Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

The Battle of Coag'el was the first battle of The Lepi Revolution. It took place in 3,977 BBY and came out with a Lepi victory.


The Hutts had their mercenaries transport about 200 military soldiers including Lepi Captain Shal'kn to the prison city of Coag'el. While there the mercenaries ran into protester trouble. They began to execute one by one until they went away. During the night at sometime Captain Shal'kn and about 50 Lepi miltary prisoners were freed. Throughout the night the rest were freed and got their hands on the armory. By the morning they gathered and began to attack.


During the sunrise of the morning on 3,977 BBY Lepi military personnel and Lepi Protesters began to attack Coag'el City's mercenary personnel. The first thing that was taken was the communications station to prevent warning to the Hutt's. After about an hour half of the mercenaries were wiped out. A fourth were still fighting, the rest were hiding. About 5 hours into the battle the few surviving mercenaries surrendered.


With a decisive victory and fresh hate in their hearts the Lepi combatants executed the surrendering mercenaries. Early that day the Lepi including military Captain Shal'kn formed the Lepi Revolutionists, a rebellion group in the hopes of retaking Coachelle Prime from Hutt Slavery.

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