed in, and the Necasians were forced to use siege tactics, until a stray laser shot struck a Srav weapon bunker, creating a large hole into which the Necasians entered. Most of the Srav troops were killed, and the rest forced to retreat.

However, the Necasians made the mistake of thinking that this was the extent of the Srav force, and, complacent after their preliminary victory, began to relax themselves and celebrate their victory, insid the former Srav camp. Unbeknownst to them, the Sravs had sent off a distress call, echoing out through many nearby systems, and a Srav transport carrying a battalion that had been placed in case of trouble near the system boundary headed for the planet. Avoiding the Necasian sentry ships positioned around the planet, the transport settled down on an area of flat ground. Drakuv-class tanks and Okol-class missile launchers were deployed, and the Sravs consolidated around their landing site, fortifying themselves and creating a new camp. Determined to hit the Necasians off guard, the Sravs immediately used their Okols to fire tactical nuclear weapons in the area where the Necasians were concentrated, using storm tactocs. Although the weapons were much weaker than usual Srav nukes, the explosions still devastated large amounts of rainforest, destroying large areas of Necasian controlled territory and setting fires into soon out of control situations. Caught off guard, The Necasians had suffered heavy casualties, but were now aware of the situation, and moved in to combat this new threat, with only a fraction of their main forces.

The main battle begins[]

High Command will accept no failures! Wipe these pathetic Srav's from Dagobah's surface!
—The SpecOps commander to his platoon

The SpecOps Warriors place the beacon flag

The Necasians, after discovering the Srav presence, decided to go against all of their principles, and employ Necasian SpecOps to use guerilla tactics to enter the base. The SpecOps successfully used guerilla tactics in hit and run attacks to weaken the resolve of the Srav's, and successfully damage their stores. Eventually, the SpecOps infiltrated the base and, after distracting te Srav's by placing bombs inside their store houses and detonating them. The SpecOps then reached the top of the hill the base was situated upon before erecting a beacon flag, and taking cover. This signified for the Necasians to commence bombardment, and Elthior-class IV Assault Frigates were successfully deployed to bombard the base into submission, before storming the base. The Srav's were powerless to stop them, and the base became Necasian controlled.

However, the Necasians were at a loss after this. The main bases on Dagobah before them were controlled by the Srav's, and the main body of Necasian troops were stuck in marshes to the west. Sensing this, the Srav's moved in, and reclaimed the base, killing the Necasians inside. When the Necasian forces finally did arrive, it was too late, and the base had been fortified, however the Necasians mounted two unsuccessful attempts to reclaim it.

The Necasians finally noticed that there only chance would be to provoke the Srav's into open combat, and Necasian High Command took a direct interest in the battle with Carsal Redharn himself commanding legions from afar. In order to prove the Srav's, a small group of SpecOps warriors were sent to mount attacks on other bases. If they died, the Srav's would hopefully have been provoked into open combat, but if they lived then they had claimed bases. High Command believed the sacrifice to be needed.

The turning point[]

Dogs! Let them feel Srav might!
—Ivran Gresev

The small force of Necasians sent to combat the threat were soon crushed by the large Srav forces, the Okols and Drakov tanks wreaking havoc through the Necasian lines, encountering far greater numbers than had been expected. Forced into a full scale retreat, the small group returned to the main camp, discovering a fully armed battle force. The Necasian High Command was contacted, and they gave the order to attack. A large force of Necasian forces, complete with Elthior-class IV Assault Frigates, made its way through the forest, with the sole aim of assaulting the Sravs in open combat.

Due to the rainforest blocking their sensors, the Srav forces only noticed the incoming Necasian troops when they too close for Okols to be used, as any nuclear weaponry used would have also destroyed them. The Elthior Class IV Assault Frigates blindsided the troops, causing horriffic damage to Srav numbers, before Gunboats were dispatched by the Srav's to combat this new threat. The Elthior's were then taken out of the battle, forced to concentrate only on the gunboats. The colossal number of Necasian troops then moved in, storming the Srav lines. Nonetheless, although they were still outnumbered and encircled, the Srav soldiers were of a higher calibre, and dug in. The Sravs also made use of their superior armour, with their Drakuvs chewing up the Necasian Toronians. The Necasians began to retreat into the rainforest, and Srav troops and tanks gave chase. However, the Drakuvs were not designed for this terrain, and soon bogged down. This way, the Necasians were able to pick off some Srav tanks with impunity, but the remaining Drakuvs irradiated the surrounding rainforest by burning off their shells, causing heavy sickness amongst the troops of both sides. Although the tanks had been destroyed, the aerial battle was soon won by the Elthior's, and they managed to take down a considerable amount of Srav military, before Srav nuclear weapons destroyed them. The Srav's deciding to dig in, and not retreat, caused a horriffic number of casualties on both sides, the terrain stopping many weapons and taking the lives of many soldiers, both Necasians and Sravs alike.

However, the battle had awoken a dormant system of predatory plant in the rainforest. Sharing a collective consciousness, the plants were able to pick of infantry of both sides, and bullets had little effect on them. This plant was carnivorous, and attacked both sides adding, effectively, another faction to the battle. After heavy losses, the two factions were ill equipped to deal with this new threat, and the Srav's resorted to heavy nuclear bombardment; suicide for a large portion of their troops. However, the Srav's would rather this than allow the plant to breed. The Necasians instead attacked the Srav's but, as they didn't concentrate pn the plant, many of them were torn apart. Depleted, both sides were forced to retreat.


High command will not tolerate disasters such as this. Your use is redundant, and no longer needed. I bid you good day.
—A Necasian agent before executing a Necasian intelligence officer

The Necasians and Sravs both fled to their camps, the Necasians using their few remaining transorts to flee the planet and rejoin a fleet above, before bombarding the area where the plant had bred, before retreating. The Srav's instead fled and rejoined their main fleet, some distance away. Both sides retreated from Dagobah, both intending to return. However, the radiation left over from the Srav nukes and shells spread across the rainforest, irradiating the plants and transforming the jungle into an inhospitable bog. It killed off the predatory plants, but mutated the existing wildlife into dangerous and unpredictable monsters. Eventually, all sides on the war decided that Dagobah was no longer worth taking.

The Necasian Military High Council eventually decided that a lack of intelligence caused many losses, and many in Necasian Intelligence were systematically shot. The terrible battle had come about due to a lack of intelligence, and the Necasians were determined not to let this happen again.

Dagobah's transformation from a rainforest to a bog was eventually lost to history, and by the Galactic Republic all assumed that it had always been in such a state. By the time of Yoda's exile to the world, all the radiation had faded away and the remains of battle hardware had been lost to the swamp, although when Yoda sometimes went into a meditation during his exile he would sense that a conflict of sorts had taken place on the world long ago, but he never thought anything of it.
