Atha Prime, born Cadmus Spaarti and later known under the codename Shadowspawn, was a Human male warlord born on Alsakan in the year 100 BBY. Atha Prime was the owner of the cloning company Spaarti Creations, which became the largest single source of clones during the Galactic Clone Wars. Atha Prime was one of the architects of this galaxy-spanning war, alongside Senator Decarte Palpatine, planning its initiation in order to make financial gain from the significant number of clones that would be sold during the war. Atha Prime served on both sides of the war, originally cloning soldiers for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but would later sell his facilities over to the Galactic Republic and serve as a Clone Master for them. Atha would serve as a cloning template for a newly developed type of clone soldier, the Artificially Tailored Human Analogue, resulting in his codename of ATHA Prime, which he would formally adopt as his legal name in 32 BBY. Because of his advanced age, Prime created a single perfect clone of himself and transferred his entire mind and consciousness to this clone in 20 BBY.
Atha Prime was one of the most trusted advisors to Palpatine upon his rise to Emperor of the newly formed Galactic Empire, but attempted to betray Palpatine by participating in the Anti-Sith Conspiracy with Grand Moff Tracha. The attempt on Palpatine's life failed and most of the conspirators were executed. However, Palpatine saw potential value in Atha Prime's cloning knowledge that may one day save his rapidly-degenerating body. Because of this, Prime was exiled to the Dark Worlds Holding Facility in Wild Space in 14 BBY, to be guarded over by a large force of Imperial troops and equipment.
Prime spent the next 18 years in the Dark Worlds as a prisoner, but upon the Emperor's death on the Death Star II in 4 ABY Prime succeeded in converting the disillusioned and abandoned soldiers of the Dark Worlds to his cause. With the resources of the Dark Worlds facility at his command, Atha Prime returned to his cloning work, converting much of the Dark Worlds facility to a cloning center to create his biologically enhanced Clone Warriors. During this time he also studied ruins found on the Dark Worlds and discovered arcane Force magicks. Prime took to learning these ancient magicks and became twisted further by the dark side, taking the title Shadowspawn as his new moniker. In 7 ABY Shadowspawn led his forces from the Dark Worlds into a subversive war with the known galaxy, conquering tracts of space that the broken Galactic Empire and fledgling New Republic were unable to defend. Eventually, two years after starting his Second Clone Wars with the rest of the Galaxy, Shadowspawn was killed during the Battle of Mindor, losing his life to the Jedi Luke Skywalker.
Behind the scenes[]
Vagrant Lustoid has always held an interest in cut material in the Star Wars universe and when he decided to make an attempt to portray the Clone Wars in his own way, he decided to try to incorporate the elements of it that had been suggested by EU and previous scripts before the release of Attack of the Clones. To this end he needed a suitable reason for the clones to be the Republic's enemies, and whilst link-chasing in Wookieepedia stumbled across the article for the Clone Warrior. This led to the discovery of Atha Prime and a perfect candidate for someone to initiate the Clone Wars. Since Atha Prime was mostly a blank slate, Vagrant expanded him out to be a main antagonist for the war.