Asmodeus Salvos was former Sith who was redeemed and inducted into the Jedi Order. He was once a member of the Sith Order back in his early years, before he left their Order to join up with the Jensaarai who were a subdivision of the Sith. Later, when the Chessith War came along, Asmodeus sided with the Jedi to help them defeat them and ended up joining their ranks. He had a reputation throughout the galaxy for being known by several monikers including: Great Slayer of Stars, Hero of Ryloth, and his most famous, The Heartless Jedi.
Initiation to the Sith[]
Born on the planet Ryloth, Ar-Tran grew up with 2 sisters and played the big brother to them both to protect them. By age 9, he was already proficient in the lesser forms of hand to hand combat. All Twi'leks should know how to fight, his father believed. His father was serving as a Senator in the Republic (Or so he thought) and his mother was a homemaker. His childhood was filled with lots of happy memories until one day that changed his outlook forever.
One day a war broke out against rival Twi'lek's villages, Ar-Tran's and anothers. They stormed the village and burned most of it to the ground, shots rang out in the night as bomb shells shot out and bounced over the tops of hills to create large fire balls of explosive gunpowder. In the end, Ar-Tran saw his mother and younger sisters murdered before his eyes. Even his father fell to the blade, but this was directly up close and personal. The man that killed his father, spoke to Ar-Tran. He told him he was sorry for having to do it, but he was following orders. These orders would evidentually aide him in becoming a strong fighter. Ar-Tran understood this several years later at age 15, when he entered a fighting contest. You have to win and be strong to survive.
For a while, he did some planet hopping, finding new and exciting adventures to get into and being an overall general mercenary. He took odd jobs to earn credits and become a fairly wealthly man. His entire earnings up until now are about 100,000 credits in savings. He has it set to where he can't touch it until he's age 75. Ar-Tran now at 26 and still a baby in his homeworld's eyes, has returned back to Ryloth and is looking for find a Sith Master. During his journeis he ran into a Sith Master and Jedi Master fighting one another. He knew not their names, nor bothered to ask, but the Sith Master ended up winning the battle and crushed the Jedi. Ar-Tran saw this and managed to get spotted by the Sith, who then told Ar-Tran he was in tune with the Force. He was then told to try and find someone to train him as he does not train students. This is Ar-Tran's goal and to become a Sith Master.
Ar-Tran set his sights on the Sith Order and joined up in their ranks, quickly moving ahead with his training as an Initiate to the Force. After spending some time training, Ar-Tran ran into the newly christened Sith Lady Incarnadine and found himself under her tutelage. For the next 3 years, Ar-Tran trained under her as his knowledge of the Force expanded. During his training, he had the opportunity to see many planets, even his master’s homeworld of Alderaan II. On Ar-Tran’s first mission, he would soon learn what failure in battle would mean. His mission required him to travel to the wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk and journey into the Shadowlands to investigate a creature that had been running rampant on the planet alongside Sith Masters Tritor and Manduir, and also an apprentice like himself Frey Kempka. Needless to say, the group found the beasts and also encountered some Rouge Sith all of whom were at the Warrior level or higher. A battle followed between the group Ar-Tran was with and the Rouge Sith and as if that couldn’t be even worse, a group of Jedi had stumbled across the fight. They didn’t interfere but merely observed what was happening before leaving.
The battle left Ar-Tran scarred as one of the enemies managed to sever his left arm at the elbow. Tritor rushed him to Dantooine where he was picked up by his Master there. The next journey brought them to the planet of Bespin in Cloud City. There, Ar-Tran’s master repaired his arm and helped his establish his reconnection with the Force through the cybernetic. Not long after that, the Sith had decided to resurrect the first Sith’ari Darth Kracken on Kamino who now was resurrected as Dread Lord Dralkyr. The Jedi had showed up to stop them, involving nothing but Grey Jedi Masters there.. Ar-Tran went along on the mission as his master was going and ended up being rushed out of the facility to the Garm where he would recuperate. Once he had recuperated, things had gotten rough for him as he thought that his master had abandoned him by not coming with him when he was left. Little did he know she had been brainwashed.
Ar-Tran had All Sunday drop him off on the planet of Felucia where he spent several months in training without his master and honing his skills with the blade, coming into the level of Sith Warrior on his own. He christened himself Lord Asmodeus, the Sith Warrior of Anguish. He spent some time with the locals, learning the language and brushing up on his saber skills before finding a ship and repairing it to take him back to Coruscant. It was time to confront his master and get some answer. Too bad for him, he didn’t know just how much worse things were gonna get for him.
Joining the Jensaarai[]
The journey back to Coruscant gave Asmodeus a lot to think about until he reached it. His first priority was finding Lady Incarnadine. His prowess over the time he spent training had been useful as he located her in the Academy. However, as he soon came to realize that the Sith and the Rouges had split from each other and she was under some kind of spell placed on them by Lord Charanon, a man Asmodeus had faced in the past with his former Master. He snuck into the Order and confronted her, though being a Sith himself he didn’t really sneak in. Given the past history between himself, Incarnadine, and Charanon, he was positive he wouldn’t be too happy to see him walking the hallways. After a hurtful reunion and later making up with his master, she had a task for him, something that would change the galaxy.
Incarnadine asked Asmodeus to deliver a message to the Rouges warning them of Charanon’s plans to destroy them. Traveling to various planets, Asmodeus searched for the one person Incarnadine and himself both knew could help change this: Dread Sith’ari Apleodie. Going from Lehon to Manaan to Mimban, Asmodeus searched long and hard. His first venture to the Rouge planet had him encountering Sashina and Razael, helping them escape from some huge monster. Both him and Sashina formed a short lived romantic relationship with each other and took a vacation to Mimban from planet Lehon. Unbeknown to either of them, they were tracked by Dread Lord Dralkyr and the exiled Sith’ari Darth Tritor, succeeded by the new Sith’ari Darth Anima.
What followed was a small discussion where Asmodeus told Dralkyr of the plans Incarnadine wanted him to deliver. In so, Asmodeus left Sashina on the planet of Manaan, deeming her not ready for this battle ahead and left with Tritor and Dralkyr for Mimban. The trio landed on the planet and spoke with Apleodie at the Ancient Temple of the plans that were coming along. The Rouges mobilized with Asmodeus joining them in their quest to stop the plan of Charnon’s. During the time before the plan was carried out, Asmodeus was given the rank of Rouge Master by their Order and they set a course for Coruscant.
The war of Coruscant cost many lives in that time, Asmodeus even confronted Anima the Sith’ari and dueled with him to a stand still until he was knocked off the high platform near the top of the Sith Order, leaving him to be dealt with by Apleodie. Both the Dread Sith’ari Apleodie and Dread Lord Dralkyr took on Charanon and helped to break Asmodeus’ former master away from his spell, but they lost the Dread Sith’ari in the battle. Having dealt a major blow to the Sith Order, the Rouges left to form their own Order and ditched the name of Sith Rouge to become the Jensaarai or followers of the truth.
Search for one's self[]
In the next 2 years following the Coruscant War, Asmodeus was in the ranks of Jensaarai, continuing to hone his skills with his lightsaber and expanding his knowledge of the Force. Through writings, old text scrolls, anicent lore, and experiences from Taral Dralkyr, Asmodeus had gained a vast amount of knowledge tucked away from his life with the Dark Side. The Jensaarai had taught the Twi'lek, that even though there is both a light and dark side to the Force, both can be used in harmony with each other and co-exist. How else did the Jedi and Sith survive together for so long? That was the main principle of the Jensaarai, one could be a user of the Dark Side of the Force, but uses it based on the ideals of the Jedi. They are still Sith in their own way, but they have certain morals, honor, and codes they live by that better themselves. It's what separates them from the bloodthirsty pure Sith.
After spending some time with the Jensaarai, Asmodeus rose through the ranks and became a Jens'uir, sitting among Saarai-Kaar Incarnadine and Taral Dralkyr. Through several successful commands of the small army the Jensaarai amounted against the forces of different planets, Asmodeus soon reached the highest achievement in the order, Jens'ari. Now at the pinnacle of his strength, and height of his power, he has been charged with the mission to capture the planets of Raxus Prime and Myrkr.
Needless to say, the conquest turned out exactly how Asmodeus planned: Complete and utter control. The battle for Raxus Prime was a tough one, a rebellion group had claimed the uninhabited planet for their own. They had even taken some of the droids they found over there and reprogrammed them to work in their favor. The battle was intense as Asmodeus and his squad mercilessly slaughtered through the defenses, pulling together everything that they had learned. Myrkr fell in the same way as Asmodeus secured his place in the Jensaarai Order.
It was around this time that Asmodeus was asked to take on the Bounty of Baku Voddher, a person who had been stealing dancers from his planet. Asmodeus took up the offer without hesitation and went back to his home planet to settle this score. It was there he met the lovely Adrasteia, and little did he know that this female Jedi he met would have a profound effect on him. Using her in his plans to capture Baku with the help of Jens’uir Mertens, Asmodeus managed to capture this guy. However, a person from his past had come to haunt him: Shi-aar Ket, a bounty hunter that had chased Asmodeus down when he first landed on Felucia almost 13 years earlier. Seems that when Asmodeus had went with Sashina to the planet of Nar Shaddaa to confront a certain hut about a family crest and killed him, a hit was put out on him. Seeing what had happened in his dealings with Baku, Shi-arr Ket kidnapped Adrasteia and dragged her to the planet of Ord Mantrell where he had requested a showdown with the Twi’lek. Needless to say Asmodeus showed up for the fight, sending Mertens back to the Jensaarai Order with Baku and to inform the Order of what happened.
Tracking the ship to the planet, Asmodeus found himself wondering why he was willing to risk his life for this Jedi? Even though the Jensaarai devoted themselves to the knowledge of the Force, they still didn’t communicate with Jedi or the Sith. They had chosen to seek knowledge on their own without the power hungry obsessions of the Sith or the peace keeping nature of the Jedi. So why risk his life for hers? Maybe he felt that since he promised nothing bad would happen to her that he felt he owed it to her. Then again, maybe it could have been he felt something for her. Landing Ord Mantrell, Asmodeus confronted the Bounty Hunter and engaged in battle with him, finding out that this guy was also masterful in the lightsaber arts. In the end, Asmodeus had to resort to the Electric Judgement to shock the hunter into submission before using both his lightsabers to sever it’s head.
When Asmodeus checked on Adrasteia, she was grateful for his rescue of her and the two started a relationship. For the next few years, Asmodeus and Adrasteia dated a while and kept it secret from both of their factions. Also during this time, Asmodeus had trained the now leader of the Jensaarai due to Apleodie’s death, Saarai Kaar Incarnadine’s son Therron into a Jens’aliit. Now that he had completed his training, for the first time in his life Asmodeus found himself free to do what he wished. He had followed the Jensaarai out of loyalty, but came to question his sides with them until he saw the road Therron was heading down. He tried to pull him back under the Jensaarai and failed to do so. His mind was bombarded with questions as to what his hear truly wanted. With the Chessith War coming up shortly after that, Asmodeus had his eyes opened to a new cause. He knew in his heart that the Jensaarai were not what he wanted to be and left their Order in search of himself. He came to terms with himself 10 years after leaving their Order, having found a new goal to pursue alongside joining the Jedi: The complete understanding of the Force. He devoted himself to studying the Force and found that he truly did not wish to rule the galaxy as he once thought he did. He saw what corruption and power and greed had done to the Sith, forcing their Rouges who were once united with them to split. It disgusted him to feel that he was a part of that.
Following the path of light[]
Shortly after joining the Jedi, Asmodeus found himself being sorta unwelcome by most Jedi in the Order given his Sithly roots. However, he proved himself over time and earned the right to sit on the Council with its members. Needless to say, even on the Jedi Council Asmodeus was still shunned mostly by the Jedi Order. Many even took to calling him the "The Heartless Jedi". His name having been etched into the galactic history book given his preference for still utilizing the Dark Side in combat. Old habits seemed to die hard in this Twi'lek. He has begun focusing on trying to go straight now that he had been away from the Sith for a while. So he uses his knowledge of the Dark Side and the Sith to help the Jedi. Since the destruction of the Jensaarai, Asmodeus has managed to hide a few holocrons from the archives in his room and studies them. These have lead him to many mysterious powers of the Force and expanded his knowledge greatly alongside what he already knew. He even found a way to bring people back from the brink of death through these holocrons.
However, as we all know, no one person can be famously known and not hunted. With him being bestowed the title of "The Heartless Jedi.", Asmodeus found himself hunted by Sith everywhere he went, never being able to truly enjoy a moment of peace. Having been tracked down by the Sith for nearly 10 years after the destruction of the Jensaarai, Asmodeus travelled out to the farthest reaches of space and landed on the planet of Ilum. There he trained his mind and body for a dangerous situation he was about to put himself in. With the help of Ariel, his protocol droid, he managed to construct a biostasis field that would allow him to be preserved for a set amount of time but a malfunction in the system cause him to remain in that state until some 30 odd years later.
Ariel loaded him up on the ship and made a course for Rylothm taking Asmodeus' body and setting him up inside his mansion and left him there until the stasis field would release him in 195 ABY. Upon being released, Asmodeus found that all his knowledge of the Force was still intact as well as his strength. He decided that the first thing he needed to do was get back to the Jedi Academy. Upon returning he was introduced to the new Grand Master Break Hado. This began a strong bond between the two over the next 5 years. After some time, Asmodeus needed to get some time to himself so that he could catch up on what he has missed in the last 30 years. He ended up studying information from the Jedi Archives and also took some time to go exploring on his own and see how the galaxy had changed. Eventually, his ventures brought him to the planet of Myrkr.
However, this trip proved to be eventful. His old apprentice, Therron had tracked him down and the two had out their battle. The battle was long and honorable, devastating in power, and amazing to watch. The two powerhouses were forces to be reckoned with when they collided. Therron had fallen to the Dark Side's tempatation, not taking care to shield against it like he was taught when under the Twi'lek's tutelage. In the end, Asmodeus had to kill his former Apprentice, and took Laith with him upon his death and looking out for her over the next 2 years as he prepared to take her to the Jedi Academy.
With Laith at the Jedi Academy, Asmodeus had received a mission from the Grand Master to go to Naboo and see about the Jedi Knights that were stationed there who were killed. Accompanying him was Jedi Master Morgan. Together the two traveled to Naboo to investigate what had been happening. After having nearly no luck, the two Jedi Masters ran into the advisors to the Queen who took them to Naboo castle. There they received information on what had been happening as of lately. Shortly after that, the castle was attacked by three Sith. Though the two Jedi Masters fought bravely, the Sith managed to escape with the Queen. Seeing as there was nothing else they could do, the two returned back to Coruscant. Upon their return though, Asmodeus found himself an apprentice in Na'daz Sengar, a fellow Twi'lek. Before they could actually get down to training, the Jedi Order went on alert that Commenor was being attacked by the Sith in full force. Asmodeus went to battle, leading the way for the Jedi. The battle over the planet was merciless as they had taken the capitol already and were attempting to get the military outpost as well.
Even though Asmodeus accompanied by Mertens, Na'daz, Drek, and Morgan went sent to stop that attack, they ultimately failed. Asmodeus found himself having to contend with the Sith'ari himself and two other powerful Sith Lords. The battle lasted for some time before the Twi'lek found himself on the ropes and managed to escape due to a flying Juggernaut that crashed into the outpost. Asmodeus, beaten and bruised beyond belief was blown through the skies and landed on the Garm, Laith's ship. She returned him to the Order where upon waking up, Asmodeus learned that Break abandoned the Jedi and he was appointed as the new Grand Master. With this new responsibility, Asmodeus looks to lead the Jedi to new horizons, but first decides to start Na'daz' training by taking him to the planet Tython to begin.