Star Wars Fanon
Legacy eraPost-Legacy era

The Assault Commandos were a special operations unit of the Royal Army of the Golden Empire.


The Assault Commandos traced their history to the Raid on Ommol, when Tariun Sakaros infiltrated the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob military depot with a team of twenty special operatives. While some belonged to the Combat Saboteurs and were present for the actual sabotage mission, others were brought along to eliminate high-value targets and ensure a successful retreat for the team; it was from this latter subset that the Assault Commandos evolved. The first cohort of Assault Commandos was formally organized in the final months of the Great Liberation.

Training and service[]

Enlisted soldiers became eligible for acceptance into the Assault Commandos upon achieving the rank of lance corporal or higher, and officers could apply beginning at the rank of lieutenant; this was intended to guarantee that Commandos had prior field experience. It also meant that command was often given at higher ranks than was common in the rest of the Army (e.g., where an Infantry platoon would be commanded by a cornet or junior lieutenant, an Assault Commando platoon would be commanded by a lieutenant or junior captain).

Commando training took an additional year after basic Royal Army training, and included training in emergency medicine, communications, sniping, demolitions and explosive disarmament, and usually additional languages as well. Commandos promoted internally, but could also transfer out of the unit back to normal Royal Army units. The Commandos maintained five entire cohorts of troops, along with a dedicated support staff of normal Royal Army soldiers.

The Nikina Commandos and the Special Environment Division were subsets of the Assault Commandos in the same chain of command.


The Assault Commandos were trained in a number of ground-based missions which required skill beyond that of normal Royal Army soldiers. They received training in demolitions, hostage rescue, abduction and assassination of priority targets, and securing landing sites for followup invasion. Though Commandos were expected to be exemplary soldiers with top-level combat abilities, they were usually used in covert roles, with the Massassi Cohorts utilized for direct assault and shock troop situations.
