Star Wars Fanon

Atris was a Jedi who lived during the Mystic Era, born to Noma Keylos and Deron Mensket. No one knew he would become a great Jedi later in his life. One day after he was born, his parents were captured by soldiers who were attacking Glee Anselm.


Early life[]

Atris was born during difficult times, in the middle of the Sature war, in about 2,190 ABY. His parents were killed, and he would have died, had he not been found by Kai Jemko, who was on a mission to Glee Anselm. He found the baby and took him to the temple. He became a youngling, until he was old enough to become a padawan. However, the council refused to allow him to become a padawan.


Jemko would hear none of this, so he took Atris under his wing, eventually getting him out of the temple. Jemko then trained Atris in secret, until he was deemed worthy of being a knight. All was well, until they were discovered by the Falleen Jedi Xaros. Xaros was about to report Kai Jemko, and the Nautolan padawan, when he decided against it. He believed Atris had great potential.

So he was given the title of Unofficial Jedi Knight. Atris was a very capable Knight, and became a master at Klanakai. A Jedi Master named Zei Korka who also thought Atris would make a good knight, managed to get the council to allow him to officially become a Knight.


Since he had been trained in secret, Atris had not constructed his own lightsaber, so he set out to do so.

Atris's lightsaber was adapted to work especially well for his fighting style, as it had a special battery which gave it an extra charge of energy when it was moved in a sweeping motion. This charge would release on impact with another lightsaber.

This characteristic would be helpful, as Klanakai has many sweeping motions.

First mission[]

Atris was sent on his first mission shortly after. He was to resolve a conflict on Dantooine between two native clans. They had been fighting over a strange artifact, which they believed would bring them power. After inspection of the Artifact, he realized it was a Sith Holocron. Worried about finding such a thing on a planet like Dantooine, he began to look into how it got there.

He dared not activate it, but he wanted to know its origin. Eventually, he found the answer in the Jedi archives, after he had left the planet. A Sith Lord named Darth Kaligan had recorded a holocron shortly before his death, which apparently contained many secrets about the Sith and the Force. Atris gave the artifact to the Jedi Temple, and it was stored away. Little did he know that the holocron's owner was not far off.


Atris was sent on a mission to Kintan, the Nikto homeworld. While there, he found a cave of lightsaber crystals. However, these crystals were not growing in the cave, but were stacked in rows at the back of it. Puzzled by this, he explored the cave, and heard voices coming from a crevice. It appeared that the crevice was looking into a room, where several Nikto were in combat.

A few minutes later, a hooded figure walked into the room. "Are you ready?" he asked. One of the Nikto replied, "The Morgukai will soon be at your service, Master Noceni." Atris was rather alarmed. If the Morgukai were helping the Sith, (he was almost certain the hooded figure was a Sith) that would be very bad for the Jedi.


After Darth Noceni left the cave, Atris was waiting for him. Both drew their lightsabers, and Noceni removed his robe. The battle began. Atris seemed to be gaining an edge after a few minutes. But he was forced back by a very aggressive set of attacks by his opponent.

Eventually, the battle was a draw. Noceni fled, and Atris headed for his ship. He had to warn the council.

Visionaries Darth Maul

Darth Noceni

Battle of Kintan[]

Atris told the council about this plot. They sent an investigator to discover if this was true. After they learned that it was, they sent a large amount (the number was unknown, but it was believed roughly around 2,000) of Jedi to the planet Kintan. The Morgukai heard about this, and sent their men into battle on Darth Noceni's orders. Noceni himself was nowhere in the battlefield.

The Jedi fought well, and they outnumbered the Morgukai greatly, which made up for the Morgukai's powerful weapons. While the battle raged on at the surface of Kintan, Atris and two other Jedi: Merko Imgan and Atris' former master, Kai Jemko, searched for Darth Noceni. They finally found him on a high cliff, watching the battle below from a relatively hidden location. All three Jedi ignited their sabers, and Darth Noceni force pulled his into his hand. The battle began.

The three Jedi eventually had Darth Noceni cornered. He pretended to surrender, but then used Force Lightning to attack the Jedi. Merko jumped back, but Atris and Korka deflected the bolts. Noceni then fled.


Atris left Kintan, and headed for the planet Anzat, after hearing a distress call from a group of Jedi. The call, however, was a ruse developed by a group of Anzati, who were intent on killing Jedi. When Atris arrived, he was captured and taken to the group's stronghold. He was tied down, and the Anzati began closing in, and he would have been finished, had not Xaros found him and intervened. Atris stayed on Anzat, seeking the source of a strange Aura that seemed to be dark side energy.

He walked into a large cavern, and all of a sudden, the lights went dim, an eerie glow appeared, and six hidden figures drew their lightsabers. A door in the rock sealed, and Atris was trapped in the cave. One of his opponents he recognized as Darth Noceni, the others were unfamiliar. He drew his lightsaber, and used the Force to send a rock barrage falling from the ceiling. This knocked 2 of them unconscious, leaving four to deal with.

He engaged in combat with one, who soon had him cornered. Atris plunged his lightsaber into his enemy's chest, leaving three Sith. The other two disappeared, one of them being Darth Noceni. After investigating the cavern, he found a strange lightsaber crystal sitting on a pedestal. He took it with him.


Atris took the crystal to the Jedi Council, who inspected it. They said that it had no dark energy, so it was not a Sith Crystal. Atris placed it in his lightsaber, and the weapon began to shimmer and glow. Atris realized that this was a rare Starsaber crystal, an ancient lightsaber crystal that gave the user extra attunement to the Force when placed in a lightsaber.


Atris decided to take on an apprentice. He found a human girl named Korell Janlay, whom he took as his padawan. He could not, therefore, continue pursuing Noceni, but he was tired of that. He took his padawan on a mission a few months later, to Tatooine. the next day, Darth Noceni headed for the desert planet, determined to eliminate his opponent.


Korell Janlay


Atris was tired of running, so he decided to confront Darth Noceni. He found him out on the Dune Sea. The battle began. The new crystal in Atris' lightsaber allowed him to fight with extreme dexterity, and it seemed to be more powerful than a normal saber. Noceni was a powerful opponent, however, and eventually, after a long struggle, he had Atris cornered.

He was about to ignite the saber, and kill Atris, when another lightsaber flew through the air and hit Noceni in the heart. He staggered, and fell to the ground, dead. After a few moments of recovering from the shock, Atris realized it had been his apprentice's lightsaber. He saw Janlay standing on a ledge above the battle, where she wouldn't be seen. He thanked her, and they both left for Coruscant.

Later life[]

Atris decided to resign from field work, becoming an assistant in the Jedi Archives.


Atris died of age, and on his deathbed, he requested that Korell Janlay be made a Knight. His lightsaber was placed in the Hall of Relics.

Post mortem[]

Atris did not maintain individuality after death. However, some Jedi believed he had learned some other secret of life. Many believed they could feel his presence strongly. If there was such a secret, it was known only to Atris.
