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Old Republic eraWiki Award winner

I wonder what we would be if the Force were to be taken from us... Whether we would be Jedi, or Sith, or simply human.

Atris was an influential Human Jedi Master during the time of the Old Republic. Coming of age as a Padawan during the Great Sith War, she was forced to kill her fellow apprentice Raytha Gallasine, who had joined the Sith Brotherhood of Exar Kun. After the war, she distinguished herself as a Jedi scholar and historian, hoping to reform the Order and prevent future generations from falling to the dark side of the Force. To this end she became a prominent member of the Restorationist movement, which formed after the Exis Convocations in 21,067 AR.

By the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Atris resided on Coruscant as a Jedi Master, Chronicler of the Order, and member of the High Council. Together with the rest of the Council, she forbade any Jedi involvement in the war. Consequently, her faith was shaken when Meetra Surik, a knight whom Atris held in some admiration, joined Revan's interventionist Jedi Crusade. Following the Mandalorians' defeat, Surik returned to Coruscant to account for her actions and was summarily cast out of the Order, while Revan and the rest of her followers turned on the Republic and embraced the ways of the Sith. Atris served on the Council through the Jedi Civil War, which saw a pyrrhic victory for the Republic and the Jedi Order reduced to a hundred knights and masters. With even these survivors falling to a purge by Sith assassins, Atris went into hiding, taking with her many of the records, holocrons, and other artifacts collected by the Order. In 21,101 she attempted to trick the Sith Triumvirate into revealing themselves, leading to a massacre of her fellow Jedi on Katarr.

Surviving these debacles, Atris remained hidden in an academy on Telos IV, attended by six Echani handmaidens loyal to her cause. Over time, her deep study of captured Sith holocrons led her to secretly embrace the dark side herself. During this time she attempted to use Meetra Surik as a pawn against the Sith, only to be maimed by the Exile in a lightsaber duel. Subsequently Atris abandoned her plans and left for Belsavis, where she intended to spend the rest of her days in seclusion. Six years later, however, she was tracked down by the rogue Force adept Atton Rand, who convinced her to help him oppose the impending invasion of the true Sith.


End of peace[]

The woman known only as Atris was born toward the end of the millennial peace which followed from the Great Hyperspace War. Discovered during infancy to be Force-sensitive, she came into the care of the Whiphid Uduru Tierekk, a Master of the Jedi Order. Atris was raised and trained at the Jedi Praxeum on Ossus alongside a Mikkian named Raytha Gallasine. The two cared for each other as sisters, and Atris hoped to become a Jedi Guardian at the end of her training. Master Tierekk was also a priest of the Whiphid cult of Ouiazervuth, which obliged him to journey periodically to the Tabernacle of Trass'thodus on Solarine to perform certain esoteric rites. Both of his Padawans usually accompanied him on these pilgrimages. While Atris found her master's position in the cult puzzling, the High Council on Ossus did not consider it to interfere with his duties as a Jedi, and neither Raytha nor Atris made an issue of it.[1]

In 21,058 AR, Master Tierrek was once again required to leave Ossus for Solarine. At this time the Praxeum was being visited by Exar Kun, a renegade Jedi Padawan who had secretly delved into the forbidden teachings of the Sith. Hiding his true aspirations to become a new Dark Lord of the Sith, Kun presented himself as a seeker of lost Jedi knowledge. Hoping to find new disciples among the Order's more suggestible members, he criticized the leadership of the Jedi Councils and offered to share what he had uncovered with his peers. As it happened, Raytha chose to stay on Ossus and listen to Exar Kun while her master and fellow Padawan, unaware of the danger, embarked on their pilgrimage without her. Raytha eventually accompanied Kun to Yavin IV where, along with a handful of other Padawans, she fell under his sway and joined him in a new Sith Brotherhood.[1]

Once Exar Kun was sure of his new disciples' loyalty, he dispatched them to hunt down and murder their former teachers, saying that the "old masters" stood in the way of a new Sith golden age. Raytha accepted this mission and caught up with Tierrek on Solarine, attacking him while he was unarmed during a religious ceremony. Atris narrowly saved the Whiphid's life, drawing her lightsaber in his defense, and while the wounded Jedi Master entered a healing trance, his two Padawans dueled. In vain Atris begged her sister Jedi to stop; unmoved, Raytha explained her mission and tried to induce Atris to join her among the Sith, but Atris in turn refused. Their battle was close, but in the end Atris mortally wounded Raytha and held her as she died.[1]

