Star Wars Fanon
Assault trooper

An Assault trooper on Tatooine.

Oh, hell no! You'll have to get through us first!
—Unidentified trooper

Assault troopers were elite stormtroopers specialized in full scale invasions of enemy planets and installations. They were trained in many forms of combat and to use various different weapons, and that, combined with their brutality, made them highly effective against Rebel Alliance troops.

One notable assault trooper was AT-5903. He served against the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War, most notably in the Battle of Moorja.


Assault troopers were heavily armed soldiers trained many different combat styles and with a number of weapons. They were known to be stone-cold, and were brutal, making them deadly and feared opponents. They were usually armed with KA-74 heavy assault rifles, KA-102 heavy repeating blasters, and thermal detonators. Some carried KA-96 rocket propelled thermal detonators (RPTDs). Assault Troopers were also known to work alongside incinerator troopers.


Assault troopers were know to have been used as early as 2 BBY, to subjugate planets such as Kashyyyk and Felucia, where there was much dissent. They were also seen fighting on the world of Moorja in 0 BBY, shortly after the Battle of Yavin IV. Assault troopers were later seen part of the Cloud City garrison.

Notable Personnel[]

  • AT-5903 ("Caliber")