Star Wars Fanon

The title of this article is a nickname or callsign.

This article is about a subject that lacks an official name, and is known only by its nickname or callsign.

Baktoid was a Super Battle Droid owned by Dy-No-Myt.



Baktoid was created by Geonosians on an unknown planet as a prototype for the upcoming Super Battle Droids. He had a programming glitch, and, instead of using his unit number, he called himself after the manufacturer, Baktoid Armored Workshop. He was scrapped and thrown into a junk pile, where Dy-No-Myt found him and repaired him to working order just before the Clone Wars. He also outfitted him with a heavy shield generator to protect this prototype droid.

Clone Wars[]

Baktoid did not experience much fighting during the Clone Wars, but did serve as copilot for Dy'No'Myt's Firespray 31, and would guard the ship with K8C-85 while Dy-No-Myt would rush into combat.


Baktoid served Commodore Myt as a member of his personal security detail during his time as commander of the Dahranihkian Fleet.