After these events the Great Sith War began in earnest, pitting the Republic and Jedi against the Sith Brotherhood, supported by the Krath cult and the Mandalorian Crusaders. Though heartbroken by the ordeal at Solarine, Atris served the Republic in its time of need, proving herself in battles at Toprawa, Gyndine, and Bandomeer. She was an eyewitness to the war's end at Yavin IV, which saw the jungle moon ravaged by the assault of thousands of Jedi.[1]

Ascendant Jedi[]

Much began to change in the years that followed. Since Ossus had been destroyed as a result of the Cron Supernova, the Jedi High Council was reformed at the Temple on Coruscant, which would become the new center of the Order. Brief though the war had been, the scale of the damage it led to—and could have led to—led the Jedi to scrutinize its origins. Many came to the conclusion that the Order at large had strayed from its core teachings and disciplines, leading to a laxity and complacency that Exar Kun had taken advantage of. Jedi Masters and learned Knights began to call for reforms such as standardizing the process of training, centralizing and increasing the authority of Councils (especially the High Council), and mandating a more austere way of life for all Jedi. Many of these proposals were articulated during the convocation at Exis in 21,067 AR, which came to be considered the inception of the Jedi Restoration movement.

In the meantime, Atris herself had become a Jedi Knight. Rather than continue the Guardian's path, however, she turned to study of Jedi doctrine, lore, and history, becoming a Consular instead. She devoted the next decade of her life to work in the Archives on Coruscant, distinguishing herself as a scholar and even earning the begrudging respect of Master Kreia, the Order's notoriously rigorous Chronicler. With her extensive knowledge and rhetorical skill, Atris became one of the foremost advocates of the Restorationist movement, believing it was necessary to prevent future generations of Jedi from falling to the dark side. She also befriended Nomi Sunrider, the renowned leader of the High Council, eventually tutoring her daughter Vima. Over a decade later, Vima Sunrider would succeeded her mother as Grand Master, spearheading the Restoration and eventually carrying it to fruition. Meanwhile, Atris continued to ascend the Jedi hierarchy, achieving Mastery and taking the position of Chronicler after Kreia stepped down.

The Mandalorian Wars and aftermath[]

Nearly two decades after the Sith War, the threat of the Mandalorians made a resurgence in the form of Mandalore the Ultimate and his Neo-Crusaders. When the beleaguered Republic government petitioned the Jedi Order for aid, the High Council stalled, stating that the threat needed to be carefully evaluated before the Order committed itself to war. Privately, some of the Masters—Vima Sunrider included—feared the effects that another war would have on the Jedi, and moreover suspected that the Mandalorians were only pawns of a more dangerous adversary, possibly another remnant of the Sith. As systems across the Outer Rim fell to the Mandalorians and Republic fleets lost battle after battle, the Jedi ranks swelled with discontent and debate over the Council's apparent isolationism. The interventionist position eventually found its voice in a talented young Knight named Revan. Together with her close friend Malak, Revan spoke boldly in favor of joining the war. The young Knight met staunch resistance from Atris no less than from the rest of the Council; indeed, Master Atris denounced Revan in the most forceful terms.

Tensions within the Order reached a fever pitch in 21,090 AR. In the latest of several unauthorized missions and escapades, Revan and Malak uncovered the genocide of the Cathar species by the forces of Cassus Fett. Bringing word back to the Republic, they called for Jedi to join them in a crusade against the Mandalorians, with or without the High Council's support. Nearly a third of the Order flocked to their cause. Among them was Meetra Surik, a Knight who, like Revan, combined conspicuous Force ability with the reputation of a maverick. In spite of this, Atris admired her from a distance and privately held her in high regard; as Kreia would put it many years later, Atris viewed Surik as "all that she could not be." As such, when Meetra left for the war, defying the Council's teachings and their authority, Atris felt personally betrayed.

