B4-307, later also known as simply 307 and usually pronounced three-o-seven, was a B4 mega battle droid manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata. Created in the later half of the Clone Wars, B4-307 served in the Separatist Droid Army and survived the shutdown command to establish the Fonon V Separatist holdout. B4-307 later fought for the Atrivis Resistance Group and the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Galactic Empire. During the New Republic Era, B4-307 created the Peacebringer crew to support droid rights and combat threats in the Outer Rim. He was also a founder of the Separatist History Museum. In 34 ABY, B4-307 joined the Resistance in their war against the First Order.
The Clone Wars[]
B4-307 was built in the Nitim droid factory on the barren planet Nitim in 20 BBY and was the 307th B4 battle droid made, as his name suggested. B4-307 was part of a batch that had increased independence.
Battle of Coruscant[]
B4-307: “[destroys the B2], I do not care, I will not accept these suicide missions.”
―A B2 super rocket trooper and B4-307
B4-307 was deployed during the Battle of Coruscant from a Lucrehulk-class Battleship commanded by the super tactical droid Audo. Using his jetpack, B4-307 infiltrated a Venator-class Star Destroyer, along with hundreds of B2 super rocket troopers. B4-307, killing many clone troopers on the way, eventually reached the command bridge and blasting all the crew there. B4-307 then fought clone jetpack troopers in space on another Republic cruiser, but eventually realized how many Confederate ships were being destroyed, and that the Republic was winning. Due to B4-307's experimental programming, he attempted to retreat back to Audo's flagship. However, a B2 super rocket trooper demanded that B4-307 stay in the battle. In response, B4-307 destroyed the B2 and went back to the ship.
Battle of Fonon V[]
Not long after, B4-307 found himself in that same ship near the planet of Fonon V, a remote jungle planet located in the Outer Rim where several Confederate ships had regrouped. The Republic Navy then launched an assault on the world, attacking the fleet stationed there. The Republic fleet defeated the Lucrehulk-class Battleship, but just before it exploded, B4-307 was able to again escape destruction by using an escape pod, and landed in the docking bay of a Providence-class Dreadnought.
The ship attempted to retreat, but its engines and hyperdrive were destroyed, causing it to begin falling to the planet below. The Republic fleet then left, going to finish off the last remaining Separatist worlds. During the descent to the planet, the high speeds the dreadnought was traveling at caused to the break apart, sending many battle droids flying out of the ship. B4-307 made his way to the bridge of the ship, and helped the remaining crew land the ship as safely as they could. Although they did everything possible, the ship brutally slammed into the surface of the planet, killing most of the surviving crew. They attempted to send a distress signal, but could not because the communications of the ship had been disabled. This caused the droids to not receive the shutdown command that was issued later.
Fonon V Separatist holdout[]
Founding the holdout[]
After the shutdown command, B4-307 and the survivors began building a makeshift base out of parts salvaged from the ship and wood from the local trees, founding the Fonon V Separatist holdout. They eventually encountered the local humans, who lacked any advanced technology. While they first had a fight, they soon created a positive relationship. Sometime later, B4-307 detected a large metal object in the ocean, and believed it was a starship that had crashed a long time ago, and that the local people originated from it, although this could not be confirmed as no aqua droids were present.
Imperial attack[]
About seven years after they crashed on the planet, a ship was detected in the planet's atmosphere. B4-307 believed that it was a Republic vessel, although it lacked the typical red markings, which B4-307 found strange. The ship then landed a few kilometers away at a grass clearing, and a group of droids, including B4-307 went to investigate. Upon arrival, they discovered several stormtroopers. B4-307 incorrectly assumed these were phase III clone troopers, and decided to retreat, believing they could be a significant threat. He was able to inform the rest of the droids and the local humans, however they were then attacked by a squad of Stormtroopers. B4-307 was able to successfully kill them all, but he sustained damage and many battle droids and humans were killed. Then, B4-307, wishing to end this, travelled to the ship that had landed.
