Star Wars Fanon
New Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Just make sure he and Thrawn don't ever meet; they'd take over the galaxy.
Firmus Piett

Axmos Staal was a Human male from Alderaan who originally served in the Republic Navy before becoming an officer in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. A man of incredible tactical ability, Staal was respected and feared by his inferiors. His superiors, on the other hand, considered him a valuable asset. He was also ambitious, a trait that was obvious to those who knew him. Staal would use any means at his disposal to ensure that he was elevated further and further in the Imperial military and in Imperial society as a whole. Staal came from an influential family on Alderaan and joined a military academy at the age of fifteen, where he swiftly showed his advanced knowledge of military tactics. After his graduation from the Alderaan Naval Academy, he served as an instructor there before becoming captain of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Huntress, the largest ship in the Sesswenna system, from which he oversaw the eradication of pirates in the system. Thanks to Staal's strategic acumen, the campaign was a decisive victory for the Republic forces.

In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars broke out galaxy-wide. Staal, by now a lieutenant, was given command of a small group of Acclamator-class cruisers. This group of ships was nicknamed 'Staal's Battle Winners' due to Staal's extensive use of them as a battle-winning shock force that specialized in surprise attacks to the rear of an enemy formation.
