Star Wars Fanon
Post-Legacy era

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Everybody has warned me not to take on too many projects so early in the administration, but it's almost impossible for me to delay something which I see desperately needs to be done for the destiny of free-will of all people.
—Aua talks to Fin about the chaos of the galaxy.

Aua Skywalker was a Human male from Naboo who became a politician and a galactic leader of the Universal Galactic Party. He would later become a famous legendary absolute dictator of the new Universal Galactic Federation Alliance from 100,001 ABY to 100,048 ABY, with the title Supreme Chancellor. An honorable veteran of the Yuuzhan Vong Incident around 99,990-99,999 ABY, he had joined the precursor of the Universal Party in 100,000 ABY and became leader of the party in 100,000 ABY. Following his imprisonment after a failed speech in, he gained support by promoting a plan for an Authoritarian Democracy, free galactic market systems, veteran benefits, liberty rights for all planetary and colonization labors, and free Universal Insurance Security toward all, under the highest honor for the people instead of corrupted oratory and propaganda. He was appointed all powerful Supreme Chancellor of, for, and by the people in 100,001 ABY, and quickly transformed the Galactic Unity Senate into the Universal Galactic Federation Alliance, a single Democratic party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideals for the galactic people. He, ultimately, wanted to establish a New Order of an absolute Universal hegemony throughout, and beyond the galaxy. To achieve this, he, thus, pursued a foreign policy with the declared goal of seizing "living space" for the galactic people; voluntarily, directing the resources of the state towards this goal. This included the rearmament of many nations, same time when he commissioned his new found Dreadtroopers (mixture of soldiers and droids) to invade the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy. In response, the next door Yuuzhan Vong galaxy and another nearby galaxy called the Icon Star Core declared war on the new galactic nation, leading to the outbreak of the Great Universal Supernova Wars throughout numerous nearby nations and other galaxies. His still death remains a mystery to anyone.


Early life and ancestry[]

Echo rebels on foot

Last photo of Aua's Division on Hoth during the Yuuzhan Vong Incident, not knowing a Yuuzhan Vong poison radiation ambush. He was the only soldier, to live from an atrocity.

Born in 99,970 ABY in the city of Theed, capital of Naboo, young Aua always had visions of planets and space surrounding him and through the vastness of the void. His direct ancestry was notably directed to famous and infamous people in galactic history from Anakin Skywalker, to Luke Skywalker, and Aden Trackus. At the age of three he used to have a pet rancor and by ten, Aua's parents moved to Coruscant. As a child, he tirelessly played "clones and droids", or cyberball by his own account; he became fixated on the economy after finding a picture book about the Galactic Civil War in his father's things. As a soldier he wrote in the Yuuzhan Chronicles, "It was not long before the great historic struggle had become my greatest spiritual experience. From then on, I became more and more enthusiastic about everything that was in any way connected with war and prosperity or, for that matter, with the economy."

Political change[]

He would later become the leader of the Universal Party and ensured ownership and administration of the means of colonial production and allocation of space resources, and a grand galactic society characterized by rights, liberties, and equal access to resources for individuals and all people; a society from the corrupted Galactic Congress or Senate, where he ensures a democratic society propose nationalization of key national industries in mixed economies, while maintaining private ownership of capital and private business enterprise of, for, and always by the people. To ensure the safety and free equality shares for the whole galaxy.

City New Era

Galactic City in a New Era.

With his statement, the Galactic Congress ordered his party in house arrest. With the help of supporters, they bombed the building and he escaped, creating a new wide revolution. The votes of a new chancellor spread like a radiated disease and, finally, the congress was decreasing its power while Skywalker already new he had them in his grasp. Rumors and fortunetellers through the centuries have predicted of a grand force who will shape an new universal cycle with palm of his hands. Some Jedi even speculate the lineage of the Skywalker generations as the Skywalker name is a beacon to ownership and power for both the worse or greater surroundings.

Appointment as Supreme Chancellor[]

Finally, the Congress reluctantly agreed to appoint Aua Skywalker, as a new Supreme Chancellor of a coalition government formed Universal Party. Congress was created to be intended use as a figurehead; the UP gained key positions.

On 100,001 ABY, inside the Galactic Senate, Aua Skywalker was sworn to as absolute Supreme Chancellor of newly freely united Universal Galactic Federation Alliance during what some observers later described as a brief and simple ceremony. He later negotiates with the Droid Confederacy (DC), to become part of the new Dreadtrooper Military core. The UP seizure of power subsequently became known as the New Age Movement. His economy and the galaxy were rapidly increasingly due to his true promises and free will of a universal prosperity throughout the area.

Campaign adventure[]


Yuuzhan Vong Campaign occupying the capital skyscraper

With the alliance of the planets completed he finally must widespread his influences throughout the galaxies. Starting with a long time enemy, his largest fleet planet hopped the Yuuzhan Vong galaxy, there were supposedly still plenty more Yuuzhan Vong on other planets in their galaxy. After occupying the capitol resources. He approved of the green resources the Yuuzhan Vong produced. A cosmic radiation that will protect skin, food and other enhanced items from lasers, gamma rays, other radiation, etc. It was the right resource for his 10 billion battleships, four hundred thousand aircraft carriers, three billion battlecruisers, eight billion heavy cruisers, 44 light cruisers, 68 billion destroyers and 1 billion space stations.


Icons Star Core capital taken.

Icons Star Core galaxy as always was about the same planet hopping strategy except more space battles than the other two galaxy space battles combined.

Ultraoral galaxy was the most unusual out of all the campaigns most of the species were usually living gas-like beings floating around the Ultraoral galaxy, like the force they can bend surroundings and go through walls not even being noticed they are a unique breed to discover and have abilities to shape-shift or force an explosion without cause. At this time Universal chemical scientist conducted a silent death atom that will allow the campaign to go to any galaxy without a single shot. He was also the first to institutionalize a Universal Explorer Academy to anyone for free, if they have the ambition to explore the cosmic web of infinite or beyond.

Glory-class capital ship

UGF Battlecruiser exploring the Ultaroral galaxy radiation

Throughout his later decades from the solar galaxies to the radiated galaxies and other dimensional galaxies Aua Skywalker kept spreading to control to other galaxies with his scare tactics and ambitious steady universal economy. Aua Skywalker was the most known legendary Supreme Chancellor enabling a new culture knowledge, wisdom, and parallel time itself. As the nation grew his body started quickly opposite.


UGFA Floating City in another galaxy of gamma and Hydrogen Nebula clouds

Giving up the ghost[]

His sickness and death was some believed was a conspiracy, but many believed the Force was calling him for another purpose. His body was sent to the Capitol for the Coruscant Funeral, the largest galactic funeral in dimensional history, his body was placed in a diamond crystal coffin and was secured in a plasma lava deep into the City's core.


The importance of Aua Skywalker was his lineage name comes to root through many famous Skywalkers, eventually, out-coming power for worse or greater causes for many galaxies beyond the space. Another fascinating legend, has it was his force spirit may have lead space pioneers to their final destination or to become one with the force.

Behind the scenes[]

Aua Skywalker is based on, of course, famous world leaders around the real world.

Grand Admiral Pellaeon

Supreme Chancellor Aua Skywalker at age 78.

