Star Wars Fanon
New Republic era

The assassination attempt on Luke Skywalker was the final major attempt made by Jer Varcan in his efforts to keep control over the Galactic Empire and assassinate Luke Skywalker.



Tennel Carr threatened to take control of the Imperial Remnant away from her commander, Jer Varcan, if he did not win a victory over their enemies. Therefore, Varcan targeted Luke Skywalker and followed him to Naboo where he planned on visiting his mother.

The Attempt[]

You killed the emperor! I will kill you!
—Jer Varcan while attacking Luke Skywalker

Varcan had barely landed on Naboo when he came across Luke Skywalker and Padme Amidala near a wooded area outside of Theed. He attacked Skywalker by taking him by surprise. Varcan nearly knocked Skywalker out with a large, thick club. He became so focused on attacking the Jedi Master that he did not even notice that Queen Amidala was still in the area, and that mistake allowed Amidala to pull out a gun and kill Varcan by shooting him in the head.


The death of Varcan left Tennel Carr in command of the Imperial Remnant, which resulted in the further weakening of the dying Galactic Empire.