They made their way to the ship, and attacked the crew, who were unaware of the situation as the stormtroopers failed to inform them prior to attacking the base. Although they did eliminate the entire crew, one of them was able to notify nearby forces that they were under attack. B4-307 realized this, and after travelling back to the base, ordered everyone to board the ship. Within one hour, they left the planet, but it was too late. One Arquitens-class command cruiser had arrived, but was unaware that the Gozanti-class cruiser had left the planet as the crewmember who called for help was killed while doing so. B4-307 did not know how to respond, and ordered the pilot battle droids to prepare to jump somewhere. After numerous failures to respond, the command cruiser began firing. The transport's shields were able to hold just long enough for it to jump into hyperspace, escaping the cruiser. Using the computers onboard the ship, B4-307 discovered the existence of the Galactic Empire, the end of the Clone Wars, and the defeat of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
The early rebellion[]
Atrivis Resistance Group[]
The cruiser eventually found it's way to Generis, were they landed the ship near a small settlement. The inhabitants of the settlement believed that the Empire had come to terrorize them, and hid inside their homes. Shortly later, a civilian shot B4-307, mistaking him for a Imperial. B4-307 nearly killed them, but the person then realized that he was a battle droid, not an Imperial. Although the locals were confused as to why an Imperial ship with Separatist battle droids and primitive humans arrived, B4-307 explained what had happened. This story gave confidence in the inhabitants of the settlement, who already disliked the Empire. A citizen of the village suggested that B4-307 be known as simply 307, and he agreed, being referred to as that from now on. 307 and the other battle droids were able to dispose of the ship by dismantling it and selling the parts on the black market. After learning that the people of the planet wanted to restore the Republic, 307 reconsidered his choices, but someone was able to convince him that since the Republic is now the Empire, they are his real enemy. 307 later joined the Atrivis Resistance Group, a Rebel cell operating in the Atrivis sector. At some point, they acquired a Sphyrna-class corvette, named the Martillo.
Galactic Civil War[]
The Atrivis Resistance Group eventually joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic. To show his allegiance, 307 had red markings and the Rebel Alliance starbird painted on himself.
Battle of Horuz[]
One month before the Battle of Yavin, a company of Imperial Army Troopers was deployed to the nearby planet of Horuz. B4-307 believed this was a great opportunity to strike, so the Martillo, along with a total of about 100 battle droids and organic soldiers, including 307, were deployed. They landed several kilometers away from the Imperial outpost, and advanced towards the outpost, using the night as cover. They were able to kill all the soldiers stationed there, but Imperial reinforcements arrived, and were able to kill much of the attack group. The Rebels escaped using stolen ground vehicles, and detonated the explosives. While the mission was a success, the losses were too high for it to be justified.
Mission to Muunilist[]
In 0 ABY, 307 and several other members of the Rebel Alliance went on a mission to Muunilinst to steal millions of Imperial credits that were going to go towards funds for the Imperial military. The mission was a success, and the money went towards building an Alliance factory on Generis.
Joining the 43rd Infantry[]

43rd Infantry symbol
Shortly after the Mission to Muunilinst, B4-307 believed that his service with the Atrivis sector Rebels was over, so he joined the 43rd Infantry, a mobile Alliance Army company commanded by Captain Deonis Eren and headquartered on the CR90 corvette Aldera.
Mid Rim Offensive[]
In 1 ABY, the 43rd Infantry was part of the Mid Rim Offensive, a large campaign by the Rebel Alliance to conquer large swathes of the galaxy from the Empire. B4-307 calculated that the offensive was impractical as the Rebel Alliance could not win the war through only tactical victories. He was correct, as the Rebel fleet became overstretched and Imperial reinforcements arrived, resulting in large scale retreat from the Mid Rim Territories.
Battle of Estafor[]
In 3 ABY, the Aldera had regrouped with several Rebel ships over Estafor, a remote forest planet still controlled by the Rebel Alliance. However, one of the ships had been tracked and an Imperial Star Destroyer attacked. The Star Destroyer eliminated the ships in the fleet, and the Aldera attempted to flee but was heavily damaged and forced to land on the surface of Estafor. The corvette was evacuated just as TIE fighters attacked and destroyed it. The Star Destroyer then deployed thousands of stormtroopers to hunt down the 43rd Infantry, beginning the Battle of Estafor.
Severely outnumbered, the 43rd used guerilla tactics against the Imperials. It soon became clear that these tactics would not win the battle however and that the Rebels needed reinforcements. The Imperials eventually discovered the main camp of the 43rd and attacked it, killing Captain Deonis Eren and scattering the Rebels into numerous groups that spread out through many kilometers of the forest.