Revan's crusaders eventually won the war in the cataclysmic Battle of Malachor V, a costly victory that left the world ravaged on General Meetra Surik's orders. In the aftermath, the High Council demanded that Revan and her followers relinquish their military posts and return to Coruscant to account for their actions in the war. Under pretext of needing to pursue recusant Mandalorian forces, Revan ignored this order. The only one who obeyed was Surik herself; having mysteriously lost her connection to the Force in the final battle, the former general no longer had any place among the crusaders. In fact, it was Revan's final request to her that she return to the Temple, so as to speak for all the Jedi who had gone to war.[2] Now a member of the High Council herself, Atris was present when Grand Master Sunrider and her other peers placed Surik on trial. Meetra remained defiant before their judgement, maintaining that Revan's actions and her own had been justified, and that the crusaders had been true Jedi, unlike the Council and their followers. Condemned and declared an exile from the Order, she stabbed her lightsaber into the Center Stone of the High Council Chamber and departed.

More even than Surik's disobedience, however, Atris and her fellow Masters were motivated by dread of how she would affect her fellow Jedi, were she allowed to return to the Order. They sensed that she had become a kind of wound in the Force that was connected to the destruction she had caused at Malachor; they feared that the Exile, being a natural leader, would induce other Jedi to follow her ways and thus spread the "echo" of Malachor V. In Atris's eyes, Surik was no better—and no less dangerous—than a Sith, and should not have been allowed to wander the galaxy freely. In fact, she thought the Exile deserved execution.

In spite of all this, Meetra's conduct during her trial affected Atris deeply, causing her to doubt her own choices and convictions. She kept this inner conflict hidden, unwilling to openly question the same hierarchy and authority that she had spent decades of her life defending. She also kept the lightsaber that Meetra had left behind in the Council Chamber.

Revan's War and the Jedi Purge[]

Atris's belief that the crusaders had crossed over to the dark side seemed vindicated when Revan, now under the title of Darth Revan, declared the birth of a new Sith Empire and turned on the Republic, beginning what would be known as the Jedi Civil War. Even as the Order's ranks were decimated in many battles, Atris was among the few Jedi who saw virtually none of the fighting, instead attending to her duties as a Master on Coruscant.

Two years into the war, a trap set for Revan by the Jedi coinciding with the betrayal of her apprentice Malak left the Dark Lord near death. Unknown to Malak and to the galaxy at large, a comatose Revan was saved by Bastila Shan, one of the Jedi sent to capture her, and taken to the High Council as a prisoner. With Darth Malak continuing the Jedi Civil War, commanding a seemingly limitless fleet of mysterious origin. After healing Revan's physical injuries, the Council decided to alter the Dark Lord's mind, giving her a new identity that was loyal to the Republic and which would eventually be retrained as a Jedi. Shan would then travel with Revan, drawing out the Dark Lord's secrets as they gradually emerged from her lost memories, in the hopes of discovering the origins of the Sith Empire's fleet in order to stop them. In this way, Revan would also be given a chance to redeem herself to the light side of the Force. It was Grand Master Sunrider who proposed this scheme; though several Masters including Atris held deep reservations, desperation moved them to consent to the plan.

The Council's gambit ended in disaster. After regaining her memories, Revan ultimately embraced her former path as a Sith, striking down her former apprentice and reclaiming her place as Dark Lord. Bastila Shan was turned to the dark side, and the Republic suffered a crushing defeat in the Battle of Rakata Prime. Though it seemed inevitable that the Sith would soon invade the Galactic Core itself, Darth Revan disappeared from known space in 21,098, and her empire was fractured by civil war. Despite battles no longer being fought by the Republic, however, Jedi across the galaxy continued to die, hunted down by Sith using arcane powers and tactics which Jedi seemed unable to defend against.

With the Order's numbers dangerously thinned, Master Atris called for a conclave of all available Jedi at Katarr, a world strong in the Force thanks to its populace of Miraluka colonists. The conclave's purpose was ostensibly to discern the nature of the new threat faced by the Jedi and to develop a strategy against it, but Atris had ulterior motives. She purposefully leaked information of the gathering, hoping it would goad the Sith into attacking the Jedi in the open, where they could be destroyed. However, the bait was taken by Darth Nihilus, whose malignant power eclipsed anything Atris had anticipated. The Lord of Hunger laid waste to Katarr, draining the Force from all the Jedi present as well as the the Miraluka population and the planet itself.

Despite calling for the conclave herself, Atris was not present. Fearing that the Sith attack could be devastating, she had stayed away in order to protect herself and her knowledge of the Force. Having used her fellow Jedi as bait, she survived.

