Bakkah station was a Galactic Republic listening post located on the desert planet of Bakkah. It was attacked by Tusken Raiders in 21 BBY, but remained operational until 16 BBY.
Bakkah station was constructed in 22 BBY to spy on Separatist transmissions. It was manned by an eight man squad of clone troopers. In late 22 BBY it was suddenly attacked by Tusken Raiders who used a sandstorm to cover their assault. Luckily they were spotted by the deck officer, Rook, who managed to alert the others. They managed to repel the Tusken Raiders, but three of the clones were then reassigned. Shortly before the execution of Order 66, Jedi Knight Bdaris Telnari, his Clone commander and six elite clone troopers visited the listening post for an inspection. However, during the expection Order 66 was initiated, and the clones turned on Telnari. He managed to escape by tricking two clones, Jolt and Ratchet, who were not aware of the order, into flying him to safety. As part of Palpatine's plot to make the Jedi seem evil, he claimed that Telnai had attempted to saboatage the listening post, paving the way for a massive Separatist invasion. After the Clone Wars, it was used to track down any Separatist remnants that could still be lurking. It was abandoned for unknown reasons in 16 BBY. It was later rediscovered by the Rebellion in 1 BBY and used as a base for them.