Bahbi was a male Jawa who served as the chief engineer of the starship Fortunate Sun during the early years of the Galactic Empire.
Yeah, yeah. I'm a Jawa who can speak Basic. Wanna hear me do it some more? Okay, listen to this. Kark you!
Early life[]
Bahbi was born into a tribe of Jawas living on the Starlite Flats in 37 BBY. While still a child, Bahbi and most of his clan were captured by slavers and sold by Jabba Desilijic Tiure to his associate on Nar Shadda named Gulsa Vosadii Pidotu a.k.a. Gulsa the Hutt.
Bahbi spent his formative years in a "chop shop" for stolen spacecraft located in an area of Nar Shadda Docks controlled by Gulsa.
Hero to a Hutt[]
In 23 BBY Bahbi was working aboard Gulsa's personal transport Shup Sappo (or Virtuous Glutton in Huttese) when the ship was rocked by a large explosion. Quickly realizing that the main reactor was in danger of blowing and killing everyone aboard, Bahbi bravely crawled through damaged access tubes, avoiding fire and debris, to reach the main engine room. There he found the crew all dead and the reactor leaking radiation and moving towards exploding at a rapid rate. Bahbi cared nothing for the life of his cruel Hutt master but was determined to save the other Jawa slaves on The Glutton at all costs.
With a lot a jury-rigging and quick thinking Bahbi was able to stabilize the reactor so that it would last until proper repair could be made. However, Bahbi had been exposed to heavy amounts of radiation and promptly collapsed just after finishing the work.
He awoke several days later, to his surprise, in a bacta tank. Gulsa himself showed up soon and explained to the young Jawa that he was to be rewarded for risking his life to save his master. The thought that Bahbi had only been trying to help his fellow Jawas had not even crossed the arrogant Hutt's mind and Bahbi, wisely, saw no point in correcting him. Gulsa explained that the medical treatment was his repayment to Bahbi for saving his life. The Hutt then went on to say that Bahbi would further be rewarded by having a personal vocabulator, often used by species whose biology prevented them from speaking humanoid languages, would be surgically installed in him once he was well enough. Thus, in Gulsa's mind, Bahbi would be given the highest of honors; being able to serve Gulsa better for the rest of his days.
Having cybernetics forced on him horrified Bahbi. But in his state he was in no condition to make any sort of protest. The chilling sight of a smiling Gulsa was the last thing Bahbi saw before the blackness claimed him again.
A Fight for Freedom[]
Aboard the Fortunate Sun[]
Return to Tatooine[]
Peril on Raxus Prime[]
Acting on information from a dying clone deserter, the Grey Whirlwind crew headed to Raxus Prime hoping to loot a secret bunker that had once been a secret hideout of Count Dooku.
Showdown on Nar Shaddaa[]
Taking the fight to Gulsa, Laris Rai, Jyuria Song, Nelfa Loban, Triz Algan and Bahbi boldly stormed the Hutt crime lord's night club 9th Hell on a muggy night in 18 BBY.
Personality and Traits[]
Hey! Hey! You don't get to say Utinni. That is our word. Understand, human?
Among Bahbi's more unusual interests was operating his own micro-brewery in a small section of the Fortunate Sun's hold. Claiming to be descended from a long line of skilled brewmasters, Bahbi often provided his shipmates with bottles of his homemade Jawa beer. Though it was commonly known as "Jawa Juice" across most of the galaxy, Bahbi found the name to be highly insulting and was known to go on tirades if he heard anyone using the term to refer to his beer.
Bahbi was fond of small, enclosed spaces seeing them as excellent places to hide as well as somewhere it would be difficult to be ambushed. As such, he preferred to sleep in a large footlocker bolted to the deck instead of a traditional bed.
Preferring to avoid combat whenever possible, Bahbi did however carry an ion pistol in the sleeves of his robes. Since the pistol had a range of only eight meters Bahbi asked his captain, Laris Rai, for marksmanship lessons. Under Laris' mentorship Bahbi developed a fairly keen eye which made him very dangerous against droids at short range or in confined spaces. Later he started to carry a small holdout blaster should he need to deal with a non-droid foe.