Bala'zar was a Rakatan who served as the Predor of the Seven Deaths system during the last years of the Infinite Empire.
According to Tsis legends pertaining to the emancipation of the Red Sith of Azarac, Bala'zar was a brutal ruler who was widely despised by both his Red Sith slaves and Rakatan subordinates. In the aftermath of the Rakata-targeting Force-based plague[1] that left the Rakatans bereft of their Force-sensitivity, Bala'zar elected to abandon Azarac and risk a return to Lehon. Capturing able-bodied Sith to serve as fuel for their starships, the retreating Rakatans were constantly harried by the forces of the Red Sith emancipator Asmenys, who eventually surrounded the Rakatans in the vicinity of the Temple of Azarac. In a fierce confrontation, Asmenys and Bala'zar engaged each other in single combat upon the steps of the Temple. Asmenys eventually slew Bala'zar and his chief officers, but not before suffering a mortal wound from the Predor's Forcesaber.
The name of Bala'zar remained reviled by the Azaracan Sith, even as they fell into an extended primitive state for millennia and evolved into the Tsis species. By the time of the Cold War, the cognate balazaar had entered the Proto-Sith vernacular as a disparaging term for outsiders. The Predor's legacy lived on in the Colossus of Asmenys, a statue in downtown Miestasasmenysiv that depicted Asmenys holding the severed head of a Rakatan popularly claimed by locals to be Bala'zar.