Star Wars Fanon

Bail Prestor Organa (formally styled as His Serene Highness, Prince Bail Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan) was the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, who served in the Galactic Senate as the Senator of the Alderaan sector from 32 BBY to 19 BBY. He was Princess Leia Organa's adoptive father and a friend of Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Rahm Kota. He was married to Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan and was, as Prince Consort, head of the royal house and ruler of Alderaan. He was one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance.

Senator of the Galactic Republic[]

Bail Organa served the Galactic Republic as a senator during its final days, having succeeded Senator Bail Antilles, his relative by marriage. When Palpatine took position as chancellor of the Galactic Senate, he quickly gained the ear from Palpatine, agreeing with his view on bureaucratic stagnation. He also established political relationships with other like minded senators, including Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia, Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Doman Beruss of Illodia, and Mon Mothma of Chandrila, with whom he had a very good personal friendship. His residence on Coruscant during his time as a senator was called Cantham House, although he had an apartment in 500 Republica as well. During the Separatist Crisis, Organa pushed to have Alderaan loosen its immigration restrictions to allow refugee resettlement, and was appointed to the Loyalist Committee. Though not a militarist, it was expected he would vote in favor of creating an army. When it became clear that the Separatists had no interest in negotiations, Organa advocated quick action but realized that the Senate would not approve using the Clone Army found on Kamino. Organa thus voted for granting Palpatine emergency powers.

Last Days of the Republic[]

During the Great Jedi Purge, after witnessing clone troopers gun down Padawan Zett Jukassa, Organa was determined to intercept any surviving Jedi before they "walked into this catastrophe." Organa managed to locate and rescue Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. When he took them back to Coruscant, he sat with Padmé Amidala as Palpatine declared himself Galactic Emperor. Despite his revulsion at the concept, Amidala told him to vote in favor of Palpatine, both being outnumbered and realizing the added benefits that time and access to Imperial knowledge would have on a resistance movement.

After Yoda's failed attempt to kill Palpatine at the Grand Convocation Chamber of the Senate Building, Organa managed to rescue the Jedi Master before security could find him. They then fled Coruscant to the planetoid Polis Massa and contacted Kenobi on the planet Mustafar. The medical team who tried to save her discovered that she was dying, having apparently lost the will to live. However, before her death Padmé managed to give birth to healthy twins, Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker. Arriving on Naboo, Bail and the Jedi discussed the fate of the twins. Organa offered to take Leia as his own, having for a long time discussed adopting a baby girl with his wife Breha. Organa also took the droids into his service (and ordered C-3PO's memory wiped), placing them in the care of Tantive IV's captain Raymus Antilles. Along with Mon Mothma, Organa attended Padmé's funeral on Naboo. He continued to serve in the Senate well into the days of the Galactic Empire, where he remained a representative for Alderaan.

Father of the Rebellion[]

Bail Organa was instrumental to the creation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, together with Senators Mon Mothma, Chi Eekway Papanoida, Male-Dee, and Bel Iblis. Several months after the foundation of the Empire, Organa met with the crew of the Banshee on Alderaan, to discuss resistance to the new regime. In the Grand Hall of the Royal Palace of Alderaan, Organa received the rebel agents, and sent them on a mission to Felucia to rescue the disillusioned Imperial Admiral Gilder Varth from the detention facility on that planet. Despite these ties to the Rebellion, Organa was one of the most loyal of Imperial Senators, and greatly respected by many. This could be why Emperor Palpatine never attempted to kill him, while showing no such restraint with his fellow Alliance co-founders. He used his political position to covertly aid resistance groups, particularly those in the Core Worlds. Using a network of diplomatic operatives, he quietly leaked useful information to the planetary rulers, dissidents in hiding and insurgent fighters who might employ that information against the Emperor.

Rescue on Felucia[]

After failing to convince Jedi Master Rahm Kota to rescue his adopted daughter Leia, who was arrested by Imperials and held prisoner on Kashyyyk, he attempted to do the same with another Jedi Master, Shaak Ti, who was hiding on Felucia. But when he arrived, he found that Shaak Ti was dead. Furthermore, he was captured by Shaak Ti's old apprentice, Maris Brood. He was held prisoner until Galen Marek, who was advised by Kota to rescue him so his soon to be formed rebellion would receive support from a politician, arrived. After his rescue, Bail said that armed resistance against the Empire needed to be proven as a possibility before he and the other Senators took action. Marek, in response, attacked and destroyed a Star Destroyer shipyard orbiting Raxus Prime. This act proved to Bail that the Empire could be defeated in battle.

Forming the Corellian Treaty of the Rebel Alliance[]

Arrving on Corellia, Organa was one of the senators to sign the Corellian Treaty in 2 BBY. The document formalized the relationship between the Corellia, Uyter, Alderaan, Pantora and Chandrilan resistance forces, respectively, from a loose coalition to an organized rebellion—the Alliance to Restore the Republic. However, Darth Vader arrived moments later and his stormtroopers arrested Bail and everyone else. Bail ordered the holodroid PROXY to cut off Leia's transmission so that Vader would not know she was involved. Bail and the other senators were taken to the under construction Death Star I, and it seemed that the Rebellion was doomed before it even began. Inside the constructed Death Star, Organa was present along with the senators and Kota where Emperor Palpatine declares them as traitors to the Empire. Palpatine trusted Bail and Mon for their purposes of the Empire, and orders Vader to execute them. Bail told Palpatine that he may have won, but it's just the beginning of the Rebellion. He and Mon were killed by Vader, when he plunged his lightsaber into Bail and Mon's chest.