"Last of the Jedi"[]

After the Order had abandoned the Temple on Coruscant and its various enclaves, Atris took up residence on Telos IV, which had been devastated during the Jedi Civil War. She secretly established an academy in the abandoned hub of the planet's irrigation system. Rather than Jedi or students, her sole companions were six Echani handmaidens. The daughters of the late Tarken Yusanis, the handmaidens acted as Atris's retainers; besides guarding the academy, they traveled the galaxy on their mistress's behalf, collecting Jedi and Sith holocrons and other artifacts for the eventual rebirth of the Jedi. Fanatically loyal to the "last of the Jedi" and devoted to her cause, they had also been trained specifically to resist the influence of the Force. It was Atris's belief that such disciples would be needed in the new Order to guard against the danger of fallen Jedi. Despite this, the handmaidens failed to recognize the way Atris was being changed by her study of Sith lore.

In 21,102 AR, Atris somehow tracked down Meetra Surik, who had been wandering the galactic fringe, and arranged for her to be brought back to Republic space. Much as she had with her fellow Jedi on Katarr, Atris hoped to use the Exile as bait for her enemies. Consequently, both the Sith Triumvirate and the Exchange attacked Surik at the Peragus II mining facility, leading to its destruction. Later on the Exile and several companions turned up at Telos in the freighter Ebon Hawk, where the Telos Security Force arrested them in connection with the Peragus incident. Meanwhile, Atris sought to uncover the truth herself. At her behest, her handmaiden Brianna infiltrated Citadel Station, stealing both the Ebon Hawk and the Exile's droid, T3-M4.

After being released by the TSF, Meetra Surik and her companions eventually made their way to the hidden academy in search of their lost ship. While the others were detained by the handmaidens, Atris confronted Meetra and questioned her about the Peragus incident. The facility there had been a critical source of fuel for Citadel Station and thus Telos's restoration efforts, which would profoundly affect the Republic if they failed. The two also argued bitterly over the Mandalorian Wars, and though Atris blamed the Exile for Peragus's destruction as much as the Sith, she allowed her to leave Telos with her ship and crew.

While Atris remained on Telos, Meetra scoured the galaxy for other Jedi who might aid her against the Sith Triumvirate. Ultimately she convinced Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Vrook Lamar, and Kavar to gather on Dantooine, only to slay them herself. Several of the handmaidens had been sent to Dantooine to observe the gathering, and after the Jedi's deaths they took one of Meetra's companions back to Telos as a prisoner; it was none other than Kreia, under the guise of the Sith Lord Darth Traya. Alone with Atris in the former's meditation chamber, Traya intuited that the Jedi Master had succumbed to the dark side and betrayed the same teachings she had defended so zealously. After predicting that Meetra Surik would soon come to Telos as well, Traya fled to a hidden Sith stronghold on Malachor V.

As promised, Surik came to the academy in search of Darth Traya, only for Atris to confront her. Even after having her hypocrisy laid bare, Atris continued to see herself as the last of the Jedi, believing that she was destined first to destroy the Exile, then travel to Malachor and finish off the Sith. Despite employing dark side powers as well as considerable dueling prowess, however, Atris was brutally defeated, losing her right hand and left eye to Meetra's blade. Consumed with rage and a newfound connection to the dark side, the Exile began to drain Atris's Force essence, which was how she had killed the other Jedi on Dantooine.[2]

A twist of fate saved Atris's life when two of the Exile's companions unexpectedly entered the room, Atton Rand and Mical. Hoping to hide her true nature and her guilt for the deaths of the other Jedi, Surik spared her beaten enemy.[2] Immediately afterward, Telos came under attack by the forces of Darth Nihilus, who had been lured there by Darth Traya. Republic forces met the Sith in battle and ultimately defeated them, with Nihilus struck down by the Exile aboard his flagship. Meetra went on to Malachor V, where she at last killed Traya and her apprentice Sion before ascending as Dark Lord of the Sith.

Exile and return[]

Days later, Meetra returned to Telos with several companions and a company of assassins, intent on finishing off the last Jedi. However, Atris and her handmaidens had disappeared, along with the stores of Jedi and Sith artifacts. Though the apprentice Visas Marr believed that the rogue Jedi Master and her retainers were still a threat, Meetra left tracking them down to her assassins and turned her own attention elsewhere. [3] Atris made her way to the frozen world of Belsavis, where she took up residence in an abandoned monastery. Grievously injured and significantly weaker in the Force than before, she reflected on the events of her life and the failure of her many schemes. Repudiating the teachings of Sith and Jedi alike, she turned her back on the galaxy and resolved to live out her remaining days as an exile.

