Star Wars Fanon

Tired of Coreward stresses? Need a break from Rimward frustrations? Take a vacation to Astatria, moon of Sanguinium, home of the beautiful and hospitable Askarazel race!
—A travel brochure advertising for the moon of Astatria, where many Askarazels lived

Askarazels were Zeltrons of Ethereal descent, originally brought to the Ethereal Demesnes by the Celestials of the Ethereal Family around the same time as a number of others, such as the Twi'lek Ventorrans and Ilarzelans. The Askarazels were placed primarily on Sanguinium, a world where they fit in well with the extant Sanguinian society of Ethereal Humans. Here, through the direct modifications done to them and as a result of millennia of living in the Demesnes, the Askarazels came to diverge with their cousins elsewhere in the galaxy in several key ways, aside from mere differences of hair or skin coloration; the Askarazels' natural telepathic and pheromonic abilities developed further, their lifespans lengthened, and they became more intelligent and stronger-connected to the Force. In time, the Askarazels came to be the primary colonists and, from then on, long-term inhabitants of Sanguinium's most hospitable moon, Astatria, which became almost like a new homeworld for them. Here, they established a reputation as a sort of vacation resort, retirement home and the like, second only perhaps to their race's original homeworld, Zeltros.
