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If you're defeat at Commenor has told you one thing, it is that Baden cannot be trusted. You should have him removed, immediately.
—Darth Galepius to Darth Destru
The Battle of Commenor was a battle fought between the Disciples of Bane and the Republic during the Bane Crisis. The Republic forces successfully managed to repel the Disciples' assault and secure the planet for the Republic.
Lead up to the battle[]
I will strike a blow at teh heart of the Republic, one they shall never recover from.
—Darth Destru
The war between the Republic and the Disciples of Bane had gone on for almost two years. Despite the Disciples defeat at the Ord Cestus, their forces were still strong enough to challenge the Republic's. Darth Destru decided to launch an attack on the Core, starting with Commenor. His allies Darth Baden and Darth Galepius believed that the plnet's defenses were too strong.
Destru continued with his attack, but Galepius persuaded Baden to abandon him, dooming Destru's attack from the start.
The battle[]
Destru's fleet arrived above Commenpr, and discovered a large Republic armada waiting for them. Destru did not care about the size of the enemy fleet, he was confident that when Baden arrived the battle would be won. He engaged the first Republic battle group while the other three moved around to flank him.
With his force now surrounded on three sides, Destru was now wondering where Baden's fleet was. It was then that Galepius sent him a message that Baden had btrayed him. Destru, now realising the dire state he was in, ordered a retreat and fled the system.
Following his defeat, Destru pinned all the blame on Baden and after some prompting by Galepius, he sent his agents to kill his rival. Although they were successful, Baden's death led to a civil war on Korriban which led to the destruction of both his and Destru's force. With their deaths, Galepius became leader of the Disciples, just as he had planned.