Atton Rand tracked her down six years later, claiming that he wanted to warn the Republic of an invasion from the Second Sith Empire in the Unknown Regions. Previously ruled by an unknown emperor, this empire was now under the control of Darth Revan. Meetra Surik had joined her, but Atton—for his own reasons—had decided to betray the Sith and sought allies to help in the coming war. Jedi or ex-Jedi were an obvious choice, and Atris was the only one he knew of who might still be alive. For a time Atris was apparently unwilling to help, but she was won over when Atton compared her reluctance to the Jedi Council's apathy during the Mandalorian Wars. Having no knowledge that could aid in Atton's search, she entered a meditative trance that lasted more than a day, using farsight to attempt to divine the locations of any surviving Jedi. After seeing a lone straggler in the ruins of the Dantooine Enclave, she sent Atton there.[4]

Despite being hunted by the Sith, Atton returned safely with the straggler, a Padawan named Kaevee who had survived the Enclave's destruction. Atris's first meeting with the young woman was unexpectedly sour, as it turned out that Atton had tricked her into thinking he was a Jedi Knight; further, he allowed her to believe that Atris was a Master and that they intended to complete her training. Kaevee was angry and distraught when she learned the truth, and things deteriorated further when she argued with Atris over whether the Order's teachings were corrupt. When Kaevee declared she would rather be taken back to Dantooine than travel with non-Jedi, Atton stormed out of the room.[4]

Weary and regretful of how things had gone, Atris expressed sympathy for Kaevee, who was unwilling to accept that the Order might well be extinct. At her encouragement, Kaevee took some time to consider her options and ultimately decided to join Rand and Atris after all.[4]

Early travels aboard the Ebon Hawk[]

Cole: “That old woman's sure got it easy.
Atton: “Somebody's got to watch the ship.
Cole: “No, I mean all the time. Seriously, does she do anything?
Atton: “She's a specialist, let's put it that way.
―Cole Terrick and Atton Rand on Daluuj[src]

Before continuing Atton's plan to alert the Republic, the group traveled to the Ord Lonesome system. Atton had hired a spacer named Cole Terrick to acquire various spare parts and supplies for the Ebon Hawk. They rendezvoused with Terrick's ship, the Sharp Turn, and Atris remained in her quarters while Atton, Kaevee, and the droids X-C88 and Remote handled the transaction. However, they came under attack both by Sith and bounty hunters, leading to chaos as the two crews struggled to defend themselves. Though the cargo was successfully transferred, the Sharp Turn suffered catastrophic damage. Cole Terrick sought refuge aboard the Ebon Hawk, only to decide to go back and retrieve the strong box containing his payment. Kaevee tried in vain to dissuade him and was overcome by panic, but Atris sensed her distress and used the Force to calm her mind, despite being on the other end of the ship. Subsequently Kaevee saved Cole's life, and the Ebon Hawk escaped into hyperspace.[4]

Atton, Kaevee, and the droids focused on repairing the Ebon Hawk over the following days, while Atris spent most of her time meditating in the port dormitory. Kaevee ventured to speak with the former Master, and while the two made efforts to stay cordial, tension remained between them. Despite the danger posed by the Sith who were hunting them, Kaevee was unwilling to listen to Atris's perspective on the Force or to accept training from her. She also expressed suspicion of Atton's past and motivations, but Atris refused to indulge her curiosity. Meanwhile Cole Terrick haunted the ship as an unwilling passenger. Since all of his property and livelihood had been destroyed with his ship, he eventually opted to join the Ebon Hawk's crew.[4]

The crew's next destination was Daluuj, where Atton hijacked a Republic hyperwave transmitter in order to contact Sargo Opelle, a Republic admiral. The pilot successfully sent a message, but he, Kaevee, Cole, and the Remote were then set upon by a team of bounty hunters led by Mira; these were the same ones who had attacked the Ebon Hawk in the Ord Lonesome system. Still aboard the Hawk, Atris sensed the firefight taking place and sent out a distress signal, then followed when X-C88 went out to help. Still being handicapped and out of practice in fighting, Atris was stunned into unconsciousness, and the rest of the crew was captured as well. Unknown to both groups, the Ebon Hawk had also been followed to Daluuj by a Republic corvette, and a company of soldiers took them all into custody.[4]

