Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Bar Bar Drinks was a famous bar in the poorer sections of Theed on Naboo, though because of the more utopian state of the planet many nobles visited the pristine bar. The history of the bar, however, was an interesting one. The famous drunkard Jedi Master Sirius Venn, affectionately known as “Deadeye Duncan”, wanted a place of his own. He traveled to Naboo and purchased the building. After renovating it, he opened it up to the public and it became a well-known place for locals to gamble and drink.

After the death of Venn, Bar Bar Drinks fell under the control of various criminal organizations. Its prestige and quality slipped and continued to do so for decades until a clean-up process was initiated. Years later, Jedi Master Lakkerun Joh’had took over the bar from the criminal elements by force and instituted many changes to make it a legitimate business. Five years later, the bar was purchased by a local named Frank Palpatine who continued to own it until it was destroyed in the Mandalorian’s siege of Naboo during the Great Sovereign Crusades. The bar was also notable for being the place where Ussej Padric Bac III first met Isabella Dashin, daughter of Supreme Chancellor Cos Jonathan Dashin, for the first time two days before its destruction.

Before its destruction, the once worn-down building had become refurnished and jazzed up. Music played at all times, all day and all night, and the favorite dancers of Theed were always present. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages were always served. However, there were many rules that people needed to follow because all criminal organizations had been flushed out. All those who tried to conduct any criminal activities were arrested by local security officials. Because of this, the rules were that violence of any kind was prohibited, as was weaponry. The peace was also to be maintained and, because of this, bar fights were a rarity.

When Palpatine purchased the bar, he allowed private rooms in the back of the bar to be purchased so people could hold private meetings and discuss any matter they wished, so long as there was no criminal intent. To ensure that there were no criminal activities taking place, the room was bugged though no one knew that at the time. The door was always locked and could only be opened by the bartender and those inside the room. Many times, the rooms were used for private games of Pazaak and Sabacc by professionals and amateurs alike.

Behind the scenes[]

Bar Bar Drinks was named as an homage to Jar Jar Binks.

The bar was created in the old timeline of TheStarWarsRP.Com by a user named Duncan. He later reopened it during the new timeline.

The last owner of the bar, Frank Palpatine, was created by Brandon Rhea as an ancestor of Emperor Palpatine. The name ‘Frank’ is an homage to the fans who jokingly say that Emperor Palpatine’s name is Frank due to him saying “I must be frank, your majesty”.


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