Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Those kriffing Jedi scum have no right to occupy the Sith Worlds. This oppressive police state will fall, and the rightful New Sith Empire will rise in its place.
—Unnamed member of the Sith Revolutionists, a radical Sith organization in Protectorate Space

The Ashla Protectorate was a Jedi protectorate in Sith Space prior to the New Sith Wars. It was formed at the end of the Jedi Conquest by the Treaty of Korriz and saw Jedi take control of the former Sith Empire. The Jedi expansion into the area was designed to secure the Sith Sacred Worlds under Jedi control to prevent the rise of another Sith Empire.

Prior to the outbreak of the New Sith Wars, protests were held against the Advisory Council and the Jedi Inquisition viewing them as an occupying force. Reports of use of excessive force and violations of the Alderaan Convention used by Jedi forces against protestors in the Protectorate went unnoticed by the Jedi High Council and the Republic Senate on Coruscant.