Mira and her fellow bounty hunters would eventually be taken to Coruscant to stand trial for various crimes. Meanwhile, Atris and her companions were detained aboard the Valiant, which was Sargo Opelle's flagship. Opelle interviewed the crew, saying that he had analyzed the data Rand had sent him from Daluuj, and that he believed the warning about the true Sith. Nevertheless, they were all liable to be indefinitely detained and interrogated for various reasons (Atton and Cole being known criminals). To spare them of this, and to ensure their continued service to the Republic, Opelle offered to have them recruited into the Strategic Information Service as a team of special agents reporting to him. The crew accepted his proposal.[4]

To delay the Sith invasion, Atton's plan had been to convince the Republic to attack and destroy Malachor V; as well as headquartering the remnant of Revan and Malak's Sith Order, it had been chosen by the true Sith as the arrival point for their fleets. Once approved by the Supreme Chancellor, Admiral Opelle led the Republic fleet in the Second Battle of Malachor V. Atton, Kaevee, Cole, and the Remote aided ground forces in assaulting Singularity Base, but Atris remained aboard the Valiant. Though unable to assist directly in combat, she continued to aid Kaevee from afar by bolstering her concentration and Force connection, which saved her life multiple times. The Republic won the battle, obliterating Malachor by reactivating the Mass Shadow Generator superweapon.[4]

Kaevee returned to the Valiant deeply shaken, as her own recklessness and unwillingness to follow Atton's instructions had nearly gotten her killed. Placing her dreams of becoming a Jedi Knight aside for the time being, she asked Atris to teach her about the Force and to help her move on from the Order.[4]

Salvage Team Four[]

With the Sith Remnant reeling from their defeat at Malachor, the Republic launched an incursion into their Outer Rim holdings. Now working under the SIS code name of Salvage Team Four, Atton and his crew were frequently sent behind enemy lines, their goal behind to find out which system would be the true Sith's new arrival point. Still unsuited to combat and limited in her range of abilities, Atris was often kept in reserve on these assignments and spent most of her time meditating in the hopes of regaining her strength in the Force. Generally she aided her companions simply by offering insight and knowledge whenever it was needed, but she focused particularly on counseling Kaevee as she adjusted to her own role in the team.[5]

They eventually ended up on Telthek Nest shadowport on Gulvitch, where Republic Intelligence agents supplied data on Torque Highport, the Remnant's governmental center for the Gordian Reach sector. It was thought that information on the true Sith would be found within the private files of the prefect, a Quarren minor Sith Lord named Korlen Olligard. Sith Adepts Bevel Zanatsu and Giran Faselli tracked the Republic agents to Telthek Nest, leading to chaos, but the Ebon Hawk narrowly escaped. At the two RI agents' suggestion, Salvage Team Four next went to Krylon. There they met Troycule Rythcema III, a Ruurian black market merchant willing to supply special equipment for their mission. Atris helped Atton devise a plan for infiltrating Torque Highport, which they were able to finalize after seeing Troycule's stores.[5]

The team split up for their mission. Posing as a Sith Lord named Lady Crysenthia, Atris came to the station in the Crystal Shore, an exotic star courier provided by the Ruurian. Accompanied by Atton, who was disguised as a Sith minion, Atris imperiously demanded to be taken to Korlen Olligard's office in order to meet with him. The prefect was out at the time, but they successfully intimidated his deputy, Vasma Brand, into taking the to the reception area. Atton ventured into the office alone, and though Atris stalled the prefect outside for as long as she could, Olligard insisted on speaking inside his office. As he discovered Atris's deception, Atton attacked the prefect, leading to a lightsaber duel. Though Atris's ability to help was limited, her companion disabled the Sith Lord with a fragmentation mine. Gathering what files he had been able to extract from the prefect's computers, Atton fled with Atris in tow, pursued by Bevel Zanatsu, who had followed them to Torque with his partner Giran.[5]

Meanwhile Kaevee, Cole, and the droids had brought the Ebon Hawk to the station, disguised as a normal cargo ship's crew. To create a distraction for Remnant security, they remotely detonated the Crystal Shore, killing Giran Faselli and a number of Sith troopers in the process. To reach the Hawk, Atton commandeered a grav-loader in order to cut through the station's cargo facilities. Bevel Zanatsu finally caught up with him and Atris at the hangar, only to come under fire from the freighter's belly turret. Despite his efforts, Salvage Team Four again slipped from his grasp.[5]

Further missions[]

