Star Wars Fanon

Bastion was a planet in the Braxant sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was named after a Sith stronghold that existed on the planet millennia before the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, Bastion was located within Separatist space. The planet was besieged for several months towards the end of the conflict and held out weeks after the fall of the Separatist Alliance. The planet was sieged again in the Galactic Civil War by the New Republic.


Bastion was discovered by the Sith thousands of years prior to the Clone Wars, who constructed a fortress on the planet that would eventually be destroyed. Early on in the Clone Wars, Bastion was within Confederate space and the Separatists constructed a mega fortress located on the top of a mountain that hosted a battle droid factory and large metal deposits. During the Outer Rim Sieges in the final year of the war, a Republic fleet arrived at Bastion and launched a full-scale assault on the Separatist fortress on the planet. The attack was a complete failure, with almost all the clone troopers killed and no Separatist losses. The fortress was later surrounded and attacked several times, but each attempt resulted in failure. The Republic forces even attempted orbital bombardment, but the fortress had an extremely powerful shield that prevented this. Even after the shutdown command and the formation of the Galactic Empire, the droid forces in the fortress continued fighting because the Republic had blocked their communications. Eventually, Darth Vader arrived and was finally able to break through the defenses and kill the leaders of the mega fortress, ending the siege.

The Separatist mega fortress would later be used by the Galactic Empire, who also used the planet's natural resources to fuel the Imperial Military. In 2 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic attacked Bastion but were defeated. In 5 ABY, the New Republic sieged the Imperial mega fortress on the planet, but won only after placing a powerful bomb underneath the fortress to destroy it and suffering devastating losses.

External links[]

Wookieepedia Bastion on Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
