Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

The Battle of Alaris Prime (Cruentusian War) was a battle of the Cruentusian War. It occurred a short time after a devastating defeat for the Zayre at the hands of the Sravs on Hypori. Dangerously injured, the Zayre needed time to recuperate, yet time was something no one had, and the Zayre, on the behest of their heroine Storm Ironwings, made an alliance with the arch-enemies of the Sravs, in a bid for revenge, the ruthless Necasian Military. The Necasians decided that the Zayre could tip the balance in their favor and agreed to the alliance, the Necasian leader Carsal Redharn signing the Necasian Alliance Treaty along with Storm Ironwings, noticing the battle prowess of such fearless fighters. A taskforce composed of Zayre and Necasians alike, led by the experienced Taung Necasian commander Askar Invado and Ironwings, assaulted a Srav base on Alaris Prime. The Necasians viewed the battle as an experiment to test the strength and strategic value of the Zayre, whereas the Zayre viewed it as revenge on the Sravs.


Soon after the signing of the alliance on Alaris Prime, where the Necasians were struggling to establish a foothold, the Necasians promised the Zayre revenge and a treaty, encompassing them under their protection and assisting them in their battles, if they managed to destroy the Srav base on Alaris Prime and gain the Necasians a foothold on the planet. The Zayre agreed, and a council of the Necasian High Council and the Zayre High Council, involving Storm Ironwings, Askar Invado and Carsal Redharn himself planned the assault. They planned on hitting the Srav's hard by surprise, cutting off their option of using Nuclear Weapons with an Elite SpecOps team, led by Askar Invado, crippling the nuclear weapons and Carsal Redharn himself would lead the main body of Necasian troops. The aim of the Necasians was to hit the Srav's hard with their Elthior-class IV Assault Frigates, bombarding them, engaging their aerial defenses before sending in the Zayre in an aerial assault and then storming the base with the Necasian troops led by Redharn.

The battle[]

Initial moves[]

The Necasians are pairing up with these...these...things? Yuiln help us all...
—A Srav soldier

The Zayre and Necasian troops set out from their base, in force, whilst Necasian saboteurs who had been stationed in the base allowed entrance for an Elite team of SpecOps soldiers, led by Askar Invado, who infiltrated the Srav base and, subsequently, disabled the Srav early-warning system, effectively leaving them deaf and blind to all attacks made by the team. This allowed Necasian ships to eliminate Srav defense orbital satellites within moments, bombarding them into submission. Soon, transports carrying Zayre and Necasians were descending into the atmosphere, with Elthior frigates clearing their predesignated landing sites. However, the Srav commanders managed to get wind of what was happening, and scrambled their Yukel fighters. However, the Yukels came under attack by the much larger Elthiors, and then flying Zayre, who used the Yukel's poor dogfighting ability to their advantage, tearing many hapless pilots from their seats and mercilessly killing them. Nonetheless, the Yukels managed to cripple some of the initial landing waves with their tactical nukes, and their pilots managed to kill some airborne Zayre by ramming them, but soon they were mostly neutralized, and the Zayre and Necasians now had near-total air superiority.

Meanwhile, Invado led his Necasian SpecOps team again, and infiltrated a Srav nuclear missile control bunker and disabled it, cutting off Srav nuke control for the entire continent. With their nuclear advantage lost, the Sravs dug in, boosting up their anti-air defenses to compensate for their fighter loss. However, a Zayre team, lead by Ironwings, attacked their defenses, and Redharn distracted Srav fire with his forces, storming the front of the base, keeping all Srav hands busy. With the Srav's lacking their missiles, they were in a dire position.

The Sravs crumble[]

I shoot your ass, bitch!
—A Srav soldier challenging Ironwings
You like my ass? I like your blood!
—Ironwings bloodthirsty reply

Ironwings landed in a trench filled with Srav troops, and was immediately challenged by Srav grunts, who massively underestimated her capabilities. Within seconds, the trench was clear, Ironwings tearing out their throats. As Ironwings and her Zayre picked off Srav infantry concentration with their claws, the Sravs desperately sent forward their Kurtevs and Drakuvs. Their tanks chewed up the first few waves of inferior Necasian vehicles, but the Zayre used their weather abilities to cripple the tanks, allowing Necasian anti-armor infantry to finish them off with devastating blasts.

Deciding that the battle was as good as lost, the Srav commanders ordered an evacuation of all non-expendable personnel. To cover the evacuation, he sent forth several Okol missile launchers, which immediately began aiming at Necasian and Zayre concentration. Quick thinking on the part of Askar, led to Ironwings having Zayre force abilities and Necasian vehicles destroy most of the Okols in moments before they could launch their missiles. Most of the few missiles that were launched were brought down by Zayre, and the few that got through were low-yield and only did superficial damage.

As Srav positions were overrun, airborne Zayre and Necasian fighters began attacking the fleeing Srav transport, crippling it. However, barrages of Srav missiles cleared them off long enough for the transport to escape, despite heavy numbers being shattered by the Elthior frigates. By now, though, the Srav base was almost completely taken. The surviving Srav personnel detonated the remaining Srav nukes in their silos to prevent them from falling into enemy hands, showing their fanatical nature with their suicide for their cause.

Meanwhile, as the Srav commander boarded his shuttle to escape, he was challenged by a Zayre. His bodyguards shot her with tranquilizers, however, and she was taken aboard the shuttle as it escaped. However, the Srav based had now fallen. The Zayre and the Necasians were victorious.


This defeat is a...setback, but not disastrous. We must learn more about these 'Zayre'...and build more anti-air equipment while we're at it.
—Jasef Yuiln
Zayre! We have won! Revenge is ours, for the time being! Now let us continue our purge and strike at the Srav's once more, in full force! Death to the Srav's!
—Storm Ironwings
My lord, the strike was a success. Srav's are in full retreat from Alaris, and we have gained a base and a key planet. And I myself have another fantastic idea for the next battle...
—Askar Invado to Carsal Redharn.

Shaken by the fact of an alliance between the Zayre and the Necasians, the Sravs began drastic fortification of their border worlds, and ramped up industrial production and recruitment. Meanwhile, the defeat was trumpeted heavily amongst Necasian propaganda feeds, and the Zayre felt suitably revenged, for the time being, upon the Srav's. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Zayre, Askar submitted a tactical evaluation report on the Zayre to Necasian high command, stating that they could be a potential threat in the future.

Meanwhile, although the Necasians and Zayre believed that they had an advantage over the Sravs due to lack of Srav knowledge about the Zayre, the Sravs immediately set about interrogating their captured Zayre. After three days in captivity, she died due to malnourishment, loss of blood and her general brutal treatment at the hands of Srav interrogators, but without surrendering any information at all, dying strong. But by then the Sravs had amassed considerable intelligence about the Zayre, through dissection, and were now confident that they would stand against another attack by the Alliance.

The actions of Askar Invado in the battle were key to the victory, with his SpecOps team being the infiltrators in the beginning, and he began to put into effect another idea he had, for a coming battle. He turned his eyes outwards, and began to see the growing threat of the Death's Tongue Militia, now growing in numbers once more.