While the data stolen from Torque Highport did not reveal any plans of the true Sith, it did yield important strategic information which aided the Republic in its conquest of the Gordian Reach. A later assignment of Salvage Team Four took them to Vaal to meet with Republic Intelligence agent Sulen Tusser. On finding that Tusser had been captured by the Sith, Atton hastily devised a plan to rescue him from Gallamby Outpost, posing as a Sith trooper in order to take Kaevee into the detention block as a supposed prisoner. They succeeded and headed to the roof while Cole Terrick piloted the Ebon Hawk there to pick them up. To help cover their arrival, Atris used the Force to induce a swarm of harkhawks to gather over the base, distracting air sensors long enough for Cole to blow up its anti-air turret. Atton and the others eventually reached the roof and the Ebon Hawk escaped. Sulen Tusser then revealed that he had discovered a number of Republic assets that had been targeted for sabotage by the Sith. One of these was the Obeth refueling station in the Landor system. Unfortunately, they soon discovered that the station had already been destroyed by a Sith raid.[6]

Despite the lives lost and the setback to the Republic incursion, it turned out that several bulk freighters loaded with kolto had made emergency jumps to hyperspace as the station was destroyed, and were thought to be stranded in deep space elsewhere. The Ebon Hawk was assigned to help search for these lost freighters, and was eventually damaged in battle near the Ferrous Aurora Nebula while saving the Errant VI. Afterward, the team spent some time on Republic-occupied Indosa, where they rested in Doscaras Spaceport and worked on repairing the ship.[6]

While in Doscaras, Atris took Kaevee to the medical bay, where she began to teach her the fundamentals of Force healing. Between all these events, Kaevee also spoke to her mentor with growing concern over the threat posed by the Sith, and particularly how they were to be defeated without a Jedi Order to oppose them. Despite no longer insisting on being given Jedi training herself, the former Padawan held out hope that a handful of survivors were yet scattered across the galaxy and needed to be united to aid the Republic. Both Atris and Atton pointed out the improbability of this and the difficulty of scouring the galaxy to find any such survivors, but Kaevee was not satisfied. Kaevee eventually remembered that Atris had located her on Dantooine using farsight and asked that she do so again to located other Jedi. Though the former Master confided that she had attempted this several times already, Kaevee insisted that Atris do so again with her help. Atris reluctantly agreed, and the two underwent a farsight ritual together, only to experience a fragmentary and chaotic vision which seemed to show nothing useful.[6]

Several days later a pair of Sith Remnant agents infiltrated Doscaras. They boarded the Errant VI, which had been docked there for repairs, and attempted to engage its hyperdrive system in order to destroy the spaceport. The saboteurs were narrowly foiled by Salvage Team Four and Republic troopers, but a critical role was also played by Torm Heshusa, a Twi'lek member of the Errant VI's crew. While coincidentally encountering Torm with Kaevee in the medbay, Atris recognized through the Force that the man was in fact a former Jedi named Kaah Ohtok, the Padawan of Lonna Vash. Indeed, both Jedi had dimly been glimpsed by Atris and Kaevee in their farsight vision earlier.[6]

Though Atris and Torm pretended not to recognize each other, Kaevee saw through it and questioned Atris after the Twi'lek had gone. Angered and hurt when Atris continued to feign ignorance, the former Padawan went to confront Torm, who eventually admitted his former identity. However, he refused her entreaties to aid them against the Sith, as he had fallen in love with a woman named Tisha and desired to live an ordinary life with her. Kaevee dejectedly related this to the rest of her team. Atris later apologized for lying to her, admitting that while she had wished to respect Torm's privacy, her main motivation had been avoiding the pain that speaking with him would have caused; Atris was still wracked with guilt for her role in the devastation of Katarr, and Torm was an unwelcome reminder of it. Kaevee accepted her mentor's apology. Several days later the Ebon Hawk's repairs were completed, and the team left Indosa to begin their next assignment.[6]

Personality and traits[]

From infancy Atris was raised by the Jedi Order, and thus had no memory of her parents or origins. She regarded the Jedi as her family, cherishing her master and loving her fellow Padawan Raytha as a sister. In her early years she dreamed of adventuring across the galaxy as a Knight, doing good and battling evildoers wherever she went, but her experiences in the Great Sith War changed her profoundly.[1][6] Believing that the Order needed teachers more than warriors, she devoted her life to restoring the Jedi precepts in their purest form. She aspired to be a perfect Jedi, embracing the most rigorous interpretations of the Code and doing all in her power to see that others did the same. In championing the Restoration movement, her deepest desire was to prevent others from falling to the dark side, so that Jedi would never again kill each other, as she had been forced to do to Raytha.[1]

