Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The Battle of Chuck's drift was a devastating battle early on in the Zao tenj War. The battle saw the decimation of the single largest Sith fleet and left over half of the galaxy wide open for the Zao tenj to conquer.

Occurring just hours after the invasion at Hardpoint One; Chuck's drift was the second battle which saw the allied Jedi and Sith engage the Zao tenj.

The battle[]

With word of the victory at Hardpoint One yet to reach the ears of the Sith fleet at Chuck's drift, the fleet was severely worried and demoralized. So much so that when the Zao tenj fleet finally arrived the initial shock was so great that they were instantly routed.

Tai painj knew that if the Zao tenj were to be defeated he would need a fleet to battle them with, and so he went about cheering on the retreating Sith forces, raising moral so much that the vast majority turned tail and returned to the battle; and just in time.

Had they not arrived in time the Sith warships that had remained would have been wiped-out. Yet, despite this vast surge of warships coming to their aid, the Sith/Jedi forces found themselves being pushed back.

With most of the fleet destroyed and the battle ultimately lost, Tai painj ordered the remaining warships to retreat, ending the battle as a victory for the invaders.

Battles of the Zao tenj War
Omia CreiaThe AbyssHardpoint OneChuck's drift
KorribanYavin IVGnuSith'ika