Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

My brother needs help and I am there for him.
—Auhkem Haako

Auhkem Haako was the brother of Neimoidian Rune Haako.


Family matters[]

In 19 BBY when the Clone Wars came to an end, the Confederacy of Independent Systems lost. However, the leadership was not destroyed. Nute Gunray and Rune Haako managed to survive with a few other leaders. Neimodia was already on the CISE treaty when it was created. Auhkem was captain of the Neimoidian forces during the growth of the exiled Confederacy of Independent Systems.

False death[]

In 43 ABY, Haako was second in command of the CISE. His brother Rune had retired along with the older members of the old CIS. However, fellow guard Danny killed one of Haako's cousin, thinking he was Auhkem, and the others. His cousin became the eleventh to die when he was slashed at without mercy. Auhkem escaped with Aneem, M94-RA-7 and Nemo Gunnay.
