Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The Battle for Antoo was a brutal battle between the Aan and the Tooins of Aantooine. Antoo, under the control of the Aan for several hundreds of years was crumbling under Aanian oppression, creating economic instability, and forced local populaces of the Tooin race to band together and form a new army against the upper class: the Tooin Clash Force.

Circa 60,000 BBY, the Tooins made their move on the capital city, breaking down several wall defenses. The first wave ambushed guards on the Outer Perimeter of the Governmental Sector, but were reduced by guards holding positions on the Inner Perimeter in laser turrets and by sharpshooters. The second wave of Tooin Clash fighters with electrostaffs and detonators in hand charged through the Inner Perimeter and fought hand to hand with the guards.

Auto turrets, remotes, and guard droids were sent as reinforcements around the central building of the complex, the Leader's Stronghold. A sudden appearance of aerial vehicles cleared out the automated defenses and the first of the second and third waves of Tooin Clash fighters took the Stronghold. They remained there for several standard days, soon to realize they were short on supplies and food.

Aanian reinforcements from the nearby Crom Territory came in greater numbers. The reinforcements with audible interference emitters in place, pointed them towards the Stronghold to eject the resistors. The effect was further amplified by the bronzium walls of the inner complex. Those that did not come out in pain from the piercing noise and into Aanian custody stayed inside to take the punishment on their ears. The commanding Aanian general, General Yisk, upset with the ignorance of his opponents, ordered for the weapon's maximum setting and all of the Tooins suffered horrible fates as their heads exploded.

As a result, the Aan took back the Stronghold and the city, but the Tooins upon hearing the news of their combatants' loss, stepped up their plans and purchased several fleets of starships from exports of rare psietite. The galactic front had begun.