Nevertheless, Atris's devotion to the Jedi ideals led her to arrogance. Even as a Padawan, she considered herself above non-Forceful beings in certain respects. On Solarine, for instance, she believed that the Tabernacle of Trass'thodus's prohibition of carrying weapons should not apply to Jedi, disregarding her own master's instructions to surrender her lightsaber at the gate (this disobedience ironically saved Master Tierekk's life, as his Padawan was then able to defend him when Raytha attacked).[1] With very little patience for dissent, she was quick to denounce anyone who took issue with the "restored" Jedi disciplines or who defied the instructions of the High Council. As a Jedi Master and Chronicler, she coveted the respect of other higher-ranking Jedi; though she eventually began to doubt the High Council's wisdom herself, she kept such misgivings hidden from her peers.

Atris's long years on Telos, spent obsessively studying in isolation, took a heavy toll on her spirit. Already proud by nature, she grew bitter, spiteful, and vindictive, which drew her into the dark side of the Force, as did her incautious use of Sith holocrons and other such artifacts. Her role in the destruction of Katarr pushed her in the same direction. Despite feeling tremendous guilt over the matter, she rationalized it as a necessary sacrifice and even grew to resent her fellow Jedi who had gone there, deciding they had deserved their fate.

Her near-death at the hands of the Exile and subsequent years on Belsavis left Atris dramatically changed. She came to believe that the Jedi teachings were fundamentally flawed in some way, and was consumed with remorse for her various betrayals and schemes. She would have been content to die alone in the frozen monastery, but Atton Rand convinced her that she was needed to combat the true Sith; remembering how she had turned from battle time and again in the past, Atris resolved not to repeat her mistakes.

While traveling aboard the Ebon Hawk, Atris assumed the role of a mentor for Kaevee. Despite their rough meeting and many disagreements, Atris came to care a great deal for the former Padawan. As well as trying to warn her against conceitedness and arrogance, she offered a listening ear and thoughtful counsel whenever Kaevee was troubled.

As a Jedi, Atris believed in a providential will of the Force which guided the destinies of all beings. She abandoned this belief during her exile, considering it to be part of her self-deception, and no longer took it for granted that the Order would—or even should—be reestablished.

Powers and abilities[]

From her early years as a Padawan, Atris pushed herself to excel as a warrior, growing proficient first in the basic Shii-Cho style and then more advanced Ataru; unlike her friend Raytha, she positively enjoyed lightsaber training. Despite eventually forsaking the Jedi Guardian's path in favor of that of the Consular, she continued to hone her skills. After becoming a Jedi Master, she learned Juyo and several other advanced forms, gaining the reputation of a ferocious duelist. Paradoxically, she was known to disdain fighting and was rarely ever seen in combat. As well as the blue-bladed lightsaber she had built as a Padawan, Atris also carried the one surrendered to the Council by Meetra Surik, though the latter weapon saw even less use than the former.

After long years of intensive study and meditation, Atris unlocked many powers wielded by light- and dark-siders alike. She was adept at curato salva as well as more advanced forms of healing, beast control, mind tricks, and revitalization. From Sith holocrons and texts she learned to understand and speak the Old Tongue, to cast lightning, and to conceal or alter her presence in the Force.

The injuries inflicted on Telos by Meetra Surik's lightsaber and draining ability left Atris severely and perhaps permanently weakened, both physically and spiritually. While traveling aboard the Ebon Hawk, she shied away from physical danger and was seldom relied upon for aid in combat. Expending energy in farsight was extremely draining, leaving her exhausted for days afterward. All too cognizant of these weaknesses, Atris spent countless hours in meditation, hoping to heal her connection to the Force and recover at least some of her former strength.

Behind the scenes[]

In brainstorming for what would become the Fate of the Lost Jedi series, the author's earliest focus was determining the main cast of heroes. Atris was one of the first to be decided upon, as the protagonist Kaevee would need an older mentor who was both knowledgeable about the Force and able to provide exposition on the events of Knights of the Old Republic II and earlier.


Notes and references[]

Jedi Order preceded by:
Chronicler of the Jedi Order
21,079 AR21,100 AR
succeeded by:
