Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic era

Atavus Zaren was the second Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. Born on Corellia during the reign of the Corellian Empire, he enlisted in the Corellian Navy where he eventually rose to the rank of admiral. During his time as an admiral, he participated in the Unification War, frequently fighting against Admiral Jonathan Bac of the Organian Empire. Their battles eventually caused Atavus and Bac to be bitter enemies. However, when Bac presented Atavus and the Corellians with information that proved the Anarchic Brotherhood of Planets had manipulated the two empires during the war, Atavus agreed to fight with Bac in the battle that destroyed the Brotherhood and ended the war.

One year after the war ended, Atavus was one of the signers of the Constitution of the Galactic Republic that officially founded the galactic government. Shortly thereafter, he launched his candidacy to become the first Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, and he ended up running against Bac. After weeks of campaigning amongst newly elected Galactic Senators, the election was held and Bac received more votes, thus resulting in Atavus's concession. After Bac served for four years, Atavus considered running again, although he decided not to due to Bac's popularity in the Republic. Bac served a second term and, because Bac was constitutionally obligated to step aside following the end of the eighth year, Atavus once again ran for Supreme Chancellor. His campaign was successful and he became the second Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

Behind the scenes[]

Although not officially established in the Alternative Star Wars Saga as of yet, Atavus Zaren is meant to be an ancestor of Judah Matthew Zaren, a former role-playing character created by Hunter Manuel on TheStarWarsRP.Com. Because it had been established that the Bac family had a somewhat tense relationship during the Alsakan Crisis role-play, author Brandon Rhea requested Manuel’s permission to create a Zaren character to establish where the rivalry between the Bacs and the Zarens originated. The name “Atavus” was chosen as it is a Latin word for “ancestor”.
