Star Wars Fanon

I'm sure the Jedi are doing their best. I trust them.
—Bail Prestor Antilles to Chancellor Valorum

Bail Prestor Antilles was the senator of Alderaan and crowned prince of the Royal House of Alderaan during the invasion of Naboo in 19 BBY. He was one of the many to suggest the creation of a Grand Army of the Republic. He, along with Palpatine and Aks Moe, ran for the new Supreme Chancellor after Chancellor Valorum was voted out of office. It was unknown if Bail succeeded Valorum or not.

Behind the scenes[]

Bail Prestor Antilles is once again voiced by Jimmy Smits, who gives the character more courage and a stronger character.

At the last second before writing the article for Bail, User:Yodakenobi originally planned in several sources to leave the last name Organa alone. But liked the idea of the character from The Phantom Menace.

