Bass Tabin was a past captain of the Miralin Military, however, was made Admiral of his fleet. His days began on Dantooine, where, he fought as a mercenary. The Miralins recruited him as a Corporal, rather than a recruit or private. Thanks to this, he was granted his own company, and became a captain of the Miralin Military.
Mercenary life[]
Most of his contracts were cheap, as, he was a hired Bounty Hunter. Whoever paid, he did the job for. Along the time of war, he fought against Mandlorian Raiders and what was left of them after the Great Galactic War, and was famed as a great Mercenary. The Miralin Army came along Dantooine and caught him fighting two Mandalorian Raider captains, and two privates. Winning, they recruited him as a corporal.
Miralin training[]
Bass was sent in the military's top training by its best sergeants as his own private training. He passed many exams of firing his A280, however, on his final exam he experienced trouble. His task was to stun his two teachers. His two teachers were trained as both gunman and stealth officers, so they proved to be more of a match then the frontal raiders. Bass, in a sudden smart maneuver, waited to hear a sound of thumping from the Miralin heavy armor, and shot in its way. He heard a groan through it and continued to use this tactic. He was then promoted to Captain.
His blaster rifle, which he called "Nelly," was an A280 blaster rifle. Instead of a blaster pistol as his side arm, he had two wrist gauntlets: one shot a net, the other three tranquilizer darts at his demand.
His armor was coated in ultrachome and phrik. The phrik reduced the superconductivity to a normal level and allowed him to walk without exploding from an item or getting stuck or being shocked.