Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

When my master had died, as suddenly and unexpectedly as he did, I knew what I had to do. I knew his demise would mean war.
—Gargan the Great

Asadu Ifawa was a Tyrrhan political leader and a member of the Order of Gargan during the closing years of the Gargan Dark Age. As Proctor of the Tower of Foreign Affairs, he presided over much of the Empire's foreign diplomacy. In 220 BBY, Ifawa was sent with a diplomatic envoy to talk House Beshan out of seceding from Gargan's Empire. When that failed, he was poisoned on the orders of Varkhan Semric Beshan. When he died, the Beshans captured his apprentice Irsan Gharsan, who went to the Beshan capital planet of Almadore to investigate. His extermination of the Beshan line directly caused the Golden War.
