Star Wars Fanon

Barja Trel was a Force-sensitive Zabrak male Jedi who served during the Clone Wars as a Jedi master. Over his lifetime, he was the master of the Jedi Ria Nelari and A'lia Saske, both of whom he would serve with during the Clone Wars.


Early life (73 BBY - 22 BBY)[]

Barja's early life is mostly unknown, but it is known that he trained as a Jedi on Coruscant. He took his first padawan, Ria Nelari, at the rank of knight, ascending to master in 27 BBY once Nelari passed her trials. Later, he began training A'lia Saske as his second padawan.

Clone Wars (22 BBY - 19 BBY)[]

Trel was present in multiple battles during the Clone Wars, most notably the Athran Liberation Campaign. After intercepting a distress call from Coran Andayen, he and Miriam Terrik led the offensive against a small Separatist fleet, rescuing the two Jedi.

After traveling back to Coruscant, Barja and Coran rallied for support, eventually gaining enough reinforcements to retake the capital city of Athra from the Separatist occupants.

Personality and traits[]

Trel was often strict, but could still get a laugh out of many situations. Following his Zabrak heritage, he was a proud warrior, well-versed in military tactics. He was respected within the Jedi Order and on the battlefield.

Powers and abilities[]

Barja Trel was powerful in the force, practiced in many techniques. His ability with a lightsaber was impressive. He was a notable practitioner of lightsaber form VI, Niman, modifying his style to accommodate for his double-bladed saber.

Despite performing well in standard combat, his true expertise was as a pilot. He flew a Delta-7B Jedi starfighter, modifying it to his liking.

Behind the scenes[]

Barja Trel is set to appear in an upcoming fan series, Clone Wars: 426, written by user CT-3672.

See also[]

A'lia Saske

Ria Nelari

426th Brigade