B4-307 later devised a plan to contact nearby Rebels so that they could save the 43rd Infantry. He acquired an EMP from locals and commanded a group of thirty Rebels to infiltrate the Star Destroyer with a Zeta-class cargo shuttle and then use the EMP to disable it and temporarily neutralize all the stormtroopers onboard. The Rebels then split into two teams; one that would go to the bridge where they could contact Rebel forces, and another team to reset the power so that the bridge team could use the long-range communications. Upon reaching the bridge, the Rebels discovered that the blast doors had been sealed, preventing them from accessing the comms. The Rebels thought that the plan was ruined, but B4-307 stole an Imperial shuttle from the surface of Estafor, used it to reach the bridge, and then broke through, sucking all the Imperials out into space. The second team reactivated power, B4-307 sent a distress signal, and the Rebels ran for escape pods as all the stormtroopers regained consciousness. Just as the Rebel teams escaped, the Dawn of Liberty arrived and destroyed the Star Destroyer.
The surviving members of the 43rd on the surface were then recovered, ending the Battle of Estafor in an Alliance victory. The Dawn of Liberty became the new headquarters of the 43rd.
B4-307's strategy that won the Rebels the Battle of Estafor caused him to be elected as the new captain of the 43rd Infantry.
Battle of Generis[]
Although B4-307 expected to never return to Generis, a few weeks before the Battle of Endor, an Imperial fleet consisting of three Star Destroyers planned to attack the Rebel starfighter and weapons factory on Generis. Rebel Intelligence had discovered this, and they sent the 43rd Infantry to assist the defenders. Along with several B2 super battle droids and Rebel troopers, 307 infiltrated the command ship, took over the bridge, and caused it to ram into another Star Destroyer, destroying both ships. Then he went to the third Star Destroyer and disabled it so that it could be captured by Rebel forces.
Liberation of Monix[]
Following the Battle of Endor, B4-307 participated in the Liberation of Monix and led his soldiers toward Monix's capital city of Monixia.
New Republic Era[]
We droids have been abused for millennia. We have been forced against our will, treated terribly by our owners and oppressed by memory wipes and restraining bolts. Now is our time to rise, and gain our rights!
After the end of the Galactic Civil War, 307 became a supporter for droid rights, and believed that droids were sentient beings and should never have their memories wiped or be forced to work in terrible conditions. With the modified Munificent-class star frigate Peacebringer, B4-307 established the Peacebringer crew, which was dedicated to supporting rights for all sentient beings and droids, as well as combating threats in the galaxy such as pirates and Imperial remnants. By doing this, B4-307 hoped to create a more free and safe galaxy. 307 also worked with the New Separatist Union to create the Separatist History Museum, a space station dedicated to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
B4-307 never had a memory wipe, which resulted in him becoming independent, intelligent, and sophisticated. His personality was programmed to be aggressive, cold, ruthless, and unforgiving, but overtime B4-307 became more caring and wanted to eliminate threats to galactic freedom and security. B4-307 was also very brave yet strategic. B4-307 was programmed to have absolute loyalty to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, despite the CIS being dissolved only a year after 307 was made. B4-307 continued this loyalty by concluding that the Empire was completely against the Separatist ideology, and that the Empire therefore needed to be destroyed.
B4-307 had developed relationships with several battle droids of the Fonon V Separatist holdout, including RY-173.
At a height of 2.5 meters, B4-307 was taller than almost any sentient being, and he weighed about 120 kilograms. B4-307's main weapon was his dual wrist blasters on the right arm, which he could change the power level to. A higher power level resulted in more powerful blaster bolts at the expense of faster overheating. The blasters could also be set to stun, thought he rarely used this due to his aggressive programming. B4-307 was also equipped with a small shoulder-mounted missile launcher that had five missiles. In case the missiles ran out, he carried around a few thermal detonators. On his left arm was a retractable vibrosword that had been modified so that it could be shot at an enemy. B4-307 was equipped with a jetpack, but it was unreliable and had limited fuel. About thirty years after his creation, B4-307 was the last confirmed B4 mega battle droid in the galaxy, so replacement parts had to be custom made.