Star Wars Fanon

The native defense forces of Akuria II, one of us, defeated a Vong invasion force. If a bunch of large, blue furred creatures and a few human exiles could beat them, then we are definitely going to be victorious!
Grand General Argon

The Battle of Akuria II was a conflict between the Akurian government and the invading Yuuzhan Vong Empire in 26 ABY on the ice planet of Akuria II. It turned out to be one of the Vong's first major defeats in the war, due to their underestimation and unexpected Akurian ferocity.


When the Yuuzhan Vong, a species from another galaxy, invaded the galaxy, they started making their way from the Unknown Regions to the Core Worlds. A planet in their path was a small ice world called Akuria II, which was populated by less than 2 million native Akurians as well as about several thousand human exiles and spacers. The Vong wanted it most, however, for the mass amounts of unique energy crystals under it's surface. One large crystal could power an entire Victory I-class Star Destroyer.

The Vong commander, as usual since the Vong had mostly victories up until then, underestimated the natives. They had been occupied three times (by the Rakatan Infinite Empire, Sith Empire, and later Galactic Empire), and were not going to allow it to happen again. The commander asked for a minor force, thinking it would be an easy short skirmish.


As they entered the system, a freighter passing through noticed them and quickly reported them to the Akurian authorities. They prepared their defenses, having heard of the Vong since their invasion beginning a year ago, and took the transports of Vong troops by surprise. The Akurian army, led by High Chief Fafnir, shot down a third of the assault force with artillery as they landed outside the capitol of Ithaqua.

When the Vong disembarked, a force of several hundred Akurian warriors attacked them, covered by human snipers. It was a slaughter, the injured and demoralized warriors (due to their artillery fire) were barely able to fight back, though managed to push through their lines and rushed the capitol. As they did so, many were killed by the snipers. The Akurian army air forces deployed several TIE fighters given to them by the Imperial Remnant (which they were part of), who then strafed the approaching Vong, killing more.

Less than a third remained when they reached the city. More warriors greeted them, by ripping in half a Vong they dragged with them from the landing zone raid. In the fight that ensued, the last of the Yuuzhan Vong warriors (getting some aerial support from Coralskipper fighters, which were then shot down by Akurian TIEs) were killed. The commander himself was slain by Chief Fafnir.


The Vong, loosing contact from their force with no explanation (as the commander failed to make contact before his death), avoided the Akuria system. Meanwhile, the Imperial Remnant and New Republic, the latter of which had been mostly getting defeats, were quick to propagandize the victory as soon as Fafnir informed them of it. It helped raise morale of the troops fighting the Vong across the galaxy.
