The Battle of Coruscant was a battle during the Successors War between Darth Krayt and his ally Darth Wyyrlok; and Darth Proditor, the Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire.
The battle saw the death of Darth Proditor and the succession of Darth Krayt to the throne.
Following the formation of an alliance between Darth Krayt, and Darth Wyyrlok at Korriban just weeks before, Coruscant began to prepare itself for invasion. Darth Proditor ordered the entirety of Death Squadron to protect the capital whilst the 4th and 3rd Sith fleet's made their way back to the capital.
The commander of Death Squadron, Admiral Jak Consta, positioned his fleet directly above Coruscant, just behind the planet's devastated moon; in a defensive formation. When the Sith armada of Darth Krayt arrived, Death Squadron was surprised by the sheer size of it – five Hammer-class Star Destroyers.
Admiral Consta ordered part of his force to move forward and destroy the five Star Destroyers, but was not surprised when the seven Hammer-class Star Destroyers he sent were ambushed and destroyed by Darth Krayt's fleet.
The battle[]
With the full size of Darth Krayt's fleet revealed, Consta order his fleet to fan out, and widen their defense formation. Many in his command structure queried this order, but were over-ruled.
Darth Krayt was dubious of this new formation, and rightly so, for he soon realized that his fleet had been partially encircled by Death Squadron, and that the rest of the fleet had just jumped in behind him.
Surrounded and outnumbered by Death Squadron, Krayt ordered Darth Wyyrlok too hold his position, and prevent the second half of Proditor's fleet from cutting them off. Krayt in the meantime ordered his forces to fan out, matching the formation taken by Death Squadron.
Krayt then ordered his forces to open fire with all batteries, hoping that the sheer amount of firepower would overwhelm the enemy warships shields. In some cases he was right, and several warships were destroyed, but not enough. When Death Squadron returned fire the losses on Krayt's side were much greater.
Then, the second half of Death Squadron began closing in on Darth Wyyrlok's forces, but were quickly repelled by Wyyrlok, and were themselves encircled. Now, with the entirety of Death Squadron encircled, Krayt's forces cut the fleet too shreds.
Seeing the destruction of his fleet, Jak Consta was close to breaking down. His First Officer, who was also seeing the fleet being destroyed, decided to take things into his own hands, and shot Consta through the back of the head. The First Officer then sent word to Krayt that the fleet was surrendering.
Land battle[]
With Death Squadron under his command, Darth Krayt procedded to surround Coruscant, and shut off all connections to the greater galaxy. Completely cut off, Darth Proditor sent a direct challenge to Darth Krayt, for the throne.
Darth Krayt complied, and the invasion began.
Darth Krayt ordered his 60,000,000 Sith troopers to land on Coruscant, and capture all the key military facilities and structures. They were successful at first, but Proditor's forces quickly fought back, and held the invaders at several point all over the planet. Darth Nihl, a former Nagai warlord who had recently pledged his allegiance to Darth Krayt was tasked with leading the main assault on the Senate building.
Darth Nihl, along with 100 Sith Knights and 10,000 Sith troopers charged the Senate building, and overwhelmed the meager defence force, slaughtering all before them. Nihl himself was highly feared for his brutality and lust for blood, and his leading the assault on the Senate building did little to quell the fears of his enemies.
With the Senate building captured, Darth Krayt made his way down to the planet, and order Nihl to capture the High Palace, and kill Darth Proditor.
Tracking down the Dark Lord[]
Darth Wyyrlok, having discovered the hiding place of Darth Proditor accompanied Darth Nihl too the High Palace of the Sith Order of Decreto, in the Palace District, to engage the Black Guard who were guarding the Palace.
Darth Nihl's forces attacke the Palace from the south, whilst Wyyrlok's attacked from the east. Nihl forces broke through the main gates, but at a heavy cost, as the Palace's automated self-defense systems fired upon them. Having got through the gate however, Darth Nihl's forces were then faced with another obstacle; the southern stairway.
The great stairway, numbering one thousand steps, lead directly to the foot of the Great Corridor, which penetrated deep into the heart of the High Palace. Strewn along the steps were the remains of rudiementary defenses and bodies, whilst the intermittent opposition greatly slowed Nihl's advance. After an hour of combat, Darth Nihl reached the great Central Courtyard and awaited the arrival of Darth Wyyrlok's forces. He waited for several minutes, and ten realized that time was of the essence.
Ordering his men to remain in the courtyard, and too prevent Proditor's forces from regaining their losses, Darth Nihl and two Sith Knights head the central elevator and made their way up too the Royal Throne Room. Arriving in the Throne Room, the three Sith Knight's were greeted by Darth Proditor, and his apprentice, Darth Sucasa.
Duel on Coruscant[]
Darth Nihl ordered the two Sith Knights to engage Darth Sucasa, whilst he battle Darth Proditor. Sucasa held the two Sith Knights easily, but couldn't gain the advantage over them. Nihl on the other hand struck hard at Proditor, quickly overwhelming his defense. Proditor was not so easily defeated however, and used the Force to push Nihl back, smashing him into one of the Room's holographic "mirrors".
Sucasa then managed to disarm one of the Sith Lords, his blade searing through the Sith Knight's bicep, cutting it in two. Sucasa then turned his attention to the second, who did better too defend himself.
Proditor, once again used the Force to pull Nihl's weapon towards him, but failed when Nihl grabbed the weapon mid-air. Nihl jumped high over Proditor, slicing his shoulder pad with his weapon, causing Proditor to drop in agony.
Nihl, having landed, quickly spuna around and sliced his lightsaber through Proditor's skull; killing him instantly. Turning on Sucasa, Darth Nihl slew him from behind.