Star Wars Fanon

The Battle of Chanosant was a battle fought between the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Coalition during the Mezzilenic War.


As the war between the Republic and the Jedi Coalition continued, the Republic found that the advantage was swinging away from them following the Bothans joining the Coalition. The Coalition had then blocked all the major hyperspace routes to the Outer Rim, cutting off the Republic from much of its supplies. Determined to change the course of the war, the Republic began attacking Coalition worlds in the Core and Expansion regions of the galaxy. One of the main targets was Chanosant, a hub of anti-Republic sentiment that the Republic was determined to wipe out.


Arriving above the planet, the Republic fleet engaged the token Coalition force above the planet while Major Ester Mint was dispatched with his commandos to take out the planet's command center. Mint split his commandos into two groups, leading one to the control center while sending the other to take out the main walkway between the control center and the main army barracks. Both attacks went as planned and Mint and his team seized the control center and disabled Chanosant's planetary defenses while the other team destroyed the bridge and prevented reinforcements from attacking Mint.


With the defenses shut down, the planet quickly surrendered and Republic forces occupied the world. Mint was promoted to Colonel for his actions and was assigned to aid Ugra, a force witch and advisor to Chancellor Signet Mezzileen.
