These poorly-designed rattletraps look like they were dreamed up by a blind Verpine with a sick sense of humor! I'd give just about anything to work on Aureks again.
—Ato Gerrus, about the stock Sith fighter
Ato Gerrus was the chief starfighter mechanic aboard the Interdictor-class cruiser Wrangler at the time of its defection back to the Galactic Republic in the wake of the skirmish in the Upestis system. Along with Lieutenant Silas Dan'kre and several other techs, he helped to implement Captain Laera Reyolé's plan to turn the vessel's remaining Sith interceptors into remote-controlled flying bombs.
After the capture of Darth Revan Gerrus, along with the rest of Wrangler's crew, returned to service with the Republic Navy. However, per the recommendations of the Jedi Order, he was transferred to another vessel, accepting a promotion and assignment aboard Rear Admiral Kedlis Hetton's flagship, Stalwart Defender. He spent the remainder of the war overseeing the repair and maintenance of the six squadrons of Aurek tactical strikefighters stationed aboard the Centurion-class battlecruiser.