Atton Rand was a companion of the Exile's since Peragus, and was with The Jedi Exile until the destruction of Malachor V.
Telos IV[]
Atton and the crew went there separate ways, except for Mira, Atton and Mira were together. Atton and Mira had to keep the Exile's whereabouts secret, they were captured in the Ebon Hawk along with all of the crew and left for Vogga's palace.
Vogga's Palace[]
The Ebon Hawk was held in the hangar bay along with T3-M4 and HK-47. Vogga was trying to figure out what to do with Mira and Atton, He put them in a cell for the time being. Atton thought of a plan he was going to fake for dying and when thrown into the pit of the dead, after that he would run to free the droids, Find out where they are keeping Bao-Dur and wait for Canderous Ordo on board the Ebon Hawk and have Bao-Dur spring Mira.
Then we fly to the polar region of Telos to find Brianna Kae, her son and John Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile, Atton regrets turning away from the force and handing over his lightsaber to Surik.
Atton started faking death, Mira was pretending to freak out of her lost love they kissed before guards came, when the guards came and saw Atton on the ground, she told them it was due to a heart attack. Atton was thrown down to the pit, he was climbing through garbage, at the bottom was a grinder he found a metal pole and wedged it into the grinder, the grinder jammed to a stop then Atton walked through.
Breaking the Crew[]
Atton ran to the hangar bay, he freed the droids and told them to take care of the guards guarding the Hawk, He went running toward the interrogation room to get Mira and Bao-Dur. Atton stood in the shadows wait for the interrogators to leave they left to go get orders from Vogga, Mira was in a cell asleep waiting for a probing Atton said "Hey beautiful come here often?," Bao-Dur walked out of the holding cell and saw Mira and Atton kissing, he shook his head and said "Lets go to the Hawk and wait for the Mandalore". Mandalore was shooting at guards and hunters and rolled into the Hawk to dodge a blaster bolt, and said, "Time to go."
Telos Polar Region[]
Brianna Kae was studying on some Jedi Alchemy when Atton said "Where's that handmaiden named Brianna?," Brianna smiled and hugged him, she was along two months with number two on the way, Mira and Atton walked into the Hawk to try to plan the next attack against the Exchange. After planning Mira looked at him and smiled and said you should ask Master Kae for your lightsaber, Atton nodded and Mira and Atton kissed and then walked out of the Ebon Hawk, The whole crew met in John's quarters he was meditating he explained to everyone that the Exchange needs to fall so they can focus on the on coming Sith invasion that was going to follow.
Atton said "Well, we had planned the next attack on a stronghold on Corellia are you going to come, John?," John thought he knew he had to so he can help the battle he agreed to help. Atton talk with John he asked him to give his lightsaber back, Surik shook his and said, "The Force returned to him" Surik felt it, he gave back Atton's lightsaber and Atton walked to his and Mira's quarters quarters and crawled into bed with Mira.
Evacuating the polar region[]
a Mandalorian fleet attacked Telos, when it got to the polar region there was a regime on citadel station, Atton Got up and the Exile told him that citadel station was under Mandalorian Control, Canderous was wondering what the hell was going on and the he didn't order the attack. Mandalorians Came in the academy and started firing jedi knights and padawans rose to fight them, a fellow council member told Brianna to run the exile and brianna ran following behind Atton Mira T3 and HK, Canderous was Shooting at his former soldiers telling them to fall in line the hawk was about to take off and John Yelled"CANDEROUS!!! come on!!!" he was running for the hawk but then a Mandalorian fired a rocket and it hit him. He was lying there and Canderous contacted them telling them to go and the hawk pulled away.
Atton was contacting the fleet, admiral Carth Onasi appeared via hologram, he said" listen, Corellia is a large republic planet Mandalorians have there embassy but, Recently they took the harbor and citadel". Republic troops are already down there the Soujourn and Orion await the Ebon Hawk to lead the fighters, Atton said " back can't have a party without us aye admiral" carth smiled and nodded. John said" crew atton and a small number of you will stay up here in the hawk me and a few of you will be on the ground, lets liberate corellia for our children and the people of this planet. Mical came over the radio saying "this is captain Mical Carter gunships will take your shore team down to the surface come aboard the orion.
Atton and the crew were aboard the orion, John said "Hk, Mira and brianna your with atton, Major adams and Bao-dur your with me, T3 you and T5 stay with the ship atton take the comlink wait for orders, Atton said " yes master". The Gunship took the exile and company away.
The Harbor[]
John looked at Major Adams and said " you have anyone here" Major adams said "my girlfriend, Parents but if the mandalorians take it it'll be over" John said " Anthony you can't think that way especially since just joined our", the gunship landed and troops poured out firing on mandalorian troopers. the mandalorian troops came flying from the opposite position and then there emerged Melinda Surick a Jedi knight in all her glory, she smiled when she saw john she sliced through troop with her double bladed light saber and force pushed them off her father's position. She blinked and said "hey dad, Forward command said you were coming i see you met my boyfriend" John said " yes hes a great man, i approve hang the rules of the order thats what me and your mom did to have you over 19 years ago". Melinda smiled and laughed and Radioed hq saying" Harbor alpha post clear, Melinda said to her dad" beta should be fun and Bao-Dur said"yea especially since exchange showed up" and Melinda said" hey uncle Bao" Bao dur Said" man you've gotten big" and then bounty hunters came the opposite way and the exile shocked them with force lightning and then stabbed their leader. Then in the distance, they saw a sith he pulled out his saber and said" jedi i am darth genesis welcome to your genocide", John pulled out his lightsaber and Said lets flank him melinda and she nodded and Anthony said "them be careful" John slashed at the sith, the sith counter slashed and force pushed melinda and grabed her lightsaber. Bao-dur threw her a new one, she slashed at the and got him in the leg he force choked her and then slashed at john, melinda force pushed freeing herself. The sith slashed John in the face and came back around and stabbed him with his daughters lightsaber, he fell over dying and melinda yelled" no!!!!", and slashed at sith lord with all her might the lightsaber she had broke she hit the sith with force lightning and grabbed the red lightsaber from his left hand. he saw the anger in her eyes, Darth Genesis said"join me you can achieve the higher purpose bring the sith to peace, your father's death won't be in vain you can avenge by showing people that sith aren't evil she said" yes.." Darth genesis said " take your pain away, never feel alone" Anthony said " don't do this" darth genesis said " look, the path of destruction was paved with war Melinda said" i will join my master". Anthony said" no" Melinda said" you can join me to honey" Anthony said" no, Melinda we met at the academy when my platoon was stationed on telos, remember looking at the stars? Melinda replied " if your not with me you have no value to me Bao-dur was just catching up but then he hid behind a building. Anthony said " i can't believe what i'm hearing Anthony took John's Lightsaber and dueled Melinda, Anthony yelled "you were my life i loved you" Melinda said" you just used me, my power, for my dad's military standing". Anthony slashed, Melinda blocked and countered and got him in the shoulder. Anthony slashed again Melinda caught that one with her lightsaber and electrocuted Anthony and said" what no goodbye kiss?" and stabbed him.
Major Adams wakes up form the med bay, the nurse says " a Sith Lord! your lucky to be alive we won corellia", he replied "at what cost did you see the report?" The nurse looked at him and said " your Girlfriend and her father?, I'm so sorry. Atton just returned and said" that mandalorian fleet stood no chance against the hawk" atton looked at anthony and said "whats wrong with you?", Adams hands him the report atton looks and shakes his head. Atton said " he fooled the world until he couldn't anymore", Atton looked at the exile's will and it said the ebon hawk belonged to anthony.
Exodus under attack[]
the ebon hawk went to coruscant to find that the republic ship exodus was under attack by the exchange, The Ebon hawk went into attack position atton said OK people were down a few people but we can do this. Mira came from the cockpit saying "The Exodus has dispersed fighters", Atton Replied good he Said" anthony were not out of the woods yet" anthony nodded went in to turrets Mira piloted as atton and Anthony fired on the exchange ship. Atton shot at the engine and the ships engine exploded, then the ship collapsed.
interrogation on the hawk[]
captured merc known as iron fist on board the ebon hawk, atton asked" did you plan the attack on telos ?", the Mandalorian replied" yes, I took canderous's and took over his base of operations, and its not on dxun anymore so before you go there lets not ask that question.Atton said " where is it iron fist?" he puts the lightsaber to his neck. Iron Fist laughs and said "no" Atton then used force choke and said " tell me now?", Iron fist says in a choking voice" On..der..on Sky..line... acropalace... palac...e in the sky. Iron fist passes and gets thrown into a cell.
Skyline assault[]
Atton took a republic fighter and he said" T3 coming alone wasn't a bad idea i have the hawk on standby for my signal, T3 Patched Through Major adams he said" activate homing beacon when your ready" he heard a voice from the exile" you'll have to face him here" Atton Replied" Am I ready ?" John Replied" of course Atton" The voice disappeared. Atton Saw the massive Sky Structure and Curved the fighter downward to the hatch and docked. He climbed out of the Fighter heard Genesis's Voice the Republic doesn't know of our base, a Trooper asked "do they know we hired the Exchange?" He looked at the trooper Sharply and Reluctantly said "No, Dismissed troops i must brief my apprentice". the trooper waited for the Sith to leave and said "this is Demetrius Masters Jedi knight Reporting " the exchange and Mandalorians are working with the hybrid they have former Mandalore and republic agent canderous in captivity, Atton said we can work togther climbing out of the Vent free my friend and redeem my dead friend's daughter, Demetrius Replies " the apprentice, I like the way you think general, i recognize you, your of the ebon hawk's crew, Atton Replies" yea yea no time for introductions" Demetrius says"yes sir". they move along the corridor atton activates the beacon, Atton then sees Genesis and tells Demetrius to find Canderous. Atton activates his lightsaber and Says" visas why are you doing this " She Replies " that name has no meaning be gone " Atton says" You killed him with no feeling are we trying to act like nil.." Atton goes flying and land on his knees and slides into the wall. Atton gets up and says" impressive And uses Lighting and She Deflects it, He says " force mastery will get us no where" Atton activates his lightsaber and he slashes Visas Catches the saber on hers and then counters. Visas Says" Atton you should joins you have dark powers un tapped and powerful their brimming, growing smoldering like a fire Atton Laughs and said " don't even try" slices the saber out of her hands he catches it and dual wields it with his, he slices her hand off and stabs
he was running to the Ebon Hawk Demetrius comes running with a un conscious canderous ordo on his back troopers were firing and atton was slicing at them and he saw an injured Genesis walking toward him they were about to make it to the hawk and Demetrius threw canderous aboard and jumped to the hawk and Atton used burst of speed and then he was about to jump and in mid air he was caught with lightning and was Caught hanging from a crumbling sky palace with a broken arm due to a laser torpedo from a fighter he looked up and melinda surik was safe and with adam and so was canderous and Demetrius, Atton Smiled, Mira was on the ground saw her boyfriend hanging from the building She shook her head in dis belief and Atton's good arm gave and he held on for a little bit longer with a combination of the broken arm and the force and then a republic ship blew up the remains of the Acro palace and the explosion sent Atton flying.
Mira saw Atton falling and Mira fell to her knees as her troops advanced the crew of the hawk looked out the exterior view port, and Mira caught him and braced the impact. Atton opened his eyes and said " Baby, ... I can't make it.. , Mira Replied" Shh no save your strength don't speak she said with tears she Cried " medic" Troopers said "aye general" Atton Smiled and he said " my arms are not broken anymore just everything else" Mira smiled and Kissed him Atton kissed back and then died, Mira Felt Atton's lips go limp and Mira Cried holding the dead atton in her arms and Cried in the middle of the Field it started rainning and said you" Crying in the netherland of the force atton", 1 month later Mira Gave birth to Lucas Rand a strong force sensitive gifted in many force abilities.
Atton was in a kolto preservation tank in the morgue, mira was looking at him holding the infant lucas she said " this is your dad.., brave handsome and strong he fought for what he believes in lucas. A medic said to her sorry its closing time, mira walks out and then a force ghost of john surick came to atton said your light was extinguished before its time... Atton eyes open, he grunts in pain it was his back he broke open the pod and walked and grabbed a flight jacket out of the locker, he threw on the jacket minding his broken arm and he walked out of the room. Atton was hangar there was one shuttle left and a Pirate fleet arrived atton got in the shuttle grunted in pain over his arm and healed it with the force and took off.
Atton was thinking on his feet the pirate fleet was attacking with no guns he just flew, the station deffences fired on the pirate ship he put his feet up and said" this should work itself out and then he noticed there was no hyperdrive and he replied to that"Damn it". The Shuttle Then got tractor beamed on to the pirate ship. Atton landed aboard the ship and snuck out holding blaster and putting a poncho on, Atton then walked and said" commander this ship it has a hyperdrive and go to Tatooine". Atton heard pirates coming he shot and they were diverse each one of em a different species, he fired and killed one, Atton fired at the rest and killed em all, He was running and saw a twilek a wookiee and a Rodian. Atton Stopped and said "identify yourself the twilek's name was Edge, The wookiee was named Tyyrki and the rodian was almost dead, Atton said i'll get you out so you can get me to Tatooine. Tyyrki was guiding atton through the lower part cause he knew how to get through edge was behind them the twilek pointed a gun at atton and the wookiee grabbed, Atton recognized them, the wookiee was han-harr and the twilek domo 2 nar shadda bounty hunters looking him and mira the last 2 pree rusan jedi. atton said " thought you 2 might try something vogga getting tired of dogging his fellow bounty hunters?" " you owe him money and there a bounty if you don't have it but we'll take the ebon hawk if you don't have the money instead of killing" Atton got pissed and used the force to grab a saber that belong to the dead jedi who was lying by the crate his swung at the twilek cutting off one of the leku on the head the wookiee moved his hands before atton could swing atton ran to the engine room quickly disassembled what kept the hyper drive bolted to the floor he removed and went to the shuttle. he worked to install it he heard the hum of the hyperdrive and the ship got brighter and got more power atton then remembered he disabled the station's power to launch so he ran to the council to detach the landing claw so he could take off he flew and went to tatooine.
Mos eisley[]
Atton sat there waited for talk of the ebon hawk or of crew he knew bounty hunter were after them, a mandalorian in death watch armor walked up he said" i am casuss fett the 3rd i am here to collect that large bounty where is your ship", Atton Replies "don't know but you alone or did you make that armor outta tin cans" 4 ubesse bounty hunters came out atton activated his new saber. Atton Battled the mandalorian, He said "back off" and pointed the green blade at them, Atton Swung taking out the ubesse and leaving the mandalorian, the lone mercenary shot the saber out of atton's hand and atton pulled out the medic's blunderbuss and shot the bounty hunter, The bounty hunter merely hit his shoulder and he whiped the pistol out of his hand with the electro whip and atton recoiled in pain. then a double bladed lightsaber twirled toward the hunter is was purple the hunter got hit by it damaging the hunter and sent him flying. Mira Retrieved his saber and looked at Atton with aww and disbelief he said" baby it is me that hunter would have killed me The exile's spirit revitalized me Mira Looked atton and nodded, She Replied come to the hawk atton said " 1 minute" he told the junk dealer and said "150,000 credits and the ship is yours" the dealer gave him the money atton walked away with the money.
ebon hawk[]
Atton said "she's bigger she's in republic blue and white" he went in and there were troops, there were medics, there were droids and some smuggler and few jedi. Atton liked it the main hold had a bigger new console with, Atton went to the bridge it had a huger navicomputer and T3 was plugged into it updating it Republic insurgence pilots were atton's new co pilots. Atton was approving then bao-dur walked up with adams saying "Orders for this mission involves us going a direct on assault to korriban and Dracell and then ord mantell the exchange is buckling here". Bao-dur and adams rushed up to atton, Atton said " am i back in command guys?, I love this command" They all said "yes". Atton walks to the communicator and said" Admiral this flight Commander atton rand the exchange is targeting telos from nar shaddda. The Admiral nodded and Said " Atton, you take the crew and your men directly to the middle you are the special forces" Atton Saluted and said "aye".
Nar Shaddda[]
Atton was piloting the hawk Flannery said " this thing had a classic set up and used to be a exchange ship, wow", Dan said" well shes in more miles and has smuggling hatches and has a spice container" Atton Leans back and says now we wait and the republic fleet comes out of light speed they were picking up the exchange ships. Republic ships started bombarding the exchange ships the hawk danced around the y'toub system frigates, atton and the co pilots were trying to keep up with all the fighting Melinda Surick and Adams walk up said" there's a clearing the huts rule all this territory were going to land in the outskirts un ruled territory. Atton lands the ship, Atton walks out with Adams Melinda and 32nd Special platoon.
Atton saw a resistance movement the troops and the shore party followed, the Leader stopped Atton and said "I'm Zack Leech former exchange insurgent i was sick of the exchange messing with the republic rules, we are a un songed sixth branch of the republic made up of soldiers engineers and pilots. Atton says " we are the 32nd special forces i am the commander of this platoon, Adams is the lieutenant Melinda is the Jedi escort, We are one of the ground assault units there two more within and outside the city and then once we shut of the aa guns our heavy ships can land. the resistance movement offered their help, Atton and company moved forward on to the barricade the 22nd special forces led by mira just got there. atton looked through the binoculars to see that there were two main AA guns and atton organized the plan and began.
Nar Shaddda-Nal Hutta city[]
Atton and, mira and admas were to take his platoon to the first AA gun and take it out, The Resistance movement was to take there platoon to the other.
the AA guns were offline the heavy ships started landing the goal sack suburbs,bao-dur led the fighter squad, Canderous and Demetrius jumped out of the heavy ships with 201 elite forces taking on the exchange ground forces. Melinda led her jedi knights up the streets of the suburbs, Atton Went running firing at any Exchange forces his platoon fired at the troops they were being forced back into the refugee sector, Atton and everyone put up the first main barricade and then part of Nal hutta city was their base of operations.
Refugee Sector(landing pad)[]
Atton's squad ovver looked into the Canderous led his troops into the district,Demetrius to the ebon hawk and the insurgents to help the Republic battle the exchange's Frigates. Atton said" guys Charge! its time to join the battle and help", Atton and his men started firing at the exchange forces Canderous said" bout time i thought you were held up for the moment atton said "you know timing is everything tho and i had to make a entrance " Canderous said "true". Atton Said pin them into the lower sector. Atton ducked down in a trench he received a call, it was mira she said" I'm on the hawk the exchange is taking casualties, but one more hit from there shadow pulse laser and the hawk is done", atton said" pull back take the hawk to the oberon". The Republic Forces were funneling remaining forces into the lower sector, once all down there. atton thought of planning a bombing in the lower sector and mira said the lower sector didn't get evacuated, Atton Said " i command Shuttles make a run to the lower sector for evacuation and have force on the shuttles for cover fire". Shuttles entered the lower sector Evacuating civilian Refugee Atton got call for all clear and he and he said"began bombing run of the lower sector and when were off sweep the entire planet.
Docks (Refugee sector)[]
Atton and the republic troops were getting on the ebonn hawk giving control of Nar Shadddan to the resistance, Atton was speaking to the leaders with Melinda surick, Atton and surick were talking about the Exile how he made the sacrifice to save his daughter Melinda. Atton and Melinda felt something. A cloaked man in a black came with two light sabers in hand he said in a deep intimidating voice " Jedi... ,idk how powerful you are rank none of that but you will face me don't wanna leave the leaders of this planet defenseless" I'm Darth Knox". Atton pulled his lightsaber out Melinda at her husband and said over the comlink" Leave, go my love i'll be fine atton will protect me" Atton said mira get the hawk far from Nar Shaddda. Mira Piloted the hawk out there adams out of the main hold. The ebon hawk took off at top speed atton smiled, he swung his blade at the sith did a back flip and then a straight kick to his robotic exo skeleton arm it almost made his exo skin fly off atton's arm was stinging the sith swung at atton cutting a wire from the robotic arm rendering it usless. Atton came running and re activated his saber and jumped the sith grabbed atton by the robotic arm and swung him into a wall and threw him, Melinda was shocked she started swing know said" yes anger its been touched before utilize it" melinda shook her head and cut at the sith but failing to hit him he pushed her into the canyon of nar shadddan she fell to her death. Atton got up and was shaking his robes were ripped his left arm was useless and the pinky finger was missing completely, The sith was laughing and atton attempted to slice into him the sith grabbed his lightsaber, he started swinging at atton, atton dogded every slicingt attempt and crushed his hand and grabbed the sith lightsaber, the sith laughed and said yes such focus he laughed and deactivated atton's saber. the Sith walked to him and said" doesn't it feel good, my apprentice" atton nodded like he was possessed, atton's disabled arm was quirviring and it exploded from all the force power being pumped into it. the sith sprang back and said " easy my apprentice you will get it in time".
Space Station (in orbit around mustafar)[]
the space station had lava in the center powering it, the station was a resurrected star forge II. Atton walked into the throne room in the observation dome over the super weapon that was zapping mustafar's lava from the planet, The emperor dictated " i want the ebon hawk's blueprints, "Atton said yes my master".
mustafar space[]
The hawk was aboard the orion II, Mira was sitting at the controls holding his lightsaber she found when she went back to nar shadddan she looked down clutching considering to impale her self with it over her lost love. adams had melinda saber and body she was injured but breathing, "she is in a simple trance to lessen the pain of the fall" said brianna Anthony nodded and looked at the body brianna was holding the John Surick Jr. she put him in the crib and kissed him. Atton's Son lucas was asleep in the cargo bay of the ebon hawk. Mira looked out into the hangar saw a ship a figure came out of it, it was atton's silhouette brianna felt atton on the orion but with a dark presence she walked out and mira came running behind she motioned her to stop. Mira suddenly opened her senses to the force, Brianna attacked atton and he blocked with amazing speed. Atton spun around and attempted to stab Brianna, Mira came running and blocked and screamed no and hit atton back on his back. he came running back and attacked Mira she blocked every except one to the chest and arm she fell missing her left arm and had a stab wound through her heart she died with a tear coming out of her eye. Mira Looked at the handmaiden gasping for air and says " take care of lucas please " Atton walks away scans the hawk and leaves brianna carrys Mira's body into the morgue.
Star Forge II[]
the emperor was sitting in the observation dome he told atton to give the schematics to the imperial techs, Atton handed them over. Atton thought a moment and remembered how to take the force energy from someone else, Atton then turned and Attacked his master with his force energy draining the life from him his master was begging for his life. His master said on his dying "i crown you darth sevalis the emperor of the sith... " the emperor's taint and dark energy coursed into atton's body giving him a stronger phyisque and a stronger connection to the Dark side of the force
Darth Sevelis the Dark-Beginning reign
Atton's knowledge of the republic gained him knowledge of where to strike, The Exodus IV was over corellia his battle fleet was approaching the planet Ready to engage the Exodus's Battle fleet. The Star Forge II had cleaned mustafar of energy and lava the planet collapsed on itself, The Republic was Starting a restoration movement on mustafar but atton didn't want to focus on it though. Atton Sent bombers to the surface to Create casualties for the republic's infantry and he sent Droid ITA walkers down to the surface to take care of the tanks. He noticed they sent a jedi down to the surface, Jedi General Lucas Condor Rand and his padawan John Surick Jr. Atton took the imperial nightwing down to the surface, Imperial Nightwing was the Imperial Version of the ebon hawk Particle beams instead of those sluggish turrets the hawk had a sith black paint job and a dual Xl Type V engine it was the fastest ship in the imperial fleet. Atton landed on a building and jumped down ready to engage the jedi.
Duel on Corulag[]
Atton walked to the jedi, General lucas Said"Commander take your troops to the next square we got this last imperial. "Well executed general" Atton said Sarcastically while at the same time prasing him. Jedi Grand Master Lucas Condor Rand? isn't it? and Padawan John Surrick Jr.? Atton Asked, The general Replied "Yes, thats who we are " . Atton nodded and drew his saber and asked "wheres your mother" he laughed "my step mom is on the ship and my real mother got betrayed by my back stabbing father but he was killed his ship got struck with a asteroid" the general replied with anxiety drawn his lightsaber and whispered to his padawan. The padawan did the same and risen the mighty blade. Atton was the first to swing both jedi caught the strike and did a counterattack. Atton Laughed and said"John was that a name for your father?" the padawan ignored the question and Struck at atton. Atton blocked it and spun around and electrocuted Lucas knocking him unconcious. The padawan engaged the sith locking blades with him he hit off the mask the emperor was wearing, the face benieth revealed a blind folded figure and with faded brown hair nearly grayed. the padawan was shocked at the sight of the facial structure it resembled Lucas's, Lucas and saw the emperor's blind folded face. John Got a burst of energy and Struck at the emperor and sent him flying with a powerful force push that had streaks of orange lightning. Atton went spinning and fled to the nightwing.
Corulag Battle[]
even though Atton was surrounded and beaten by his son and his son's padawan, his forces conquered the planet the exodus and his son fled. The Day was his.
Bombing corulag[]
Corulag was his they took it before and he didn't wanna take chances he commanded bombardment of the planet, to contain the problem. He was nodding in approval, The ebon hawk came up to the star forge II and Landed, Lucas Brianna and John Surick Jr. the newly crowned knight walked into observation dome after fighting off guards. Atton clapped appaulding their power he begged his son to join him, he kept refusing and he tryed electrocuting Lucas a brianna pushed the lightning away with ease and threw atton into the wall. Atton then got Brianna with a force choke and threw her and then electrocuted her she laid there. John Attacked him with his lightsaber the emperor caught the attack and counter attacked and electrocuted him and knocked him out by throwing him into the glass of the dome. Lucas stood his ground and said my allies may be down right now but i'll fight. the emperor shot lightning at him and electrocuted him Lucas shook it off and attacked the emperor guarded the and counter attacked. Atton Appaulded the boy and said" your father was as powerful as you he..." Brianna Shouted"NOOOOOOO!!!!" She threw her lightsaber atton hit it back. and threw his it went into both of her arms and she stood the in great pain, Lucas was shaking his head. Atton was impressed" your father showed this restraint when facing Genesis Brianna then used telepathy and said "atton your Child is fighting you my child is unconcious and dying do the right thing mira is waiting she has forgiven you" Atton's apprentice walked in john came to and attacked the apprentice atton walked toward Lucas and said" Lucas I'm sorry i left a long time ago its me atton rand your father, i killed mother trying to kill bri" brianna standing there stuck to the wall in pain life signs slipping away. Atton said" you showed me your potential i was the same way" Atton walked to him and said" lets dismantle this "empire"". Atton slashed at his apprentice and stabbed him the apprentice Lord Imperius died there. Atton said " your ships will have to take it out i'm joined with it i can stop the energy flow and merely disrupt its link it will fall out of the sky or collasp in on itself", Lucas nodded and guided him to the hangar. Atton ran and sliced at the troops slashing through them, Atton said take the nightwing its faster better weapons. Atton said take me off this place i'm dying the force draining out of me i had to stop my force flow, and he fell over John was carrying his mother brianna. Lucas Looked at his father the republic insurgents got aboard the nightwing. the insurgents Piloted bao dur Demetrius Adams and Melinda walked aboard Atton smiled and said "you guys are still alive" they all smiled and nodded Lucas says " the Station's power is going down atton groaned in pain. Lucas Piloted with all hope and shot a missle at the exposed part of the dome. The missle hit and the pieces and debris and the nightwing wasn't handling well. Lucas said " Alright well then this nice we fly down to the planet were dead we stay here we are dead i want a second opinion" Atton thought " ahh that old Rand family Sarcasm" Atton got to his feet and said " Alright your ugly to son let me get this bird out of here so you guys can survive". Lucas looked and said what about you the station's energy is disapating away i'll be dead soon.
Second Death[]
Atton flew the nightwing with presion the insurgents trying to keep up and nearly tangling themselves in the controls. Atton flew the night wing with such ease and activated the hyperdrive and it got to tatooine, Atton Smiled and said"at a girl" he limped back to the med bay's bed. Atton laid there ang gave remaining power to Bri and Said" don't say i didn't do anything for ya" Lucas the star forge's remaining power in Atton just died. Atton eyes slowly shut and lucas looked back from the cock pit and shook his head in protest "no" he screamed. Atton was given a jedi burial the exile's spirit was on Onderon watching the ceremony in approval Brianna was with both arms she thanked atton Mira's spirit showed up along with atton's. and mira hugged atton and Lucas was crying but nodding in approval.