Star Wars Fanon

There is no one like me in the galaxy! I am justice! I am the bane of the Jedi! I haunt the dreams of their Padawans! I will drink your fear and spill your blood and my hate will scar the galaxy! I am Aurra Sing!
—Aurra Sing

Aurra Sing, also known as Nashtah, was once a female Jedi Padawan, but following a series of tragedies and misfortunes, she left the Jedi Order to become a vicious bounty hunter specializing in Jedi and political assassinations. Following the end of the Clone Wars, Sing was run to ground by Master Mundi and was sent to the moon of Bogan to find her way into balance. Returning from Bogan in 6 BBY, Sing had undergone a radical period of enlightenment and arrived on Ossus completely balanced and devout to the ways of the Jedi Code. Shocked by the almost unnatural change, her instructors allowed her to pass through the Grand Academy and eventually find her way back to Tython to undergo her Great Journey. Having great faith in the newly reformed Sing, her instructors were shocked when Sing met a violent end at the claws of a Fire Tygah. Mourning her death, Master Kuro commissioned the building of a glass statue to commemorate the memory of the tortured life of Aurra Sing.
