Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

The Battle of Carrivar was on the planet Carrivar. It was between the Death's Tongue Militia and the planets native species Hemes Arbora.


Hmm, according to some spice traders, they say that saw some odd looking ships. The spice traders described the ships to me and they matched those of the Infinite Empire! Well brothers, hold onto your guns, its going to be one long battle!
—Sabsa Junn to his troops.
Sorry, but you know too much. I'm afraid we have to get rid of you. Have a nice day.
—Sabsa Junn before shooting a spice trader

After the raid in Gresevokrad, the DTM considered itself ready for any battle that could come to it. The DTM's ranks were getting bigger as they have recruited over 4,000 new militants. This gave the DTM army a strong 18,000 overall militants. During the raid on Gresevokrad, the DTM acquired some nuclear weapons. The DTM were eager to use them in a battle soon. Krennel Kaan, the chief scientist of the DTM found a damaged ship near the planet of Carrivar. The ship he spotted was a spice ship, making its way to the planet called Malagarr to get supplies. A spice trader told Sabsa Junn via comlink that they were shot by large green ships. A DTM transport made its way to the lone spice ship and boarded it. The trader explained what the ship looked like and said that it flew to Carrivar. Sabsa instantly knew those green ships belonged to the Rakata. He thanked the trader and the other traders on board. Sabsa then ordered his militants to kill the traders. The traders were unarmed so they were killed very quickly. A DTM taskforce then boarded its transports and flew to Carrivar with the rest of the DTM fleet behind them.

The battle[]

The search[]

What are those things sir?"
"Tourists, dumb ones at that.

—Some Carrivaren natives watching the DTM walking around in circles

The DTM landed their transports on the surface of Carrivar. They took out 5 parties of 500 to search around the large plains. The DTM were very cautious, walking slowly, looking for footprints and holes on the ground made by a ship landing gear. After 4 hours of searching, the DTM found nothing. Sabsa Junn was furious. He and his battalion started to make there way back to the ships. Back at the ships, a curious native waddled over to a lone ship. He examined it. He saw a small hole with a button in it. The native pressed the button and the ship hatch was opened. The native entered it. He sat in the cockpit. He saw a large yellow button. He pushed the button and a small tactical nuclear missile was shot out of the ship, through a bush and blew up in a large plain. The blast killed a whole battalion led by Krennel that was making its way to the fleet. Krennel survived the blast with minor injuries, however, and the surviving soldiers left the injured men to die and ran past the bush and boarded the DTM ship that had the curious native in it. The DTM found the man and beat him and brought him out of the ship and kicked him to the ground. Sabsa made his way with his battalion to the DTM landing site. He picked up the native by the throat. He was threatening the native to tell him where his tribe where or he kill him. The native opened his mouth and yelled. Instantly a huge number of natives came over a hill with old and battered weapons. They charged at the DTM.


Kill them all, brothers! Think of it as target practice with live ammo!

Some of the more inexperienced DTM militants panicked, and others immediately fled, but the elite, veteran soldiers took position and opened fire, and the others joined them. Some militants equipped with DR12 rocket launchers, equipped with explosive and eborax-laced warheads, fired into the midst of the swarming natives. The guns of the transport also repelled the first waves. Soon, the landing site was secure, and Sabsa felt that they should press the advantage, feeling that this would give the new recruits a taste of combat. To gain better intelligence, he ordered one of the transports to sweep the area with sat-cameras, revealing where the natives were concentrated.

Moving forward, the DTM troops launched another tactical nuclear weapon from their transport into one of the larger villages, devastating it. Encircling them, they used mortar weapons to launch eborax warheads into the villages. With their inferior immune systems, the inhabitants were killed in seconds. Some DTM suicide bombers present offered to finish off the villagers, but Sabsa stated that '[they] must save [their] faith and heart against genuine enemies of our cause, not these pests', as he put it. With that, the DTM entered the villages, mowing down armed natives and in some cases sexually assaulting the females. Sabsa decided to keep some natives alive and after a time of destruction, he ordered the militants to stop and imprison the rest.


You have done well today, brothers! Your devotion has been tested, and it has passed! But more challenges await us in the future! Now we must move on!
—Dqwer, following the battle
So Junn leaves us here to fend of our selves!
Yea!There must still be some natives alive. (snap)
Whats that noise? We damn well better be paid for this!

—DTM soldiers protesting there anger to Sabsa

DTM militants stand victorious

Following the battle, the DTM found several uses for the natives, from target practice to weapons testing to pleasurable company. After a few days of running wild on the planet, the militants, on Sabsa's orders, packed up and left to Gus Talon, leaving a small garrison of lesser-skilled troops to keep the DTM presence there.
