Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

The Force fights with me!
—Bastila Shan[src]

Bastila Shan was a Human female and Jedi who became one of the key figures involved in the Jedi Civil War and its immediate aftermath. Bastila was a survivor of the Jedi strike team sent to neutralize Darth Revan, forming a Force bond with him when she saved his life. The Jedi Council then reprogrammed Revan's damaged mind and put him under Bastila's care, hoping he could subconsciously lead them to the Star Forge.

Bastila was later captured and briefly became the apprentice to Darth Malak, who turned her to the dark side through torture. However, aboard the Star Forge, Revan confronted her and she was redeemed from the darkness to which she had succumbed. To prove her reclaimed faith she aided the Galactic Republic in the Battle of Rakata Prime through means of her powerful battle meditation. Bastila was also one of the few Jedi to survive the Jedi purge that followed the war.

After the Jedi purge, the Order was rebuilt by the remaining Jedi and those trained by the Jedi exile, Zayne Carrick. Bastila was appointed a member of the Jedi Council, and fought in a second Jedi Civil War against Darth Haagen.


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