Star Wars Fanon

Assajj Ventress was a Sith trained by Count Dooku, Darth Sidious and General Grievous. She was an enemy of Anakin Skywalker and lived after the death of Darth Krayt to fight Anakin's great, great, great grandson, Kayne Skywalker.


Early life (40 BBY-22 BBY)[]

Assajj Ventress was born on the world of Rattatak and first learned lightsaber combat when a Jedi came to the planet. Years later she heard about the power of the dark side and got a chance to learn the ways of the Sith when Count Dooku came to the planet.

Clone wars (22 BBY-19 BBY)[]

The cauldron[]

Ventress: “The dark side surrounds me, for I am Sith.
Dooku: “Ha ha a bold claim...but you are not Sith.
―Assajj Ventress and Count Dooku

Assajj showed her power to Dooku in a coliseum called the cauldron in which she killed all the fighters. She then challenged Dooku but was knocked unconscious by Dooku's force lightning. She then woke up in a bedroom in which her lightsabers were on a table. Dooku then attacked her and she dueled him. During the fight her lightsabers were destroyed but she was given two new ones identical to Dooku's. A hologram of Darth Sidious appeared to them and told her to attack Anakin Skywalker.

First duel with Skywalker[]

Ventress then went into a dogfight with Anakin's starfighter in which the he chased her through the streets of Munnilinst and both of them landing on Yavin 4. After destroying Skywalker's squad of clone troopers and his starfighter she went to fight him. The battle went through the forest, a cave and a cliff. Anakin lost his lightsaber in the battle but grabbed one of her lightsabers and used his anger to make her fall off the cliff then throwing the lightsaber down there and recovering his own. Assajj managed to survive and return to Dooku.

Battle of Teth[]

Assajj took a fortress on Teth which was then invaded by the republic. She was keeping Jabba the Hutt's son Rotta hostage. She then fought Obi wan Kenobi, however, this distracted her while Anakin and his new Padawan Ahsoka Tano rescued Rotta and brought him back to Jabba.

Yoda's challenge[]

If Yoda is indeed the Jedi he says he is, let him prove it. If Master Yoda survives my army, join the republic..but if my droids defeat Yoda, consider an alliance with the separatists.
—Assajj Ventress to King Katuunko.

When the CIS and the republic tried to gain control of Toydaria, Assajj gave Yoda the challenge of surviving her droid army. Yoda managed to do this and the republic gained control of Toydaria.

Escaping the war[]

In one fight with Anakin and Obi wan, Assajj was almost killed. She then used a mind trick on two clone pilots and made them take her away from the war since she wanted to escape from the Jedi, the Sith and the war.

Return to the cauldron 20 BBY-166 ABY[]

Assajj then returned to Rattatak and became the cauldron champion for 16 years. She then went into a meditative state to take over the galaxy when all the Jedi and Sith were destroyed. In 160 ABY she still trained on the cauldron. In 164 ABY she was thinking of coming back to the Sith empire but was confronted at the cauldron by Kayne Skywalker, son of Cade Skywalker and great great great grandson of Anakin Skywalker. After a long battle Kayne stabbed Assajj, ending the Rattataki Sith's life.
